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"Ship Killers: The B-25..." Topic

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Garde de Paris07 Sep 2024 8:18 a.m. PST

YouTube link

I found this on You Tube, an excellent narrative with still pictures of the 5th Air Force under Kinney and modification to the B-25 by "Pappy" Gunn. Amazing to hear they were experimenting with skip bombing with B-17's!

The author contends that MacArthur and his forces, including the 5th AF, cut of over 250,000 Japanese soldiers (on Borneo alone?), of whom only 11,000 reached home after the war – a far more bloodless allied victory than Stalingrad!

Any war games of using skip bombing techniques against ship targets?


Garde de Paris07 Sep 2024 9:01 a.m. PST

Correction: It as not Borneo where the Japanese perished, but New Guinea.

The video also gives good credit to MacArthur for his economy of force, and also his use of "combined arms" in only moving on to the next target with P-38's softening the way.


Andrew Walters08 Sep 2024 1:09 p.m. PST


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