SBminisguy | 09 Oct 2024 11:04 a.m. PST |
This is how it starts… North Korea joins war in UkraineNorth Korea is reportedly sending troops to fight in Ukraine, according to South Korea's defense minister, who addressed the parliament following reports that Pyongyang had suffered casualties on the battlefield. Kim Yong-hyun claimed that North Korea may have deployed soldiers to fight alongside Russian forces as part of an agreement between the two allied nations, signed in June. This summer, Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un signed a "comprehensive partnership agreement," which includes mutual assistance "by all available means" in the event of an attack on either country. "As Russia and North Korea have signed a mutual treaty akin to a military alliance, the possibility of such a deployment is highly likely" the South Korean minister told the audience. "We assess that the occurrence of casualties among North Korean officers and soldiers in Ukraine is highly likely, considering various circumstances," he added. link
Editor in Chief Bill  | 09 Oct 2024 11:21 a.m. PST |
There was a report earlier that six NK officers were killed in a missile strike. Wrong place, wrong time. |
Col Durnford  | 09 Oct 2024 11:31 a.m. PST |
Norc and orcs can now be placed in the same mass grave! Win win. Now, if Iran would just do their share. |
Legion 4  | 09 Oct 2024 11:50 a.m. PST |
Read about the 6 Norks being killed supporting the Russians. They won't be missed, albeit they were senior officers, IIRC, there are more to replace those 6 killed. Repeatedly … Hmmm … Un is saber rattling again about the ROKs and US. Threatening to use Nukes … again. I don't know in fact if the North actually would get large numbers of boots on the ground. To assist Putin. I think they may be not much better than the Russians. They have lots of troops and equipment. But when is the last time they actually fight in a war? They may bring numbers and are ready to fight a war of attrition as the Russians are. |
SBminisguy | 09 Oct 2024 1:14 p.m. PST |
So now our localized War in Europe between Russia and Ukraine has expanded to include combatants and assets from NATO, Iran, China and North Korea…trending towards a global shooting war, eh? Are we all full-jingoism ahead, or does this development cause any eyebrows to be raised? Maybe consider getting fitted for a vault suit if we keep on keepin' on this path.
Dn Jackson  | 09 Oct 2024 2:10 p.m. PST |
What can you expect when your economy is so bad the only thing you have to export are people? |
SBminisguy | 09 Oct 2024 2:14 p.m. PST |
Dn Jackson+1 North Korea has been supplying Russia with munitions -- maybe they'll add a few mass human wave attacks for good measure. So if the Russians got a few thousand North Korean troops to expend -- where would they use them? Would they spam them into the Donbas as a "mine clearing" wave attack, followed up by Russian troops? How would you handle this in a wargame? |
35thOVI  | 09 Oct 2024 2:31 p.m. PST |
CFeicht | 09 Oct 2024 3:03 p.m. PST |
JMcCarroll | 09 Oct 2024 3:23 p.m. PST |
Smart move. When you can't feed your own people and life means nothing to you it is a win win for them. |
Legion 4  | 09 Oct 2024 5:59 p.m. PST |
Would they spam them into the Donbas as a "mine clearing" wave attack, followed up by Russian troops? How would you handle this in a wargame? Russia still seems it is unable to fight modern tactics to any effective degree. Now with their heavy losses, they went basically back to WWI … I doubt the Norks would be much better tactically. So, if that is the situation. And how it would play out in a wargame … Mass the Norks and as many Russian forces that can be made available. After a massive FA barrage, the Nork and Russian forces with limited armor support would attack. Along a narrow front on a set of specific OBJs. It may be all or nothing. The Russians may not have the numbers to do this again. So, what OBJs they choose have to be major. In fact, I doubt Un will be sending many of his troops for the Russians to lose. He needs them to attack the South when the time comes. Or at least be prepared for a ROK/US(UN) attack, which is very unlikely at best. But Un's minions don't need to know that. When you can't feed your own people and life means nothing to you it is a win win for them. Yes like other cultures in that region. Life if cheap … when you have large numbers to waste/sacrifice. 40% of North Korea lives in poverty. Their fearless leader doesn't care … Un said he is going to build his own type of Maginot Line defenses… I think the Kimchee Line is a better name … link
Editor in Chief Bill  | 09 Oct 2024 6:17 p.m. PST |
So now our localized War in Europe between Russia and Ukraine has expanded to include combatants and assets from NATO, Iran, China and North Korea…trending towards a global shooting war, eh? Are we all full-jingoism ahead, or does this development cause any eyebrows to be raised? Maybe consider getting fitted for a vault suit if we keep on keepin' on this path. Hard to get excited over a mere six people. |
Cuprum2  | 09 Oct 2024 8:14 p.m. PST |
This is not yet North Korea's participation in the war – this is just the Koreans studying the experience of modern warfare and testing North Korean weapons in real combat conditions. For example, the use of the North Korean self-propelled ATGM NLOS "Bulsae-4" on the front was once noticed (Russia does not yet have ground-based ATGMs capable of firing at a range of more than 10 km). link But yes, in the event of a request from Russia, North Korea will be obliged to enter the war in accordance with the concluded agreement, since the internationally recognized territory of Russia was attacked by NATO proxies. |
nickinsomerset | 10 Oct 2024 2:02 a.m. PST |
"since the internationally recognized territory of Russia was attacked by NATO proxies" Bit rich since the ruscum invaded the internationally recognised territory of the Ukraine, NATO not involved, but since the terrorist ruscum showed their true colours NATO membership has increased, Tally Ho! |
Cuprum2  | 10 Oct 2024 2:24 a.m. PST |
But the military alliance treaty with North Korea now has every right to be activated. Bravo Zelensky ;-) |
79thPA  | 10 Oct 2024 7:36 a.m. PST |
If the NKs are trying to learn something about modern battlefields, it is pretty samrt on their part to send over "observers." |
nickinsomerset | 10 Oct 2024 8:41 a.m. PST |
But the military alliance treaty with North Korea now has every right to be activated. Bravo Zelensky for standing up to the illegal invasion of the Ukraine by a bunch of ruscum fascists under their little dictator. Tally Ho! |
SBminisguy | 10 Oct 2024 8:55 a.m. PST |
Only 6… isn't that how it starts? The Germans first sent observers to Spain, and then ended up with 10,000+ soldiers fighting for Franco. |
Tortorella  | 10 Oct 2024 9:16 a.m. PST |
Well, they are gone now. I'm sure the Russians told them not to stand over near the ammo dump. If they wanted to learn something they should have called Zelensky to observe the Ukrainians. |
Legion 4  | 10 Oct 2024 11:24 a.m. PST |
I think based on the Un's past predilections. When fat rocket man does not get any attention, he has to talk smack. To make headlines. Tell his people he is a strong man, etc. I highly doubt Un will do anything more for Putin than he already has … |
Cuprum2  | 10 Oct 2024 4:42 p.m. PST |
I believe that Russia has no need for Korean assistance. The war is already ending (unless the West intervenes directly). Why would Putin take on additional obligations to Kim? It makes no sense. |
TimePortal | 10 Oct 2024 8:21 p.m. PST |
It is important to know whether the men are technical branch or training branches. Level of command. Are these high up generals who will develop combat plans. |
Choctaw | 11 Oct 2024 6:59 a.m. PST |
"It makes no sense." Neither does invading a sovereign country for no reason yet here we are. |
SBminisguy | 11 Oct 2024 8:04 a.m. PST |
Neither does invading a sovereign country for no reason yet here we are. Yep -- the mind of a dictator is a deep, dark rabbit hole. |
Grattan54  | 11 Oct 2024 10:53 a.m. PST |
Says something about the state of the Russian army today. Much larger then that of Ukraine's and been a round much longer. Yet, it has preformed so badly they have to call in North Korean mercs to help them. Wow. |
Dn Jackson  | 11 Oct 2024 12:13 p.m. PST |
"The Hessians of today?" No, the Hessians were good troops. "North Korea will be obliged to enter the war in accordance with the concluded agreement, since the internationally recognized territory of Russia was attacked by NATO proxies." Where? When? By who? Recognized by who? Getting your terrorist supporting patsies to recognize the land you stole from another country doesn't count as "internationally recognized territory of Russia" Geez, this is getting really sad. |
Herkybird  | 11 Oct 2024 3:10 p.m. PST |
Nine pound round | 11 Oct 2024 4:47 p.m. PST |
Apparently, "attacked" means something substantially different in Russian than it does in English. But seriously, who are we kidding? What border has the Russian state not looked at in the last three hundred years without thinking, "that would look a lot better fifty miles further than Moscow." It's old behavior, and it was traditionally the reason the Central European states maintained large standing armies. They would probably be well advised to return to that policy. |
Tango01  | 11 Oct 2024 5:24 p.m. PST |
+2 Dn Jackson! + 1 Nine pound round Armand
Cuprum2  | 12 Oct 2024 3:55 a.m. PST |
Dn Jackson, you probably don't know? Ukrainian troops invaded the "old" territory of Russia (as of 2014) in early August of this year. And at the moment, Ukraine occupies about 956 sq. km of the territory of the Kursk region of Russia. So all the formalities have been observed – Russia has the right to implement the agreement on mutual assistance in case of aggression against its territorial integrity. |
Nine pound round | 12 Oct 2024 5:05 a.m. PST |
Everybody got that? So the Russians can invade a country for two and change years, and that's a "special military operation" against "a NATO invasion," but if Russia is counterattacked by the nation it has invaded, that is a separate and outrageous casus belli. Of course, that line about "the formalities have been observed" tells you a lot about just what kind of an argument this is. |
Tango01  | 12 Oct 2024 4:01 p.m. PST |
Ha!Ha!Ha!… so ridiculous! Armand |
Cuprum2  | 12 Oct 2024 6:34 p.m. PST |
Nine pound round, Western countries have invaded sovereign countries so many times over the last thirty years under various pretexts that your indignation seems extremely hypocritical… |
Tango01  | 12 Oct 2024 10:29 p.m. PST |
Putin's Plans for a Long-Term War link Armand
Cuprum2  | 13 Oct 2024 3:03 a.m. PST |
A propagandist cannot write objective articles. Stupid propaganda… The first lie – conscripts will end up in Ukraine. In Russia, mandatory military conscription occurs twice a year – in the fall and in the spring. This has been the case since the Soviet era – only the term of military service for conscripts has been reduced to one year (previously it was two years). Basically, young men who have reached the age of 18 (or older, if they studied in educational institutions) are conscripted. Conscripts of mandatory military conscription are not sent to Ukraine, they serve exclusively on the territory of Russia and can take part in military operations only on the territory of Russia in the event of an invasion. But, if they wish, they can sign a contract for military service with the Ministry of Defense after six months of conscription. This is a voluntary military contract. The second lie: an order to expel Ukrainian troops from the territory of the Kursk region by October 15. There are no such orders. No dates are set, Putin does not interfere in the management of the troops. This is another piece of nonsense from Ukrainian propaganda – when October 15th comes, they will start writing about the failure of Putin's plans))) If there are no victories, they need to be invented. The third lie: workers work a six-day week for 12 hours at factories. If you even just follow the links in the article, you will see that they were talking about a temporary measure at one of the enterprises – the Kurgan Machine-Building Plant, which needed to attract three thousand additional skilled workers in connection with the increase in the production of infantry fighting vehicles. This was in 2023 and the problem has long been solved. In our country, such manipulations are called: "making a mountain out of a molehill". Unscrupulous journalism. Why did the author decide that it is impossible to win this war? I don't see any problems with this… And another piece of nonsense about Russia suffering gigantic losses and will soon fall into economic collapse… They have been feeding their public with all this nonsense for the third year now. Either Russia will soon run out of missiles, or Russians dissatisfied with the lack of Coca-Cola will overthrow the dictator, or Russians will be afraid of a Ukrainian invasion… The war will end with a Russian victory ;-) Negotiations are possible only on Russian conditions, set out before the start of the war. Ukraine will lose as much territory as it cannot hold by the start of these negotiations. |
Cuprum2  | 13 Oct 2024 5:50 a.m. PST |
Here is an example of real Western journalism: link |
Nine pound round | 13 Oct 2024 7:44 a.m. PST |
That's a pretty typical response: distract, distract, distract. |
nickinsomerset | 13 Oct 2024 8:56 a.m. PST |
A Russian cannot write objective articles. Stupid propaganda" There changed it for you. Russia has the right to implement the agreement on mutual assistance in case of aggression against its territorial integrity" Yet you are upset that Western counties are assisting the Ukraine against the scum invaders from Russia! Once again regurgitating his leaders propaganda, the "New Soviet Union" is the most powerful country in the world, it will defeat the world and has the right to invade sovereign who disagree with it. Tally Ho! |
Cuprum2  | 13 Oct 2024 7:48 p.m. PST |
nickinsomerset, I gave a link to the Czech edition. Russians can't change anything there. This is the real opinion of the Czech general. But yes – this edition, due to its peripheral status, is not subject to neoliberal censorship. |
soledad | 15 Oct 2024 9:57 a.m. PST |
from what I have read approx 3000 NK:ans are in Ukraine. They are said to be from Buryatia. 18 of them seem to have deserted already. russian troops are searching for them. They will be nothing but cannonfodder. Russia does not care one bit about them and neither does NK I guess. They bring absolutely no skills or know-how that Russia can use or need. just there to soak up bullets. |
SBminisguy | 15 Oct 2024 11:07 a.m. PST |
soledad+1. Maybe this is why Little RocketMan is blowing up roads along the border with South Korea, he's gonna ship a bunch of starving peasant cannon fodder and old equipment to help Russia in Ukraine and wants to keep South Korea off his back? Oh -- and I note how the first replies were dismissive of this issue, "oh, there's only six North Koreans who got killed…" and now we read there are 3,000 North Korean troops in Ukraine… |
The pro from dover | 15 Oct 2024 12:06 p.m. PST |
18 North Korean soldiers have reportedly fled from positions near the Ukrainian border with Russia's Bryansk and Kursk regions, according to Ukrainian intelligence sources. Russian forces are now searching for the deserters, while trying to hide the incident from higher command.… Thank you Dear Leader for giving us the means to escape your country!!!!😀
Nine pound round | 15 Oct 2024 3:36 p.m. PST |
Six inches shorter and twenty IQ points lower than their cousins to the south, if those are the best augmentees Putin can get, that's not a great story. |
Cuprum2  | 16 Oct 2024 7:22 a.m. PST |
SBminisguy, you are reading empty nonsense of Ukrainian propaganda. At least I have not seen such information from any reliable source. |
Legion 4  | 16 Oct 2024 7:52 a.m. PST |
I had read a report that NORK soldiers are deserting. No surprise, they are under a tyrannical dictator. Who really does not treat them very well. IIRC some NORK soldiers ran across the line and surrendered to the ROKs/US 2ID. They were under fed, some had parasites, etc. One even killed himself after deserting. Intel was that those NORKs who deserted their families would go to one of Un's "Gulags" Their treatment would be medieval from the reports, etc. One some of the deserters told of the barbarity. Think he was a guard there … These troops Un sent to Putin would not be his "top of the line", these would be every expendable … I really didn't think Un would send troops/warm bodies. But now they have nukes. They have that as their trump card. But again, like Putin, I don't think he would use them … As Un knows it will be game over for his and his regime. But again, I could be wrong … |
Cuprum2  | 17 Oct 2024 5:31 a.m. PST |
John Kirby and NATO chief Rutte said they had no information about the participation or preparation for participation of North Korean troops in the conflict. Usually Ukrainian fake… Ukrainians are leading you by the nose again))) |
Legion 4  | 17 Oct 2024 8:45 a.m. PST |
The US is concerned about NORK support of Russia's war in Ukraine … link Ukrainians are leading you by the nose again))) News Flash … Many in the US Military and intel agencies and yes even some elected and appointed gov't officials … wait for it … Don't trust Putin or Russians in general … The not so good old days of the Cold war are back and have been for a while. Of course, most of the American public couldn't find Russia or Ukraine on a map if it is not labeled. |
The pro from dover | 17 Oct 2024 1:05 p.m. PST |
South Korea has announced it will send direct military aid to Ukraine if North Korean troops are seen on the frontline. |
Cuprum2  | 17 Oct 2024 8:32 p.m. PST |
Hmm… South Korea already supplies a lot of weapons to Ukraine illegally – mostly artillery shells. And it also replaces weapons from other countries that they sent to Ukraine. link Russia's alliance with North Korea is largely a response to South Korea's unfriendly actions. |
Tango01  | 17 Oct 2024 10:29 p.m. PST |
The Russia-North Korea Alliance: A Hidden Opportunity for Washington link Armand