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"North Korean troops sent to fight Ukraine" Topic

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Cuprum2 Supporting Member of TMP18 Oct 2024 5:17 a.m. PST

Hmm… A video has surfaced that allegedly shows Korean soldiers at a Russian military training ground in Siberia:


Maybe… Although this video is not reliable.

Cuprum2 Supporting Member of TMP18 Oct 2024 4:57 p.m. PST

Well then. Now we can say for sure that Korean soldiers are present in Russia.
It remains to determine their status. These are probably volunteers? ;-)


Nine pound round18 Oct 2024 5:52 p.m. PST

That's a good guess, because of course, North Korea is a loosely governed country of liberal outlook, where individual will has a wide scope for personal decisionmaking, and little, if anything, is compulsory.

I would have described them as "volunteers," though, but that's just me.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP18 Oct 2024 8:16 p.m. PST

Report I had heard was that 11,000 NORKs were heading for or are in the process of getting to Russia and onto the battlefield in Ukraine. Reports are some of the NORKs are deserting …

I wouldn't call NORKs volunteers, as in a dictatorship many have to serve in the military. The NORKs are supposed to be pretty well indoctrinated. They frequently sent "commandos" to attack targets in the South. When I was in the ROK for 22 months, '84-'85. They all AFAIK were killed or blew themselves up. So as not to get captured. Our S2 showed us the photos.

I don't think the NORKs will be very good troops. Probably similar to the Russians. They will make good fodder, for Putin's war.

Russia's alliance with North Korea is largely a response to South Korea's unfriendly actions.
Hmmm … the North are doing the "unfriendly actions" … The South only responses sometimes. But nowhere as aggressive as Un and his minions …

And as I said before, Un knows he may get the first shot. Then it will be game over. During the war, '50-'53, the US bombed, etc. almost all the structures, etc. standing in the North. It became a moonscape at some locations. The US knew how to "carpet" bomb targets as WWII was only 5 years before. IIRC, the US was using B-29s, just like during WWII.

Today the US/ROK has the assets to do it again. If need be …

Un likes being king, so he like to talk a lot of smack. To show his people he is still a strong man. The ones that are not starving or in a gulag. And they still hate the US for the devastation that happened to North during the Korean War. They are indoctrinated at a very young age. And it continues throughout their lives.

Regardless Un wants to survive, he like his place in life. So he probably will not do anything really that aggressive. And if he survives a war, he will certainly be up for crimes against humanity. For the way he treats many of his own people …

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP19 Oct 2024 6:02 a.m. PST

If I was a NK and I managed to get out of NK, I'd look for the first opportunity to desert and head out. But then again, I have no doubt their families are being held in NK. So I would not count on them deserting.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP20 Oct 2024 9:27 a.m. PST

And if the number is 11,000 NORKS sent in support of Putin's war. Will that actually make a difference in long or short run ? Based on how Russia is using troops, which is marginal at best, how long will they last ? Plus yes, how many will desert. Again, North Korea is no paradise for many who live there under Un's dictatorship …

Or under his father when I was in the ROK, '84-'85 …

wardog20 Oct 2024 11:48 a.m. PST

will there be russian barrier troops lined up behind them to shoot them should they retreat ,or will un provide his own barrier troops
how wil the norks react when they find out the russians are shooting them ?

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP21 Oct 2024 12:20 p.m. PST

I don't think the Russians or even the NORKs will be shooting at them. Many will die in the assaults like the Russian troops do. Some will escape/desert. Many may not want to go back to Un's paradise. But again, many will die and never see their home in the North again.

I just don't see all these NORKs changing things much … Just more dead.

soledad24 Oct 2024 10:07 a.m. PST

it is being reported that North Korean troops are now in active combat. I guess it is best to wait a few hours for confiirmation.

my guess is that they will perform quite well compared to russian troops. I dont think they will desert en masse. They are most likely "top notch" NK troops being told they fight the great satan, the US.

having been subject to brain washing since birth they believe it and want to honor their country and leader by fighting hard.

I do not think we should under estimate them. their learning curve will be steep, losses also in the beginning. But quite soon I think they will be a dangerous foe.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP24 Oct 2024 12:07 p.m. PST

Well after weeks, our government today finally confirmed there are 3000 NK in Russia. We can probably wait additional weeks for confirmation that they are on the fields of Ukraine. 🙄

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP24 Oct 2024 12:22 p.m. PST

my guess is that they will perform quite well compared to russian troops.
They probably couldn't do much worse.
I dont think they will desert en masse.

Not en masse but still in some numbers.
They are most likely "top notch" NK troops being told they fight the great satan, the US.
Well I'm guessing based on my past experiences in the ROK albeit that was a long time ago. old fart I could be wrong, but I think Un is holding his best troops back home to defend against the ROK/US/UN(?) forces.

having been subject to brain washing since birth they believe it and want to honor their country and leader by fighting hard.
Yes, I know with the training in the 2ID we underwent when I was in the ROK, '84-'85. They were supposed to be very well indoctrinated. We'd see them sometimes here and there when was on the DMZ in '84 and '85.

I do not think we should under estimate them.
No but they have not seen combat since the '60s.
their learning curve will be steep, losses also in the beginning.
Most likely …
But quite soon I think they will be a dangerous foe.
I don't know if they will be the "breakout force"/the fire brigade, etc. and penetrate the Ukraine's forces lines, etc. Again, based on my past with the 2ID/DMZ. old fart

But even so would they have the full support of the Russian Forces on their flanks, etc. ? E.g. I remember something similar that could happen as did with some US Forces in WWI during the Meuse-Argonne offensive, 1918.

Where elements of the 77th US INF Div were cut off and surrounded. As the units on their flanks were hit hard by German attacks. Forcing the units covering the flanks of the 77th to withdraw. Leaving some elements of 4 US Infantry Companies cutoff and surrounded for about a week.

soledad24 Oct 2024 12:23 p.m. PST

no problem. we dont drag our feet. I have great respect for US and US habe contributed greatly to Ukraine but very reluctantly and after much kicking and screaming. US showered the Afghan and Iraqi government with money amd equipment but against Russia, not so much.

The response will be quite impotent…

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP24 Oct 2024 1:03 p.m. PST

No harm no foul … And yes I have said repeatedly that the USA's top leadership were very slow giving Ukraine what they needed, and, in the numbers, they required to stop Putin's offensive. From very early on. A predilection which again, is the result of the current US leadership's "MO" especially militarily/geopolitically.

I could be completely wrong, but Un made this move based again on the USA's leadership being "risk adverse and fearing escalation". Which seems to be SOP. If Un thought otherwise, he would not have sent any troops into Putin's meatgrinder.

Un's priority is Un, just like his daddy's when I was there a few decades back. Un is currently saber rattling in Korea as he frequently does. This move may also be to demonstrate what a strong leader he is and how great his forces are. Being sent to help another great allied leader out. In this fight against the imperialist West.

His people who are not starving or in gulags will not be told of the high losses the NORKs suffered. Many never coming home. Like in Orwell's 1984. The history of this will be rewritten … in Un's favor.

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP24 Oct 2024 10:19 p.m. PST

Russia Ratifies Military Pact with North Korea


US should consider ‘direct military action' if North Korean troops enter Ukraine



soledad25 Oct 2024 1:40 a.m. PST

A game of words. "Invades Ukraines souvereign territory ". But if the NK:s only fight in Kursk? Which is russian territory. But that frees russian troops to fight in Ukraine proper.

I think "the west" will huff and puff and issue strong warnings and condemning statements but not much more. Giving "weapons free " ? Nope.

Why did the US stop Sweden from giving Gripen fighters to Ukraine? Maybe Because Swedish weapons come with no restrictions. None. "These weapons are now Ukraine property, use them as you wish. Let the weapons live their best lives ".

US cannot allow Ukraine to take the fight to Russia. The US cannot allow Russia to lose. Why? Because what will happen to the nukes? Nope wont take that risk. So, support Ukraine but most important, Russia must not lose.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP25 Oct 2024 4:56 a.m. PST

Looks like I was correct. Otherwise there would be NK's running everywhere.

"The country uses a rigid system and family hostages to ensure loyalty."

Subject: North Korea knows its troops could desert in Ukraine. It has chilling ways to keep them in line.


79thPA Supporting Member of TMP25 Oct 2024 6:30 a.m. PST

Behind a paywall, 35th.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP25 Oct 2024 7:00 a.m. PST

Interesting, it was yahoo news. Ahh but the story is from business insiders

SBminisguy25 Oct 2024 10:15 a.m. PST


US showered the Afghan and Iraqi government with money amd equipment but against Russia, not so much.

Yep, only a QUARTER TRILLION $$$ spent on Ukraine so far -- slacker Yanks!

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP25 Oct 2024 11:20 a.m. PST

SB!!! First the Ukraine, then Central Europe, Western Europe, England, Ireland, Greenland, Iceland, Canada and THEN THE US!! My God man! They might as well be in Mexico already!! 😉

SB We get the blame when we do and the blame when we don't. 😉

Of course we left it up to Europe to control things back in 1914 and the 1930's and where did that get us? 🤔

I'm leaving out the 7 Years War and the Napoleonic War… or am I?

If the Europeans could just learn to get along. 😇

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP25 Oct 2024 4:36 p.m. PST

An injection of 10,000 North Korean troops, which is what both Ukrainian and South Korean intelligence have claimed, "could significantly destabilize Ukraine's defense there and greatly accelerate the advancement of Russian forces,"

Ukraine is wearing down the Russian army as we talk. You don't get thousands of soldiers from North Korea if your war is going well," said Justin Crump, a former British tank commander


SBminisguy28 Oct 2024 9:57 a.m. PST

So when I posted this topic, here's the progression of push back.

Topic of concern: Hey, it's being reported that North Korean troops are being sent to fight in Ukraine

1. Pish-paw, just a handful of observers!

2. OK, looks like *maybe* some troops, but hardly any

3. Ok, ok … maybe it's like 3,000 troops, but they will probs just desert and stuff when they get there

4. Ok, ok, ok … maybe it's as many as 10,000 North Korean troops fighting for Russia in the Ukraine War…that just shows you how desperate the Russians are, isn't that a positive thing??

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP28 Oct 2024 6:32 p.m. PST

Yes, it is clear Putin's losses are excessive to be sure. Or he wouldn't have had to have the NORK bodies to throw into the meatgrinder.

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian29 Oct 2024 6:10 a.m. PST

Pentagon confirms 10K North Koreans training in Russia.

Military: link

Will they have NK equipment? Russian equipment? Any equipment?

79thPA Supporting Member of TMP29 Oct 2024 8:53 a.m. PST

Apparently that is creating a lot of confusion, at least as far as intercepted communications go.


SBminisguy29 Oct 2024 1:54 p.m. PST

Will they have NK equipment? Russian equipment? Any equipment?

I imagine they'll come with a pack of personal gear, AK47, etc. If they are lucky they got issued cold weather gear. Everything else will probably have to come from Russia, who will likely feed them into an attack as a human cannon fodder wave before they commit Russian troops.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP29 Oct 2024 7:28 p.m. PST

They will be carrying a lot of Russian and/or Chicom weapons and equipment. At least in design …

I have heard a report that the NORKs are in actual combat in large numbers. I await more intel. I know the US will be interested in how they perform.

79thPA Supporting Member of TMP31 Oct 2024 4:14 p.m. PST

News reports Russian uniforms and weapons.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP01 Nov 2024 11:15 a.m. PST

That sounds about right. As they are basically fighting for the Russians…

8000 NORKs in Russia on the border of Ukraine. Expected in combat soon …


Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP02 Nov 2024 11:43 a.m. PST

NOT SO ELITE Ukraine has ALREADY wiped out 40 ‘elite' North Korean soldiers in invaded Kursk – days after they joined Putin's forces



Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP02 Nov 2024 6:42 p.m. PST

Good shoot'n boys !!! Up the body count !

Nine pound round03 Nov 2024 3:14 p.m. PST

I remember being told, some years ago, that the capstone annual training event for an NKPA infantry battalion was a twelve mile road march. It will be interesting to see how prepared these troops are; if the average is that low, what does the top end look like?

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP03 Nov 2024 11:50 p.m. PST

WHOA! Russians Blow Up N Koreans; N Koreans shoot Russians

YouTube link


Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP04 Nov 2024 10:55 p.m. PST


YouTube link


Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP05 Nov 2024 1:08 p.m. PST

Doesn't sound like the NORKs are the "killing machines" some may have thought/hoped …

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP05 Nov 2024 10:23 p.m. PST

‘Engaging North Korea'



Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP06 Nov 2024 11:16 p.m. PST

421 Chinese Mercenaries in Russia, Just 6 Left—99% Killed! Female Influencer Harassed by Soldiers

YouTube link


Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP08 Nov 2024 9:52 a.m. PST

Update on Putin's War of Aggression/Imperialism in Ukraine…


Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP11 Nov 2024 9:23 p.m. PST

North Korean Rants

"North Korea hasn't got much in the way of military capability. They do have problems with priorities. For example, North Koreans figured out that each missile North Korea launches as part of an endless testing program costs over a million dollars. People are going hungry in North Korea but their government ignores that and keeps spending money on missiles, not food for its hungry and often starving citizens. Meanwhile North Korea complains of the many superior South Korean weapons, some of them produced in South Korea. North Korea considers all those weapons as a threat to the north. South Korea maintains all those weapons to defend itself against the long promised North Korean offensive to unite Korea under North Korean rule.

Leader Kim Jong Un doesn't care what anyone else says about the frequent missile launches. Openly criticizing the government in front of others was dangerous is another matter. In 1972 Kim Jong Un's grandfather Kim Jong Il established four large labor camps where those who openly criticized the government would be sent. Life was hard in the camps and little food was provided. During the twenty five years the camps existed, several hundred thousand North Koreans spent some time in those camps and thousands died while there.

This might seem unbelievable, but enough North Koreans, including some labor camp guards, have escaped to South Korea and told their stories. All these escapees got out individually and were interviewed separately. This means their stories were true and deaths in the horrid conditions of prison camps and the resulting death rate were not a myth. Currently about 16,000 Koreans are in the camps…"



Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP13 Nov 2024 10:44 p.m. PST

North Korea Is in the Fight



Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP15 Nov 2024 6:26 p.m. PST

Those NORKs sent to fight for Russian in Ukraine are expendable. Un knows many won't come back just as Putin knows many of his troops will never come back alive. And neither one cares …

Nine pound round17 Nov 2024 6:34 p.m. PST


And Biden lifts the restrictions on ATCMS use in response.

If I had to choose, I know which one I'd rather have.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP18 Nov 2024 2:09 p.m. PST

Yes, in the last days of a Lame Duck, he may be getting more aggressive. As he and his admin are leaving. They will no longer be on the blame line. But once again too little, too late.
I.e. the introduction of 11,000+ NORKs is said may be the reason why the POTUS changed the ROE and let the Ukraine fire those ATACMS deep into Russia.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP19 Nov 2024 6:49 a.m. PST

Ok I've heard that as many as 100000 NK's are coming. If true, that can be game changer. Like introducing the US in 1918 into the stalemate in Europe.

The Ukrainians have a specific population, one already significantly outnumbered by the Russian.

I tried to think outside the box for a method for the Ukraine to offset it.

My idea was:

Europe and the US has millions of illegals and refugees. We and the Ukraine could offer them an alternative to deportations. If they have military age individuals, offer to transport them to the Ukraine. They will get Ukrainian citizenship in exchange for 4 years of military service.

I was thinking before giving them citizenship in the country sending them, but changed my mind.

Ukraine needs fresh troops and replacements for those killed, in the population.
Many of these illegals have building skills. Something that will be needed. Western countries can send money to help with those being sent(we are already paying for many of them anyway and sending humanitarian money to the Ukraine).

Ukraine may not like it, but beggars can't be choosers.

Also suggested following Russias lead and empty are prisons, but not crazy about that. Although Ukrainians could use them on the Kursk front.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP19 Nov 2024 11:06 p.m. PST

Ok I've heard that as many as 100000 NK's are coming.
I have heard similar. But I don't think Un will send that many, he still may have some fears of the ROKs and US. So he may need some bodies to defend their nation.

They will get Ukrainian citizenship in exchange for 4 years of military service.
It would be a great idea. But it seems many came to a 1st World nation to avoid being in a fight… anywhere … I

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP20 Nov 2024 9:54 a.m. PST

BTW I saw on the news today. One US member of Congress came up with a solution to the millions of illegal aliens that are roaming around the USA. Just make them all Americans citizens … and the crowd around her cheered …

The lack of logic, reason and priorities are stunning … but that member of Congress will most likely be elected again …

To those that think like that … they only see racism not the crime that comes across the border. That is killing American citizens. They just don't see the reality of the logistical and security problems these millions of illegal aliens cause. Interestingly many that want open borders have not taken in any of these illegal aliens … Hmmm ?

Hypocrisy ?

Stupidity ?

Furthering an agenda ?

All of the above…

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP20 Nov 2024 10:12 a.m. PST

Legion, they see new voters who will vote for their party in appreciation. They see the count in the census to give them more representation and blue state electoral numbers, if the Republicans are smart enough to make non citizens no longer count.

Another dependent voting block.

SBminisguy20 Nov 2024 10:14 a.m. PST

I've heard that as many as 100000 NK's are coming.
I have heard similar. But I don't think Un will send that many,

Let's see how this conversation has gone so far.

"Say, North Korea is sending troops to help Russia against Ukraine – isn't that a dangerous escalation?"

Nah, it's just 6 observers…. ok, maybe it's 3,000 troops but they all suck… ok, maybe its more like 10,000 troops but they all suck and it shows how desperate Russia is…ok, maybe it could be up to 100,000 troops on the way, but they all suck…

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP20 Nov 2024 7:59 p.m. PST

if the Republicans are smart enough to make non citizens no longer count.

Another dependent voting block.

Well the Dems and activists in congress wouldn't like that. That was their whole plan from the beginning … One Dem activist in Congress, said that if they made all the migrants US citizens that would solve the problem. Yeah and people voted for this "genius" … twice I think …

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP03 Jan 2025 10:53 p.m. PST

Leaked Document Unveils Russia's Plans for Targeting Key Sites in Japan and South Korea



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