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"28mm Scale Resin & Metal KV-2" Topic

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377 hits since 26 Aug 2024
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Comments or corrections?

Achtung Minen27 Aug 2024 4:37 a.m. PST

Does anyone know a 28mm scale (i.e. 1/56) manufacturer of a resin & metal KV-2? I am not looking for plastic, 3D printed, all-resin or all-metal models… I'd prefer a resin hull and turret with metal weapon parts.

My go-to of yesteryear was Army Group North Miniatures, but they have not been responding to email lately. I know Waffenkammer makes very nice resin kits, but those are all-resin. I know Warlord does a plastic kit but again not looking for plastic. What other manufacturers am I overlooking?

Disco Joe27 Aug 2024 5:20 a.m. PST

I am not sure if the weapons are metal or not but have you tried JTFM Enterprises of which his site is diewaffenkammer listed on tmp? The vehicle is resin and you could email him to find out if the gun is metal or resin.

SeattleGamer Supporting Member of TMP30 Aug 2024 12:29 a.m. PST

Was going to suggest Trenchwerx as they do huills in resin and th3 weapons and some other bits in metal. But I just checked, and no KV-2. Sorry.

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