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"Alt history Scenario: 1879 Relief of Ali Masjid" Topic

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06 Aug 2024 4:55 p.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

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Mad Guru05 Aug 2024 11:13 p.m. PST

On the last Friday night of this past June, I ran an "Alternate History" scenario positing an Afghan regular army attack on the British garrison of Ali Masjid fort, guarding the Khyber Pass, in the Fall of 1879.

In the historical record the same fort was taken by the British on November 21-22nd 1878 in the first battle of the Second Afghan War, the real Battle of Ali Masjid.

I started out wanting to refight that battle as a game, but after doing some vital play-testing with my buddy Matthew Rigdon, I decided in order to make the historical refight fun and interesting for both sides, I would have to extend the table in order to add more decision-points and room for maneuver for the Afghan players.

But by the time I reached this realization -- only a couple of days prior to the actual game -- it was too late to mess with the layout, which had taken me the better part of 2 weeks to get to a place I was finally happy with. So…

I made lemons into lemonade!

I set aside the plan for the historical refight (which I will return to, hopefully before too long) and went with a sudden inspiration audible: I would detach one of the Anglo-Indian Infantry Brigades in the Peshawar Field Force to garrison the fort, give them a pair of Mountain Guns for support, and use the rest of the Division strength force as a Relief Column that would have to make its way from the South end of the table to Ali Masjid at the North end, while hidden tribal forces laid in wait to ambush them (in classic TSATF fashion), while up at the North end, the Afghan Regular Army originally meant to DEFEND Ali Masjid, attacked it instead.

It was a huge change to the scenario but required very little change to the logistical plan for the game. All I had to add was some Tribal and Ghazi forces for the Afghans and we'd be good to go.

Which is how I ended up running -- with vital aid from my son, Skylar and that same good friend Matthew who made the play-testing possible -- "The Second Battle of Ali Masjid" for a group of 5 great gamers on the last Friday night of June.

The game went great, thanks entirely to the great help I got from Matthew and Skylar, and even more so from the fantastic attitudes all five of the players -- none of whom had ever stepped foot at my place before -- had from start to finish of the game, no matter how dire and desperate their tabletop situation may have been.

All GM's know what it takes to run a successful miniature wargame of any kind, and I think I speak for many if not all of us when I say the thing that most makes it worthwhile is the satisfaction you get seeing people enjoy a game. These five guys -- Chick, Doug, Matthew, Michael and Paul -- made it a real pleasure for my co-GM's and I to run this game, which was awesome.

Okay, getting back to the game -- if you'd like to read more about it and see a way-too-many pics, kindly click on this handy link to visit my blog, and thanks in advance for your time should you choose to do so:


Meanwhile, it wouldn't be a "Mad Guru" post without me priming the pump by posting at least a handful of pics right here, which I hope you enjoy:





















I won't reveal how the battle ended -- except to paraphrase the Iron Duke and say it was a very close run thing!

Long Valley Gamer06 Aug 2024 6:47 a.m. PST

Very nice looking game!!

DisasterWargamer Supporting Member of TMP06 Aug 2024 7:11 a.m. PST

Nicely done

79thPA Supporting Member of TMP06 Aug 2024 7:41 a.m. PST


pzivh43 Supporting Member of TMP06 Aug 2024 8:12 a.m. PST

Terrain and figures are very nice!

Personal logo Grelber Supporting Member of TMP06 Aug 2024 9:58 a.m. PST

Lovely scenery, particularly the mill and the fort!


nnascati Supporting Member of TMP06 Aug 2024 10:18 a.m. PST

Absolutely beautiful!

Personal logo Wolfshanza Supporting Member of TMP06 Aug 2024 10:29 p.m. PST

It was a great game ! thumbs up Just wish the relief force had moved with a bit more alacrity rather than dancing with the Afghanies :O We did semaphore HELP quite a few times <lol> Thanks for putting it on :)

Mad Guru07 Aug 2024 2:27 a.m. PST

Great to hear from you, Wolfshanza, and thank you for the compliment, which means a lot coming from you! You did a heroic job holding out against the odds, despite your opponent's Voodoo like dice-rolling skills -- until the Ghazis came home to roost, so to speak.

Thanks also to Long Valley Gamer, DisasterWargamer, 79thPA, pzivh43, Grelber & Nick -- I really appreciate all of your positive comments!

Wolfshanza -- So far it seems like it's always kind of tough for the British player/players to navigate kicking off from the South end of that table! Obviously there are some challenges with the limited "bandwidth" on the road and various terrain to navigate, but I do think it's at least partially more of a "conceptual" issue than a practical one. Basically… I think they get kinda freaked-out by the sight of the large quantity of troops versus the relatively small amount of open ground. Of course, there is a very real practical element as well, but there's really no good explanation/excuse for leaving cavalry units -- who move faster than everyone else -- off the table for the first turn or two!

The terrain in these Afghan and NWF games often has a big impact, especially on players who aren't that used to gaming in that theater of operations, so to speak. But I figured your co-commanders would have no problem with that, considering all of their colonial experience!

But even with the delay, they still got close -- and you still came VERY close to holding out for at least one more turn. A couple of better die-rolls in that last melee and I think you would have held out long enough for elements of the Third Infantry Brigade to cross the Khyber River and maybe reach you just in time to eke out the win.

I actually ran the exact same game a week later on the following Friday and it went very similar, though even more bloody for the British relief force. I won't spoil the ending BUT I will reveal that the one Afghan gun deployed in front of the gate actually managed to blow out the front doors, which allowed them to then send their Regular Infantry into the breach to try and melee their way into the fort!

Next on my "to-do list" is writing up an AAR for that game. When I do I'll come back and post about it here on TMP.

Until then, here's one pic to pique further interest:


PS. You may have noticed that the Redcoats of the 51st Regt. of Foot have their backs turned -- that's because they ALREADY were dealing with Ghazis who got up onto the walls with thosee same ladders they used against you!

Personal logo chicklewis Supporting Member of TMP11 Aug 2024 10:54 a.m. PST

Great looking photos, Madguru !!
Thanks for inviting us to play !

Mad Guru16 Aug 2024 4:40 p.m. PST

My pleasure, Chick!! As I said above, it was great fun for me having you guys over, and I thought the game went well!

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