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thanks for posting Liam chap on the horse is one of the Texas Ranger about 1842 ish…no actual uniform but boy did they look the business!! regards Ged
I think this one is quite remarkable. There is something about highlighting dark blue that I never get right. I have just posted postillions driving a carriage where it totally failed for me (yet again!) I started too light and went over it the reverse, forgetting that acrylics dry darker than they go on. The result? Flat without highlights like these. I would point out the pistol as well. Great work
thanks for posting you say blue is a difficult colour to portray in painting miniatures this chap is ….TEXC01 Texas Ranger Trooper with two Flintlocks and a Pepper-box. regards Ged ps Shagnasty and 79th PA appreciate the comments thank you!!
thanks for posting Liam…28mm Gringo40s latest release a swathe of Early Texas Rangers this guy reference in our Webstore is..TEXC01 Texas Ranger Trooper with two Flintlocks and a Pepper-box! top paintwork from Andy Singleton ..figure available from regards Ged
thanks Liam…yellow is indeed probably the hardest ro get right…talking of hard this guy is armed to the teeth ..Hawkin rifle flintlock pistol and Bowie knife…amd another flintlock! regards Ged
Ged described this gent as being in a "Dull red coat". Well I think it is the colour of Steve McQueen's shirt in the Magnificent Seven and only he was cool enough to get away with a pink shirt back then.
thanks for posting Liam the colour used was for a sun bleached Texas look as the Rangers often only had one change of clothes if they were lucky.!! regards Ged