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"sources for 1:1200 ironclads" Topic

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doc mcb02 Oct 2024 5:28 p.m. PST

Preferably US stores.

Printable is fine.

doc mcb02 Oct 2024 8:01 p.m. PST

LONG FACE at WGV has most of the USN, but only one French.

HMS Exeter03 Oct 2024 12:44 a.m. PST

Contact Toby Barrett at Thoroughbred Miniatures. His website says he's currently on hiatus after a health misadventure and disruptions attendant to a move, but his 1200 line has been the one part of his broad sweep of products he's been trying to keep active.
carries the Houston's Ships ACW line of "1200" scale ships. Houston sculpted this line over a lot of years and the quality/accuracy of them are kind of all over the place. Some are very good. Some, not so much.

I know that there are 3d print companies that make these,
Including Long Face Games from Wargame Vault, but I know close to nothing about their quality or game table durability.

doc mcb03 Oct 2024 1:59 a.m. PST


Dennis03 Oct 2024 7:26 a.m. PST

Spithead Miniatures in the past had a line of 1/1200 mid-19th century ironclads. The web store has been down for some years now, but it appears Spithead still sells through its Facebook Page. I took a quick look and didn't see any recent mention of ironclads, but the Page has posts from September 2024 announcing new product (14th Century ships) and older posts mentioning ironclads and inviting contacts for lists of available products.

Anyway, it seems to be worth the cost of an email to check it out.

Personal logo The Virtual Armchair General Sponsoring Member of TMP03 Oct 2024 10:00 a.m. PST

doc mcb!

Could you be a bit more specific as to what you're looking for--period, specific navies, etc. Depending on your needs, TVAG's 3D Design/3D Print Master has already produced a wide range of "pre-pre-dreadnoughts" (1870's--1890's) in 1:2400, British, French, Italian, etc, and though not your scale, any of them could be printed "Up" to 1:1200.

If interested, please PM me or write to and we might be able to provide just what you're after.

Or not… but give us a shot!


doc mcb03 Oct 2024 7:16 p.m. PST

email sent

MG Lawson04 Oct 2024 4:03 a.m. PST

Hey doc mcb,
I have an extensive 1/1200 range running from the 1820s-1940s with ships from nearly every nation and huge ACW line. 3D printed in resin.

If you would like a catalogue shoot me an email at


Personal logo Virtualscratchbuilder Supporting Member of TMP Fezian11 Oct 2024 4:14 p.m. PST

I have printed about 15 of the Long Face ironclads and I am very happy with them.

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