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Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP05 Nov 2024 3:29 p.m. PST

"This week we have been learning a new set of rules slated for our next campaign – the Three Ages of Rome. As the name suggests the focus is on Republican, Imperial and Late Romans plus their enemies. The book runs to 160 pages – the rules are about a third of the book with the rest giving some historical intros, some basic wargames concepts and finally some lists and scenarios. Its basing agnostic but recommends 120mm frontage for 20/25mm and 80mm frontage for 6/10/15mm…"





Cirencester Wargames



0101skl03 Dec 2024 2:47 p.m. PST

I have tried these rules in a couple of battles but my impression of them has not improved with experience.

A report on a first try out with the rules is here : link

An extended battle report and reflections on the rules can be found here : link

Keef4405 Dec 2024 9:01 a.m. PST

@ 0101skl: Thanks for the links. I agree with your conclusions, but continue to persist with the rules due to their simple and easy-to-learn nature. Adjusting them to one's liking is a pretty simple process.

Keith Flint.

0101skl05 Dec 2024 12:55 p.m. PST

@Keef44 : I very much agree with you on the simple and easy to learn nature of the rules – and think that the army lists are again a simple way to get into a lot of interesting match ups. You are probably right about the simplicity of modifying the rules. I may go back to them but for the moment am occupied with other projects.

Keef4408 Dec 2024 9:02 a.m. PST

Very understandable. Spending time fixing other people's rules isn't everyone's favourite type of wargaming! There are always other projects to enjoy.

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