I wish I had access to a Maker Space!…
I did buy several PA molds, made a bunch of castings, painted them, gamed with them. Some of those molds are excellent in what the produce. They're not perfect, nor are they consistent, but they work, and they are 100% above-board honest.
I can afford a 40W Laser Cutter/Engraver, and a 3D Printer, but I would not use them enough to justify their cost and space needed. I would use them sparingly. If I had access in a Maker Space, I would be very happy, indeed!
I keep hoping someone will create one in my locale.
I helped a friend set up his 50W Laser Cutter/Engraver, but it was a commercial venture, so no free use granted. Grrrr!!! LOL! Cheers!