A couple of things on my mind:
Pike length:
Yellow brigade were veterans? Did they cut their pikes down to size during the campaign?
Whilst standing around or moving then the drummers ought be out front. They'd move to the sides of the pike block during the fighting.
Pike captains.
The pike company captains might have had half-pikes rather than spontoons.
Formation whilst moving/under artillery attack:
They'd be six ranks deep with the Captains out front. They'd be six foot between ranks and maybe the same between files (need space for pikes).
Fighting Formation:
They'd probably double their files ending up three ranks deep with three feet between ranks and files. (Like musketeers doing salvo.)
NB The spacings and doublings mean that the overall frontage would remain constant, whilst the depth would change.
eg 6ft spacings (36 x 12 yards): 216 pikes = files x36 @ 6' = 216' = 36 yds, ranks x6 @6' = 36' = 12 yds. Add on actual man depth and width
eg 3ft spacings (36 x 3 yards): 216 pikes = files x72 @ 3' = 216' = 36 yds, ranks x3 @3' = 9' = 3 yds. Add on actual man depth and width
So for a brigade you'd have pikes (216) x 3 @ 36 yds = 108 yds and muskets (192) x 2 @ 32 yds = 64 yds, total frontage: 172 yds. Add on for spacings between corporalships, blocks. I'd allow 200 metres.