Herewith links to some interesting stuff on Congreve's rockets:
The different modes of use and exercises of rockets, both for bombardment and for the field
William Congreve
Whiting, London 1810
PDF link
A concise account of the origin and progress of the rocket system, with a view of the apparent advantages both as to the effect produced, and comparative saving of expence, arising from the peculiar facilities of application which it possesses, as well for naval as military proposes
William Congreve
Whiting, London 1810
PDF link
Detail of a plan for attaching to cavalry regiments. A proportion of rocket artillery with case shot, containing the same number of balls as the six-pounder spherical case, and ranging 2500 yards
William Congreve
Whiting, London 1809
PDF link
Abhandlung über die allgemeinen Grundsätze, die Kräfte und die Leichtigkeit der Anwendung des Congreveschen Racketensystems, verglichen mit der Artillerie
William Congreve
Landes-Industrie-Comptoir, Weimar 1829
PDF link
System der Brandraketen nach Congreve und andern : ; mit einem Anhange über Perkins Dampfgeschütze
Johann Gottfried von Hoyer
Baumgärtners Buchhandlung, Leipzig 1827
PDF link