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"A Very, Very Strange Welsh Affair..." Topic

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Nottingham Wargames01 Oct 2024 4:09 a.m. PST

"Wales is a country far, far away, of which we know little…."

Well. After this peculiar encounter, I think we can safely say that we know even less!

Apparently, two enigmatic Anglo-Norman-Welsh brothers (or were they even brothers?), clashed with their respective retinues. In a bizarre, and very strange, set of events, various descriptions of peculiar Welshmen waved spears and fired arrows at one another (or did they?). This encounter took place in a very odd and curious glade in the middle of some unusual Welsh forested hills (or did it?).

Either way, no one really knows or remembers what happened in this strange affray, other than possibly one of the Welsh (or was he English?) brothers was slain (or was he?). At that point, the rather odd assortment of strange Welshmen (or were they English?) gently faded back into the deep, dark undergrown of the Welsh forest, never to be seen again, only to remain shrouded in enigma, mystery and overall strangeness.

Anyway, if you are confused and perplexed, then welcome to Wales.



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