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"The Ultimate Sherman?" Topic

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486 hits since 1 Oct 2024
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo deadhead Supporting Member of TMP01 Oct 2024 3:52 a.m. PST

Well historically far from it, but surely one of the toughest. After showing one of the earliest (the M4A1 at Alamein), and the burnt out M4A2

TMP link

let me show work in progress on a Jumbo M4A3E2.

Several kits gone into this. Black Dog resin, UM plastic hull and much of the suspension, Heller wheels, OKB tracks but the real surprise the much mocked Italeri wargames pair. All the UM resin went in the bin, but the mantlet from Italeri is excellent. Indeed, I plan to enhance one of them to make a 76mm armed Jumbo next. Much work to do on that, but great potential in a very cheap product.



Silurian01 Oct 2024 5:25 a.m. PST

Very nice!
I'm full of admiration because I'm trying to combine kits right now for the 'perfect' suspension on a Russian vehicle. It's a bloody nightmare and I think I'm about to bin the whole thing!

Personal logo deadhead Supporting Member of TMP01 Oct 2024 5:53 a.m. PST

Tell me about it. UM parts do not even fit into the intended UM component, so introducing several other kits drove me mad. Superglue is essential for metal and resin parts, but only sticks one's instruments and fingers together. It has no influence on kit parts.

Just added the smoke discharger which I had forgotten and about to spray the undercoat.

The hull top and chassis are not yet stuck together (if they ever are!)

Shagnasty Supporting Member of TMP01 Oct 2024 12:44 p.m. PST

Another great conversion underway!

JMcCarroll01 Oct 2024 2:09 p.m. PST

As always, you can not have to many Shermans!

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