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"Situating the Herero Genocide and the..." Topic

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP03 Nov 2024 3:43 p.m. PST


Of possible interest?

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Decebalus04 Nov 2024 2:47 a.m. PST

Ok, this is a summation of a discussion in Germany. It is driven by historians who are inspired by post-colonial theory.

I cant discuss all arguments against the hypothesis, that the genocide against the Hereros is linked to the Holocaust. The most important IMO are:

1) The mass murder of the Hereros happened after the battle at the Waterberg by famine. The article tells the story of the Vernichtungsbefehl by Trotha. For the genocide the concentration camps werent as important. And the concentration camps were more connected to colonial concentration camps of other colobial powers, like the camps of the british in the Boer War. They were used to win a war, not to exterminate.

2) The mass murder of the Hereros was very controversial in the public of imperial Germany. After a debate in the german parliament Trotha had to leave his position. Even if supported by Schlieffen Trothas racist actions were more or less his own decisions.

3) The Holocaust in his evilness is defined by his absolute irrational nature in a modern rational society and state. Yes, the nationalsocialists believed that killing the jews would help win the war. But this was far from reality, only based in a pathological antisemitism. It may sound cynical, but Trotha and also the Generalgouverneur Leutwein, who was against Trothas policy, first of all tried to win a war.

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP04 Nov 2024 2:47 p.m. PST



Personal logo foxbat Supporting Member of TMP07 Nov 2024 11:43 a.m. PST

Sorry. Very low interest, history at its most ideologically biased worst.
Author seems very prejudiced, which is her absolute right, but her "findings " reflect more her opinions than historical facts IMO.


Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP07 Nov 2024 2:38 p.m. PST



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