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"Do You Have A Letter?" Topic

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Personal logo etotheipi Sponsoring Member of TMP11 Nov 2024 3:52 a.m. PST

A varsity letter, that is.

If you don't know what that is, feel free to guess without looking it up or reading responses. Or spend many hours researaching it, the pretend you are guessing … this is the Internet, after all.

I have one, but I think they liberally interpreted the time requirement since we moved a couple of times, so I went to three schools.

Louis XIV Supporting Member of TMP11 Nov 2024 3:59 a.m. PST

From High School yes. Never spent money for a jacket

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP11 Nov 2024 4:11 a.m. PST

Odd question on TMP.

But yes and the jacket. 🏈

PzGeneral11 Nov 2024 4:19 a.m. PST

No. I liked sports, but my Father was completely uninterested in everything sports related so anything I tried to do I was on my own. Where and when I attended school the Coaches were all about playing the same students in every sport all the time. I know some people are natural athletes but c'mon…the same 11 guys played BOTH offense AND defense on the football team, and made up your Baseball, Basketball and Wrestling teams while 20+ stood on the sidelines…?

So I started playing Wargames…and the rest is history…


Martin Rapier11 Nov 2024 4:19 a.m. PST

No. I went to University in the UK and worked at two of them, but we do have Varsity competitions.

bobspruster Supporting Member of TMP11 Nov 2024 4:35 a.m. PST

In high school they didn't give letters for cutting classes. Went to college nights while working fulltime and starting a family. Almost tried out for football in middle school, but was put off by the paperwork.

Personal logo Parzival Supporting Member of TMP11 Nov 2024 5:08 a.m. PST

No. In northern Alabama in the ‘80s there were only two school sports: Football and Basketball. I was 5'6" and 135 lbs. You do the math.

My sports were soccer (municipal youth league, 3 time champions), archery, sailing and snow-skiing.

Fitzovich Supporting Member of TMP11 Nov 2024 5:23 a.m. PST

Yes, I had 3 High School letters for Football and Track.

myxemail11 Nov 2024 5:28 a.m. PST

No. I wasn't interested. Though both of my younger brothers do

Choctaw11 Nov 2024 6:29 a.m. PST

No. I blew my knee out my freshman year in football. After that I decided hunting and ranching suited me better.

Frederick Supporting Member of TMP11 Nov 2024 7:12 a.m. PST

Nope – played football badly in high school and soccer (i.e. proper football) a little in university, but not what would qualify as varsity

Personal logo StoneMtnMinis Supporting Member of TMP11 Nov 2024 7:32 a.m. PST

Yes, I got a letter……………….from the Draft Board.

And Yes, I still have it.


nnascati Supporting Member of TMP11 Nov 2024 8:20 a.m. PST

Yes, for fencing. Only a JV letter though, I got screwed out of the Varsity letter because the new coach didn't know I was a senior!

Hal Thinglum Supporting Member of TMP11 Nov 2024 9:01 a.m. PST

Yes, for baseball. Never got the jacket.

Deucey Supporting Member of TMP11 Nov 2024 9:07 a.m. PST


Let's just leave it at that.

cavcrazy11 Nov 2024 9:16 a.m. PST

Yes, wrestling and football…I still keep in touch with the girl who has my jacket….after almost 40 years she still has it.

Red Jacket Supporting Member of TMP11 Nov 2024 9:24 a.m. PST

Yes, high school letter for track & field (shot put and discuss).

Personal logo The Virtual Armchair General Sponsoring Member of TMP11 Nov 2024 10:45 a.m. PST

I tried for one, but only when it was too late I discovered there was no letter for "Lunch."


KevinV11 Nov 2024 11:13 a.m. PST

Track and Field.

Lou from BSM11 Nov 2024 12:38 p.m. PST

Yes, for Baseball. The jacket was claimed by an old girlfriend and after graduation, we went our separate ways and I never saw the jacket again. It wouldn't fit now anyway… lol

Personal logo McKinstry Supporting Member of TMP Fezian11 Nov 2024 2:10 p.m. PST

Had. No idea what happened to it over the years as post-high school, it didn't seem like much.

pmwalt11 Nov 2024 5:24 p.m. PST

Yes … HS and college

Personal logo The Nigerian Lead Minister Supporting Member of TMP11 Nov 2024 7:34 p.m. PST

Yes, along with the jacket. Still have it, I'm 57 and it still fits!

Tacitus11 Nov 2024 8:41 p.m. PST

Yes, still have the jacket that I can't even get on let alone fit.

HMS Exeter12 Nov 2024 1:46 a.m. PST

I was eligible for a JV HS letter in chess, but the league folded suddenly, and that was that. I was bottom board on our team. I went 5/0. No one was more surprised than I.

Personal logo Old Contemptible Supporting Member of TMP12 Nov 2024 3:01 a.m. PST

Two in High School.

Alakamassa12 Nov 2024 5:07 a.m. PST


skedaddle Supporting Member of TMP12 Nov 2024 6:19 a.m. PST

For High School, yes – Soccer and Marching band

Oberlindes Sol LIC Supporting Member of TMP12 Nov 2024 11:21 a.m. PST


I was a fencer at a Quaker college.

smithsco12 Nov 2024 6:20 p.m. PST

My school gave letters for anything competitive. So I lettered in Competitive One Act Theater, Speech, and Debate. I'm a nerd through and through. Still wonder how I got my wife to marry me.

Sergeant Paper13 Nov 2024 7:38 a.m. PST

HS swimming.

Dn Jackson Supporting Member of TMP13 Nov 2024 10:58 p.m. PST

High school – for being on the rifle team. Never bought a jacket.

Borderguy19017 Nov 2024 8:33 p.m. PST

Yep. 4x wrestling, have the jacket. Both my kids lettered more than I did. 4x soccer for the boy, 2x track. The girl was 3x soccer, 4x band. Both have jackets.

bobm195918 Nov 2024 3:59 a.m. PST

I'm English…I have no idea what any of you are talking about….

Mark J Wilson18 Nov 2024 8:52 a.m. PST

@bobm1959 it's a bit like getting your blue, recognition of representing your [insert institution] at sport.

Personal logo etotheipi Sponsoring Member of TMP18 Nov 2024 12:36 p.m. PST

Mark J Wilson is dead on, but I will expound, since bobm 1959 is the first person to express not knowing (though one other UK resident did).

While there is a lot of variability in different locations, the "varsity letter" is traditionally the initial for your secondary school or university's location or name sponsor (so B for Belpre, Ohio or M for Saint Mark's Academy, etc.). Being awarded it recognizes completion of a minimum tour (uaully one year) on a varsity-level sporting team. It is worn on a varsity jacket in your school colours.

Nowadays primary and middle schools have them. What counts as a sport is a broader defintion than back in the day, and most places award varsity status for other activities with the same type of commitment level. Junior varsity, and even club teams may also have a "school letter" to be worn on a letterman jacket, usually with a visusal distinction.

While its origin is in North America, it is farily prevalent around the world nowadays. In some places it is now treated as more of a fashion statement than a status achievement.

As far as asking this question on TMP … it is in the Utter Drivel board. It think it fits into the category of what not wargaming stuff do wargamers do.

Unless anyone got a letter in wargaming ..?

jefritrout21 Nov 2024 6:12 a.m. PST

I earned letters both middle school and high School for Cross Country running, and ran Cross Country in College as well but the school didn't do letters as far as I know. I also played on the Tennis team in middle school and the volleyball team in high school. Never got the jacket though. When I moved recently, I found the middle school letter, but not the high school one though I did find the patch for winning the state regional tournament.

The biggest draws for tennis and volleyball were that both sports were co-ed. As the third best tennis player in school, I played mixed doubles.

Personal logo miniMo Supporting Member of TMP21 Nov 2024 1:49 p.m. PST

I bought an O from Lefty once:
YouTube link

Personal logo etotheipi Sponsoring Member of TMP21 Nov 2024 2:19 p.m. PST

Is it good or bad that I knew exactly what that link was going to show?

The H Man26 Nov 2024 4:39 p.m. PST

Clickbait gave me the blues.

Mark J Wilson29 Nov 2024 3:30 a.m. PST

Ronnie Barker tried to buy some O's and some p's once YouTube link

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP29 Nov 2024 6:20 p.m. PST

To get a letter in football, you had to play so many quarters in a year. That would normally require you were a starter or a heavily used back up.

The H Man29 Nov 2024 9:55 p.m. PST

Isn't that called a mistress?

Uesugi Kenshin Supporting Member of TMP29 Nov 2024 11:06 p.m. PST

I ran Varsity Track but the coaches were too lazy to do the Letterman thing.

The H Man01 Dec 2024 3:25 p.m. PST

Cue the studio band.

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