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"1898 Churchill in 28mm" Topic

6 Posts

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390 hits since 29 Sep 2024
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo Old Contemptible Supporting Member of TMP29 Sep 2024 8:09 p.m. PST

I am looking for a 28mm Winston Churchill figure. Should be in khaki uniform for the 2nd Boer War. Hertzog use to make one but they are apparently no more.

CAPTAIN BEEFHEART30 Sep 2024 3:33 a.m. PST

I'm sure any figure of the era would do just as well.

Personal logo Old Contemptible Supporting Member of TMP03 Oct 2024 1:59 a.m. PST

Yeah but it wouldn't be the same.

14Bore Supporting Member of TMP04 Oct 2024 1:38 a.m. PST

Reading Churchill a Life by Martin Gilbert, it's very good
And agree it won't be same

Personal logo piper909 Supporting Member of TMP04 Oct 2024 12:25 p.m. PST

There was a special miniature made specifically for Young Winston (as per the movie) about ten years or so ago, it was a promotional release by one of the UK companies -- trying hard to remember who it was. They published a magazine as well and offered this freebie mini to the first bunch of folks who could send a photo of themselves with backissues of the mag. Let me go see if I can find my submission pic on another computer. Meanwhile, here's a picture of my Young Winston award, as I painted him, along with another mini of his older counterpart!

Personal logo piper909 Supporting Member of TMP04 Oct 2024 12:27 p.m. PST

I've often stuck Young Winston in a colonial game as a special character; he gains points for doing deeds to get him mentioned in despatches, but woe to the player who gets him killed or captured! Makes for some interesting game twists!

Why doesn't someone make a mini of Old Winston with a submachine gun? That would offer similar possibilities for alternate history WWII games, or Pulp scenarios.

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