This may be of interest if you are in central London on 15 or 22 September and fancy a guided tour around some historic WWII-linked sites
From link
This street-based walk [taking two hours] covers World War 2 in Whitehall and St James's, exploring Britain's role in the war as well as the significant scale of international activity in Britain at the time, given its role as a bulwark against the Axis Powers. It seeks to go beyond Churchill, about whom many walks on the topic tend to focus.
The walk considers British engagement in the war by considering
• the role of women in the war;
• the scale and importance of rationing;
• the leadership offered by Churchill, Mountbatten, George VI and the Queen Mum,
• international leadership emanating from London such as De Gaulle and Free France, D-Day Planning with Eisenhower, and early moves which ultimately led to the United Nations; and
• the scale of subterfuge by considering encryption and decryption as well as the role of spies and deception.
The focus of the walk is on the historic events that occurred in buildings (those which remain) and personalities commemorated through public sculptures, but some buildings (Admiralty Citadel, War Rooms) marry form and function and so are part of the story.