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"ALIEN personality" Topic

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264 hits since 24 Sep 2024
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The H Man24 Sep 2024 2:10 p.m. PST

Thinking of the Alien films.

Alien 3 proved physical characteristics of the host survive. As the xeno looked and acted more dog/bull.

The cartoon, at least through the figures backs this up, as does the comics, I believe??

So, why not psychological characteristics?

Is there any evidence of the this?


I'll have to watch the film again.

He did board and explore the others ship while armed though.


I do wonder who the Alien who grabs newt is.

Now there's a debate.

Her brother? A parent (or did they die? I'll have to watch that again).

Alien 3

I think it was looking for a pat from Ripley. She ended up giving it a wash, with the typical drama.


Well, the queen's child died during her lifetime.

Again I'll have to watch again.

Maybe I should have done the research first?

The H Man24 Sep 2024 2:11 p.m. PST

Thinking of the Alien films.

Alien 3 proved physical characteristics of the host survive. As the xeno looked and acted more dog/bull.

The cartoon, at least through the figures backs this up, as does the comics, I believe??

So, why not psychological characteristics?

Is there any evidence of the this?


I'll have to watch the film again.

He did board and explore the others ship while armed though.


I do wonder who the Alien who grabs newt is.

Now there's a debate.

Her brother? A parent (or did they die? I'll have to watch that again).

Alien 3

I think it was looking for a pat from Ripley. She ended up giving it a wash, with the typical drama.


Well, the queen's child died during her lifetime.

Again I'll have to watch again.

Maybe I should have done the research first?

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