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"TGAA - Battle of Hyde Park, Sydney NSW" Topic

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CaptainDarling17 Sep 2024 5:00 a.m. PST

Last Monday we returned to The Great Antipodean Adventure and more Australian Civil War action! We used Trench Hammer rules this time, Dave and I commanded the NSW Government Forces and George was in charge of the Unionist Rebels! The action took place in the heart of Sydney in Hyde Park with both sides vying for control of a local War Monument, the Emden Memorial!

The game…

Both sides entered the fray as night approached. The Government force advanced in a wide firing line anchored on their right by a Lewis Gun Team and on the right by Riflemen. The Unionists advance was confused and all of their riflemen moved down a path toward the Memorial creating a bottleneck while their BAR Team was masked by its own men and unable to fire early on.

Once the two forces came within effective firing range the Unionist's left with many riflemen was able to hold its own against the Lewis Gunners and Tong facing them but it was in their centre and right that the battle was decided. It was in these two areas the Government troops in an extended firing line inflicted many casualties and set up a win for their side.

In desperation as losses mounted the Unionist Leaders threw their right wing forward in a wild charge in the hope of changing their fortunes! The charge failed to break the Police line it faced and drew intense fire that caused heavy casualties amongst the groups that charged and ended up dispersing them.

At this point with darkness gathering with their morale in tatters the Unionists withdrew to their encampment where they prepared to receive further attacks from Government forces and sourced reinforcements!

A resounding Victory for the NSW State Government Forces!

Some pictures…

The Peasants are Revolting…Angry Unionists prowling Hyde Park, Sydney NSW!


Unionists taunt the Government forces from behind the safety of a fence, note the fences in Hyde Park at the time were hooped wire so the picket fences were just a stand in!


The Government Lewis gunners duke it out with Unionists, they took multiple hits but Inspector Allen was on hand to Rally them!


Police and Unionist get into Assault range and some close combat biffo ensues, the Police were successful!


Detective Super Intendant Morecambe Wise lead his men to success!


The Blog has lots more pictures, the 'Historical' setting, OOBs and scenario rules…

korsun0 Supporting Member of TMP18 Sep 2024 6:36 a.m. PST

very good! On what are you basing your history if you don't mind me asking? I know of the book "A right bloody mess" but curious to see other sources and approaches to this.

CaptainDarling18 Sep 2024 2:15 p.m. PST

Hey korsun0 thanks!
The historical basis for our Great Antipodean Adventure games and rioting and revolution in Sydney NSW is the States constitutional crisis of 1932 (a precursor to the famous dismissal of the Australian Federal Government in 1975), its believed at one point the Premier was considering arresting the States Governor General before he dismissed him!
Basic details are on Wikipedia here you can find lots more searching the topic…
(I have the book 1932 defences in it)
Here are my initial blog posts for our campaign…
Re A Right Bloody Mess I am not a fan of the ‘history' or the factions and resources, saved my money and created my own timeline 🙂!

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