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greenknight4 Sponsoring Member of TMP21 Nov 2024 8:58 a.m. PST

As some of you may have seen in the news section last week I am working on DoB5.

Here is a little insight.



Day of Battle Fifth Edition is now played on a squared table top. No rulers needed. The size of the square (zone) should be a little larger that the standard unit size of the players army. I base my 28mm units on bases 120mm wide and 30mm to 80mm deep depending on the troop type being represented. I use a 6″ x 6″ zone.


Play is done one Battle Line (Battle) at a time. When all the Battles on a side have finished play then either goes to the other side or returns to the start of the game turn.

Each side has their own card deck, made up of a full 54 deck of playing cards plus the jokers.

To activate a unit the player draws a playing card and places it at the rear of the unit. The card values are as follows.

The Ace – 1 fail.
Numbered 2-10 – actual value of the card.
Face – 10.
Joker – actual value needed.

Units can be activated up to three times per turn. Each activation card must be greater than the last played on it.

The first activation must be a "2" or greater"

Upon a failure the Battle's turn is over.


You can read the entire "what's New" on this page on my website as well as see four videos on an actual game.



If you would like a prepress copy send me a note via my contact page.




Lester21 Nov 2024 11:43 a.m. PST

five editions?

greenknight4 Sponsoring Member of TMP21 Nov 2024 6:15 p.m. PST

Yes but not as many as WRG or a lot of others :) Each has evolved with the times.

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