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"Preferred Scale for Boshin War?" Topic

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14 Aug 2024 7:52 a.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

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Personal logo miniMo Supporting Member of TMP14 Aug 2024 7:12 a.m. PST

What scale would your prefer for gaming the Boshin War?

The Boshin War is bubbling under as a semi-temptation for me at this point. Currently working on gearing up for Test of Honour here, so eventually will be well set for 28mm terrain. Bac Ninh has a nice range of figures (pricey, but I don't begrudge them that for such a low-demand niche market).

15mm would lend itself better to bigger battles. Cellmate miniatures used to have a line of Satsuma Rebellion, but they're no longer in business and haven't found any hint that the moulds passed to anyone else.

10mm would also be good for bigger battles, and would increase my temptation for the new Wargames Atlantic Sengoku figures to use with Peter Pig's Battles in the Age of War if I were to build up a collection of 10mm terrain. I've put in my support for a 10mm range on the Boshin thread at Pendraken Forum's Requests board, but that's a longshot hope.

David Manley14 Aug 2024 9:06 a.m. PST

1/1200, I wargame the naval side

Dye4minis14 Aug 2024 9:30 a.m. PST

AIM has a line of 10mm Samurai out. Available thru I would have put in a direct link but their server service is down at the moment.

Schlesien14 Aug 2024 11:49 a.m. PST

10mm would be my vote.
Naval wise, I would prefer 1:600, but like David, have it in 1:1200.

robert piepenbrink Supporting Member of TMP14 Aug 2024 12:44 p.m. PST

First, I'd ask what size battles you want to fight. Then I'd ask what size table you have or find practical. There's hardly ever a "right" answer on scale: there are answers which fit your preferences or circumstances.

That said, castings actually in production in 10mm or 28mm would appear to have an edge as opposed to 15mm no one actually makes and sells.

Personal logo miniMo Supporting Member of TMP14 Aug 2024 2:02 p.m. PST

There are a variety of Samurai currently available in 10mm, including Pendraken and new plastics from Wargames Atlantic.
But the classic 16th century Sengoku period look is quite different from the 1860s look of the Boshin War.

Check out the Bac Ninh miniatures for a good sampling of troops:

Preference and current product availability are different questions. Fortunately for my own possible acquisitions, I'm not in a rush to add this period to my painting queue.
: 3

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