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"Comparing Khurasan Medievals to other 15mm Medievals" Topic

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582 hits since 14 Nov 2024
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Personal logo Yellow Admiral Supporting Member of TMP14 Nov 2024 3:17 p.m. PST

I pulled my old 15mm Late Medieval collection (100YW, WotR, Burgundian wars) to get them ready to play with again, and discovered I have an involuntary basing project. Superglue gets old too, and my old bases are just falling apart.

I decided that as long as I'm rebasing, I should add some units, paint up some extra command stands, and add some variety of poses and equipment within units. I have a lot more manufacturers to choose from now, and a lot of fantastic personality figures available.

Most of my old knights are Essex, and my foot are mostly a mixture of Essex and Soldiers & Swords. The S&S minis were on the small side of 15mm, and I'm sure I can't match them, but they're also nice and I have a lot of them. I'd prefer not to get miniatures that are too big to go next to them, so I'm going to avoid "large 15s" and "18mm" and so on. I'm avoiding Blue Moon, and probably Old Glory 15s.

I already got some Feudal castings (now back in production, and sold by Scale Creep), and I'm piecing together a Peter Pig order. Both of those ranges are less bulky

Khurasan has a lot of figures I'd like to get (especially unique command figures), but I don't have any, and I'm failing to find any pictures of the Medievals to see how they compare to Essex or Peter Pig. I'm having the same problem with Donnington and Mirliton. Looking for advice, and/or pictures.

I'm also looking for other suggestions. Did I forget a manufacturer?

- Ix

The Last Conformist16 Nov 2024 12:53 p.m. PST

I believe the Khurasan ones are very tall, much bigger than Essex let alone Peter Pig.

79thPA Supporting Member of TMP17 Nov 2024 12:19 p.m. PST

My only experience with Khurasan is zombies, and they are bigger than my other zombies. They would tower over all of the PP figs I have seen

DFLange Supporting Member of TMP18 Nov 2024 9:39 a.m. PST

Khurasan figures are definitely larger than traditional 15mm like Essex. More like 18mm. They are nice figures and if you do not mind a large command figure mounted on its own base they could be used for command figures. But I would not mix them with Essex figures on the same base. Lines like Peter Pig or Minifigs are more compatible with Essex.

Swampster18 Nov 2024 11:22 a.m. PST

An awkward thing with Khurasan is that there is quite a bit of variation across the ranges. It isn't even possible to say that the size has changed with time – the fairly recent Song Chinese are quite compatible in size with most other 15mm ranges but many of the Medieval figures are very big – especially the horses. OTOH, I have a handful of the Henry VIII range and they are actually quite small.

I have a few comparison shots on my blog.
Only one or two with Khurasan, and that is one of the old range of Early Swiss which have been supplanted. I do have some Donnington and Mirliton comparisons with each other and e.g. Feudal Castings and Essex.

For the 13th century ranges from Donnington, Mirliton and FC, I think they mix pretty well though the Mirliton horses can be bigger and are a different style.
The mid-15th century Mirliton riders and infantry tend to be a bit smaller than the 13th and late 15th century ranges, but not massively so and it means that they would work better with PP. However, I don't have any PP WotR figures – only Vikings – so I can't be sure.
The style of the Mirliton and Donnington late Medievals is rather different to each other and while I mix them in the same army I wouldn't base them together. It also helps if they are different types – my French knights are Mirliton but the mounted archers are Donnington, so the style doesn't stand out as much.

Personal logo Yellow Admiral Supporting Member of TMP21 Dec 2024 8:59 a.m. PST

Followup after a few orders:

The Peter Pig WotR figures are even smaller than other PP miniatures. If I were starting over, they wouldn't be my first choice, but in this case I'm very happy with them. They will mix into my S&S figures really well.

The Feudal Castings are a good match for Essex in size, and will go well enough in sculpting style.

I placed a test order of Khurasan command figures, which can be individually based, so don't have to mix. As predicted above, I was right to be cautious, they are big compared to the other figures I've got. Many of the standing figures might be roughly size-compatible to mix with Essex (and Feudal Castings), but the horses are big, and just look like a different scale. For a command figure on a separate base, probably not a big deal. I should also note that the Khurasan 15th C Medievals are larger than the Khurasan 14th C Medievals.

I also have a QRF order on the way, which is taking a long time to get here. I have a lot of horse & musket (and horse & rifle) era Freikorps figures, which tend to be on the smaller side of 15mm. I'm hoping the Medievals are similar.

- Ix

Joe Legan24 Dec 2024 11:33 a.m. PST

Thanks for the update as I am looking for some figures for the new SAGA book.

Personal logo Yellow Admiral Supporting Member of TMP02 Jan 2025 1:15 p.m. PST

The QRF order finally arrived, and the old Freikorps Medievals are surprisingly large. They are too tall to go with my Essex, Feudal Castings, or Peter Pigs, and make the old S&S minis look like a different species. Size-wise I' think they'd mix with the Khurasans and other large 15/18mm figures, though the QRF Medievals are a bit disproportionate (incl. oversized heads/hands on weedy bodies). This was unexpected. All the Freikorps miniatures I've acquired in the past (18th and 19th C.) are bog-standard 15mm size, which is running a bit small in the modern era of oversized 15s and proliferating 18s.

Also, an update on the Peter Pig Medievals: I noticed that a lot of the personality figures are extremely undersized, the older figures seem somewhat on the smaller side of 15mm (these days), and the newer resculpts are perfectly Essex/FC sized. There seems to be some variation by sculptor and/or generation among the PP WotR figures.

- Ix

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