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"What we are missing" Topic

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Marc33594 Supporting Member of TMP09 Sep 2024 12:03 p.m. PST

Things are coming together nicely for us North Africa aficionados. Tom Dye is filling in many of the vehicle "holes" and Victrix lending a hand. I have Frank Chadwick's excellent Benghazi Handicap as well as Rapid Fire's Guide to North Africa Campaign February to June 1941 and their Monty's Desert Battles. I will be picking up 2 Cigar Box desert mats (Rattlesnake Ranch works nicely) at Hurricon in a few weeks.

What's missing though is the infantry! Would be nice if, at a minimum, Victrix would bring out an 8th Army and an Afrika Korps box! And while they are at it how about Italians for the desert as well!

I can do a pretty decent job in 15mm for middle part of the campaign but would prefer filling out my 1/144th. How are the rest of you coping and what other "must haves" are we missing? Oh and while I am dreaming how nice would it be if Victrix threw in some 2pdrs with the 8th Army box? I told you while I was dreaming.

JimDuncanUK09 Sep 2024 1:14 p.m. PST

Start here:


and there's plenty more

TimePortal09 Sep 2024 3:29 p.m. PST

Talked to Tom for about two hours last week. His plans comprehensive. He as Marc said focusing on NA firs.
I wonder how the French vehicles for Syria- Lebanon aren is?
Also could not early American vehicles be used for the Pacific?

Personal logo Yellow Admiral Supporting Member of TMP09 Sep 2024 5:23 p.m. PST

+1 Jim Duncan. Pendraken alone has 10mm Desert War infantry pretty well covered.

The old Perrin Miniatures 10mm line is still available from The Last Square in WI. These are slight and undersized compared to other 10mm lines, and won't look compatible with 12mm (or 1/144) figures, but it looks like the Desert War is well represented.

The only existing 12mm option I know of is the 8th Army, DAK and Italian packs in the older MiniFigs 12mm range. This range keeps getting relabeled – it was "12mm", then "10mm/12mm", now "10mm/12mm" on the sidebar and "10mm" in the individual national selections – but are size compatible with 1/144 (12mm) and reasonably proportioned and posed, though a bit low on detail.

I'm also holding out for future Victrix releases. I really like Victrix infantry.

- Ix

PS: I suggest asking to have this thread cross-posted to the 1/144 Scale Message Baord, since that seems to be part of the topic.

Personal logo Dye4minis Supporting Member of TMP10 Sep 2024 1:17 p.m. PST

What's missing? Working on it a little at a time. Indeed Infantry most glaring. Our AIM distributor ( also are the US distributor for Pendraken. They look fine to me next to the vehicles. (Pendraken is marketed as 1/150th so close enough for me.) I ordered some Minifigs last weekend and of all my years producing them, I seem not to have kept anything for the desert! (Shame on me)

Coming soon will be PzKfw IIc; 3 different 234 8 wheeled A/C (Victrix already does the /2 Puma, we are doing the other 3); Been exploring the exploits of SAS, LRDG, German and Italian mix-ups in the "foreboding desert". Great scenario material with small needs for lots of vehicles. The Italian Sarharianna being planned. The Brits to get a truck (which one?,,,surprise but will be a covered one.) Some early Shermies for the allies next as well. Life and summer have been speed bumps for us Trying to catch up.

Thanks to all for your continued support for this scale and your support for the AIM line.

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