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"Just Wars, Unjust Wars, and Everything In Between" Topic

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140 hits since 14 Oct 2024
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP14 Oct 2024 4:53 p.m. PST

"When I teach officers at the Canadian Forces College, I sometimes ask them: Under what circumstances would you pull the trigger? Almost all of their replies turn out to be in line with what has developed over the centuries as the "Just War Criteria." These include just cause, right intent, legitimate authority, last resort, net benefit, proportionality and right conduct.

Though there are no absolute pacifists among the students—pacifists assert that no war is just and that there can never be any excuse to use force. In a sense, I admire this highly principled approach; if the whole world consisted of absolute pacifists, there could not be a war. But the world is not like that and, along with many other people, I believe that sometimes force is needed to constrain force…"

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