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Nine pound round03 Aug 2024 2:33 p.m. PST

I've been in and out of the Capitol, Rayburn, Russell, Hart, Dirksen, and Longworth more times than I can count, and I've seen the Capitol police at close quarters. You might as well be dealing with MPD or WMATA transit cops, except there is more armament and less oversight.

Dragon Gunner03 Aug 2024 3:16 p.m. PST


You completely missed the point! The border states are paying for the cost of incarceration of illegal immigrants that commit crimes in their states in addition to being victims of their crimes. It is the Federal governments job to secure state borders, they have utterly failed in their duties.

Yes illegal immigrants provide the USA with much needed labor, lets make them legal and give them work visas.

As far as your comments about Blacks nice attempt to twist this and make it about race… By the way race is not relevant to anything I said so no moral high ground for you…

Andy Maloney03 Aug 2024 4:00 p.m. PST

This is simple, stop all illegal immigration (hopefully the more rational people will agree with this). Deport anyone here not working or not willing to work, individuals "working" on farms or ranches and any other jobs will need to go through a process to let them stay/work. As I said others in big cities and ones being shipped out to smaller communities and just hanging out and causing issues – just round them up and ship them out, they will never do anything to help our country!!

We have our own homeless and veterans who need our help, we shouldn't be spending taxpayer dollars on people who shouldn't be here.

We are not in TX but in CO and the impact is real!!

Garand03 Aug 2024 4:30 p.m. PST

We have our own homeless and veterans who need our help, we shouldn't be spending taxpayer dollars on people who shouldn't be here.

There's plenty of money to help veterans & homeless. What is lacking is political will.

Yes illegal immigrants provide the USA with much needed labor, lets make them legal and give them work visas.

Agreed, & this is what I have been talking about. But at least one side focuses too much on the "deporting" & not enough on the "reform" part. Which makes me completely incredulous that they have an actual solution, & in fact do not trust them whatsoever to resolve the issue.


doc mcb03 Aug 2024 4:43 p.m. PST

Once lost, trust is not easily regained, and our institutions have been hemorrhaging trust for along time now.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP03 Aug 2024 4:54 p.m. PST

There's plenty of money to help veterans & homeless. What is lacking is political will.
Yep … No profit in it for many in Congress …

But at least one side focuses too much on the "deporting" & not enough on the "reform" part.
10-20 million illegal aliens in the US, I think that's enough. Reform … As long as the border is open, and catch & release is in effect. What reforms should be done ? There are laws for becoming a US citizen. So why are those not being followed ? Maybe it does not fit an agenda that some see is the way they want the USA to go, etc. ?

And I do believe they are a wealthy, well-funded, vocal minority … If everybody wants millions of illegal aliens here. How many are taking them in. Housing, feeding, provide medical and educational needs, etc., etc. ?

Seems some just want to wave a magic wand, and 10-20 million illegal aliens are now Americans. And can vote in national election, get Social Security, free healthcare, etc. That concept is ridiculous, IMO. I never watched any Harry Potter movies.

Which makes me completely incredulous that they have an actual solution, & in fact do not trust them whatsoever to resolve the issue.
As long as there are 10-20 million illegal aliens freely roaming the US. Any plan should start with close the border. And start rounding military age males. IMO as an old former soldier they seem to be the biggest threat. Send them home save for the criminals, they will love the weather in Gitmo.

As long as there are no punitive actions for illegally crossing the border … they will keep coming. Along with drugs, human trafficking, rape, murder, etc., etc. Yes, those that commit those acts a few compared to the millions that have crossed the border illegally.

And again, how many want to really be Americans or just here for perks ? That are not criminals save for they crossed the border illegally. Which if I understand what illegal means they are criminals too.

Nine pound round03 Aug 2024 4:57 p.m. PST

Is it any wonder? The party that's proud to call itself "Democratic" just foisted a candidate on us who's never won a single primary vote, the incumbent president's son has been selling access for years, and the geriatrics from both parties who are running DC have made such a mess of the last two wars that all it took was a reality TV star who was willing to say, "these people don't know what they're doing" to capture half the nation's participating voters.

Garand03 Aug 2024 5:05 p.m. PST

Legion 4, we don't need reforms for people becoming American citizens. We need immigration reform. This is the issue. The system is too inefficient to cope with the immigration needs of the US, & needs to be revised, badly. The current laws are not sufficient anymore to meet the needs.

As for whether the immigrants want to become Americans, if they are coming here to work, & then go home, who cares if they want to integrate or not. They're MIGRANT workers. Many of the current illegals that are here, are working to send remittances home. Or to save up money to buy a house or start a business. Some intend to stay permanently, some do not. So again, who cares if a migrant worker fails to become an "American." And what exactly does that mean anyway? Bud lites & football on Sundays?

A lot of the language surrounding the immigration issues, are the same that surrounded Italian immigrants over 100 years ago. As a descendent of Italian immigrants, it is an issue for me.


Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP03 Aug 2024 5:07 p.m. PST

9lbs +1 👍👍

Dragon +1

Andy +1

Doc +1

Nine pound round03 Aug 2024 5:15 p.m. PST

Well, given that this permissive system let the people in who nearly killed me, I care. The whole point of a loose system is to provide bodies for corporate America as cheaply as possible, and the native-born wage-earners from the most vulnerable portion of the population are the ones who pay the bill. They see their wages compressed, and they feel the impacts- including the crime- in a way ordinary middle-class people do not. The system is failing the people who most need it to function, and no community is hit harder by this phenomenon than African Americans, who form a disproportionate share of the Americans who live in poverty.

So by all means, if you don't care about that or them, keep advocating for a solution that harms them disproportionately.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP04 Aug 2024 12:07 p.m. PST

we don't need reforms for people becoming American citizens. We need immigration reform. This is the issue. The system is too inefficient to cope with the immigration needs of the US, & needs to be revised, badly. The current laws are not sufficient anymore to meet the needs.
I know all that, must of us do … but no matter what we must get control of the border. It is waaaaay out of control currently. Anyone who does not see that is delusional. Or blind … or ?

So again, who cares if a migrant worker fails to become an "American." And what exactly does that mean anyway?
Whether they become an American or not there needs to be positive control of those that are here just for work, or want to become Americans or who are criminals, terrorists, etc.

As we see as in guerilla warfare, the insurgent in this case drug runners, human traffickers, criminals, terrorists etc., use the others illegal aliens as cover. IIRC Mao said something like "the insurgent must swim among the fishes"…

But let's admit clearly catch & release which lead to somewhere around 10-20 million illegal aliens roaming around the US is beyond unsatisfactory to say the least. Including number here with "bad intent" … That has to be obvious too …

Not to mention the 11 million illegal aliens already here, including the so called "Dreamers". The gov't never fixed that situation AFAIK …

Bud lites & football on Sundays?
I don't drink anymore and rarely watch sports in my old age. old fart

What does it mean to be an American? You asked ? I guess if you don't know … I can't tell you. I've been one all my life. Served in the American Military. As did my Father, some of my Uncles, during WWII. And a cousin[during Vietnam]. My Mom was a "Rosy the Riveter", worked on P-39 parts during WWII. Again, not rare …

A lot of the language surrounding the immigration issues, are the same that surrounded Italian immigrants over 100 years ago. As a descendent of Italian immigrants, it is an issue for me.
Wait … how many times have I mentioned my grandparents on both sides came here in about 1905 … wait for it … from Italy (!!!) My DNA is over about 85% Italian[according to 23 & Me]. But we know, those that of us that are left, our grandparents came here legally. Had jobs, worked hard, paid taxes, etc., etc. AFAIK that is not rare … My parents spoke pretty good Italian, they learned from their parents. Not rare AFAIK.

I know a few words in Italian, French, German, Korean and a working knowledge of Klingon. 👽

'nuff said … think I'll go have some pizza🍕 … now that's Italian ! Well Italian-American …

doc mcb04 Aug 2024 7:36 p.m. PST

Being an American rests on two things, of equal importance: adherence to a set of principles enshrined in the Declaration and Constitution and Bill of Rights, and participation in our collective memory, our history -- knowing and identifying with the American story. Mind and heart.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP05 Aug 2024 4:29 a.m. PST

Doc, this participation in our collective memory leaves out a lot of us, including a pretty important figure who is apparently not familiar with the most basic facts of the story. His speech in which Washington's army is credited with securing the airports from the British is fully documented. The recent attempt to say anything meaningful about Gettysburg is extremely uncomfortable to read. Clearly someone who somehow avoided learning the most basic facts despite a college degree.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP05 Aug 2024 5:20 a.m. PST

Tort, yes Trump has issues when reading from a teleprompter. In the speech he hesitated when reading "air", then continues to read on. I'm pretty sure he knows airports did not exist in 1777. At least he did NOT read <pause, wait for applause and end> out loud. 😉

We have another candidate that seems to have issues when not reading from a teleprompter.

Just a few:

"You know, every election cycle we talk about this is the most election of our lifetime. Lawrence, this one is,"

"We invested an additional $12 USD billion into community banks, because we know community banks are in the community, and understand the needs and desires of that community as well as the talent and capacity of community."

"We also recognize just as it has been in the United States, for Jamaica, one of the issues that has been presented as an issue that is economic in the way of its impact has been the pandemic.

So to that end, we are announcing today also that we will assist Jamaica in COVID recovery by assisting in terms of the recovery efforts in Jamaica that have been essential to, I believe, what is necessary to strengthen not only the issue of public health but also the economy."

<another Covid>

"Every day it is time for us to agree that there are things and tools that are available to us to slow this thing down. And so right now we know we still have a number of people that, that is in the millions of Americans who have not been vaccinated, and could be vaccinated, and we are urging them to get vaccinated because it will save their life,"

<row vs Wade>

"I think that, to be very honest with you, I do believe that we should have rightly believed, but we certainly believe that certain issues are just settled. Certain issues are just settled."

That is just a tiny sample. 😉

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP05 Aug 2024 5:35 a.m. PST

Tort a few fact checks on her and specifically the Trump/2025 project association. 3 things she had said about him that are untrue.

Subject: FactChecking Vice President Kamala Harris –


What Rasmussen says about fact check.

"These sources have minimal bias and use very few loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using an appeal to emotion or stereotypes). The reporting is factual and usually sourced. These are the most credible media sources."

Having said all I have recently, I'm not sure why anyone would want to take over the government, after the last 4 years. Rampant illegal immigration, extremely high interest rates, inflation, high prices, wars in the Middle East and Europe, tensions in Asia, a debt that just hit 35 trillion dollars… Now it is looking like the market may "really" tank. 3 straight days of major Dow drops. The Nekai index closed early due to Substantial sell offs. At this moment, the Dow futures are down 1124.26. New jobs dropped substantially. Last months New jobs report had to be readjusted. Manufacturing is not looking good as buying has curtailed.

Maybe we should question any Republican who would want to inherit this and you know that if they do win, everything will be blamed on them by the MSM.

No win scenario. 🙂

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP05 Aug 2024 6:17 a.m. PST

35th, I get it about Harris and the word salads.

I still think that Trump knows very little about American history. The Gettysburg speech was not a teleprompter issue. I don't think the airport speech was either as he goes on to talk about "ramming the ramparts". It's not the end of the world, but if you don't know this stuff, what else might be missing?

As with Biden, age and health are concerns, though better off than Biden. No real health records. Some occasional signs of confusion in getting out sentences, pronouncing words. Can he go four more years? His base is not worried, but others are. Putin and Xi are both about seven years younger, a big difference at this point in life. Most of Trump's second term would be in his 80's, doing the world's hardest job. Who would end up pulling the strings?

Nine pound round05 Aug 2024 7:09 a.m. PST

I do think this election may provide us with yet another first: we're about to see whether Doug Emhoff manages to get two divorces out of the same orgasm.

I've certainly never seen that happen before.

doc mcb05 Aug 2024 7:42 a.m. PST

9pound, lol

doc mcb05 Aug 2024 7:51 a.m. PST

Tort, I don't think identifying Little Round Top is on the exam to become a citizen, as the number of SC justices IS -- nor would I want it to be. Though at least have an idea who George Washington was!

But there are broadly two ideas about what makes one an American: ideals, and something else. If we don't want that second something to be "blood and soil", then what to replace it? A knowledge of our past is at least accessible to anyone.

As to trump, he was my last choice as republican nominee in 2016. And my uneasiness with his religious knowledge -- we remember Two Corinthians -- is more troubling than the silly airport flub. But binary choice, baby: the alternative is vastly worse. And I doubt Harris could give a coherent account of the Civil War either; it is in the Cloud somewhere. You go to an election, like a war, with the force you have.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP05 Aug 2024 7:51 a.m. PST

doc +10

I truly believe many in our gov't does not know what it is to be an "American" … Plus so many of our youth has been indoctrinated with CRT/1619, etc. As we see recently with the pro-Hamas anti-Israel riots. Classic Marxist/Communists tactics. I'd think if you don't like America what is keeping you here ? There are a lot of other countries you could go to.

Of course, we have freedom of speech and peaceful assembly … So generally, one can say what they want. And the rights, the privileges include Neo-Nazis, KKK, etc. Which they are abhorrible creatures. But really no different than those that support Hamas, etc.

But again, this invasion of millions crossing our border illegally. Is not about racism, xenophobia, etc. It's about logistics and national security …

From the man/woman on the street it comes down to who is paying for the feeding, housing, etc. of these illegal aliens ? We know … the US Taxpayer … Most believe there are a lot of US citizens, programs, projects, etc. that could use that $. USD Then illegal aliens …

Again, what can the US do with 10-20 million illegal aliens? Most who don't have jobs, don't qualify, some don't want to work and let the US taxpayers pay for their free ride. Plus again there are some that are here to commit crimes … some heinous crimes.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP05 Aug 2024 7:56 a.m. PST

Hey, family values still matter!! He will still trail Trump three to two as far as we know.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP05 Aug 2024 8:56 a.m. PST

"But binary choice, baby: the alternative is vastly worse. And I doubt Harris could give a coherent account of the Civil War either; it is in the Cloud somewhere. You go to an election, like a war, with the force you have."

🤔🤔 🛌 😴………. 💭

"There was a war..and it was Civil. But that is not to say the war was Civil. No war is Civil. But it was called a Civil War. There was these people who were North and these people who were South and they went to war. But they were not Civil about, so it was a war. We call it a Civil War. Hah hah hah hah hah hah hah"

Nine pound round05 Aug 2024 10:19 a.m. PST

Who's that gem of a quote from?

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP05 Aug 2024 10:23 a.m. PST

I was dreaming after Doc's quote thinking about what it might sound like. Hence all the emoji's.

So Heard it in my dream. 😉

Sounds somewhat like:

"Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So basically that's wrong."

But that one was real. 🙂

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP05 Aug 2024 10:58 a.m. PST

Back to life, back to reality.,

"(Reuters) -Charles Schwab and Fidelity Investments have resolved technical issues with their apps, the online brokerages said on Monday, on a day users rushed to trade as markets slumped on rising fears of a U.S. recession."

Nine pound round05 Aug 2024 11:29 a.m. PST

Destined to disappear into the same media memory hole as Emhoff's illegitimate baby, or abortion, whichever it turns out to be.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP05 Aug 2024 12:48 p.m. PST

So the MSM is ranting about a "cat lady" statement from the past while….

My guess is, it will take the deaths of someone they actually care about, before anything will happen. As long as the deaths and crimes effect only the lowly masses… agenda will continue to be appeased. 😔

Subject: Scathing report reveals Biden-Harris admin has released dozens of migrants on terror watchlist into US | Fox News


Subject: Team Biden is shocked, shocked at massive migrant fraud — but still wants to wave them in


6 of the totally unnecessary and Preventable deaths

Subject: Citizen Free Press on X: "They were murdered by illegal aliens in America. / X


Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP05 Aug 2024 5:18 p.m. PST

Doc, I don't disagree with you about getting all the details right. But there is a line the Prez shouldn't cross on the basics for me – its unnerving and undermines confidence. One the other hand, I have no doubt that Harris has a superior knowledge base, but this does not make her a good choice for Prez.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP05 Aug 2024 5:27 p.m. PST

Tort it won't matter, you still got Ike. 😉

And Lots of his dead friends will be voting again this year. 😉

Take care.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP05 Aug 2024 7:06 p.m. PST

Ha! But who are they voting for? Ike is the man! I am still writing him in.

doc mcb05 Aug 2024 7:08 p.m. PST

Tort, superior knowledge base? Why do you think that?

US Vice President and Democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Harris appears to think that data in the cloud is literally stored in the clouds "above us". In an undated speech that's going viral on social media, Harris appears to point towards the sky to indicate where cloud data is stored.

"No longer are you keeping private files in some file cabinet that's locked in the basement of the house," she said. "It's on your laptop, and then — therefore — it's up here in this cloud that exists above us," she continued, while holding her hand up in the air and looking upwards.

"Right?" she says while looking at her interviewer. "It's no longer in a physical place," she added.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP06 Aug 2024 4:27 a.m. PST

Doc it's NOT??!! 🌧️ ⛅️ 👼
Say it ain't so!!! 😉

FYI I hated programming applications that had to access the cloud. They would not let us access their databases on their servers directly, like we could when the databases were stored on our own servers. We could have test databases for testing in ours, but for the cloud we could only access their canned views and MV's. Maybe that's changed since I retired. But they were a bi#ch to write reports with and get information back then.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP06 Aug 2024 4:28 a.m. PST

These should be sent to me!!!

Subject: Chinese nationals arrested in East Texas, $250 USDk in gold bars seized after traffic stop – YouTube

They are here to fill the jobs US citizens won't take. They are here for economic opportunities and to better their lives. 😂🤣

We are getting their best and brightest.

Well maybe…. their best criminals. 🤔

YouTube link

Nine pound round06 Aug 2024 5:40 a.m. PST

"Why do you think that?"

He doesn't think it, he accepts and propagates it; that's not the same thing.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP06 Aug 2024 7:04 a.m. PST

Nine- Do I make these kinds of judgmental assumptions about you?

I have said repeatedly that my personal choice is neither candidate. This board is the lion's den for me, and getting worse. What if I were to start counter posting all the junk about Trump out there? I once watched Trump's deposition in the Trump University case and found that it told me what I needed to know.

But there is no end of gaffes, lies, word jumbles etc. I am more interested in the middle ground, balance, respect, fact checks and conspiracy theories being investigated, and in many cases dismissed – on both sides. Harris really is just as scary as Trump in her own way, IMO. But she appears to many people as more normal by comparison and she represents women and their issues well. She smiles…would it kill Trump to do this? Even with his vision of a country gone to hell?

Despite some gaffes and word salad incidents, Harris is able to speak more coherently on a wider range of issues, her language skills are better and she is can vary her topics, which her opponent cannot or will not. Her experience and education seem to help her to project a less eccentric and more knowledgeable persona, appearing to be more relatable and "normal". And younger.

That said, this is only one facet of who she is and what she represents. Most of which I don't like or can only guess at.

doc mcb06 Aug 2024 7:23 a.m. PST

Tort, yes, okay, fair enough.

I am among those, a majority I suspect, who don't want either candidate, nor really either party. A split=power situation that hamstrings what the pols can do is probably the optimum outcome.

I DO see Trump as a Jacksonian type in several important ways. That is or can be both a good and a bad thing. Cult of personality, check. Realigning the parties, check. Possibly ignorant of key issues, check. (It's still unclear how much Jackson really understood about banking.) Changed the trajectory of the nation? Maybe, we'll see.

Nine pound round06 Aug 2024 8:32 a.m. PST

As a matter of fact, you do- you've been trying to tag me as a Trump supporter since the NATO thread. Your posts are one long diarrheal strand of your obsession with Trump, Trump, Trump, and when you run out of other arguments to make, you remind us all, once again, how much you hate Trump. It's boring when it comes from better writers.

I'm not for Trump. Nor am I against him. What I am against is your continual obsession with him, independent of what other people are or aren't saying, extending back over a period of months. You are an active contributor to the culture of hatred for Donald Trump that seeks and misses no opportunity to complain and to assert that he is the enemy of democracy, he wants to be a dictator, he will kill is all, etc. There are good and legitimate arguments to be made against Trump, just as there are to be made for him: unfortunately for you, you aren't making them.

What you are doing is highlighting the extent to which your self-confessed psychological problems are leading you down this road- and not incidentally, you're contributing as effectively as your limited capabilities permit to the culture of dehumanization that led to the last assassination attempt.

So yeah, if it sounds like I'm making a judgment about you, it's because I am – and the things you post here are the basis for it.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP06 Aug 2024 10:52 a.m. PST

Nine: Yes, but I do not do this to you. I have read your posts and understand you as post-political and not a Trump supporter. I have already said this. Your last post about me like this seemed to disappear. Not via anything I did. I think the same will happen here. You linked me to the assassination attempt.

I have never implied or said anything violent against Trump. I actively posted on the assassination and the performance of the protection details. Almost all of my other Trump posts are in response to some observation about him or the culture around him that I consider flawed. I have never, I think, started a negative thread or a post about him on my own. Do I think he is unfit for office? Clearly. So was Biden.

In some ways Trump personifies the culture of dehumanization. But he also represents the deep and justifiable dissatisfaction with the evolution of the country and is often seen here as flawed but unfair victim of persecution. And a populist who is better than our other choices. I don't buy this, except that the other choices have been so poor that I am stuck voting against him.

My psych problems are still with me, but this stuff is a long way from that. I don't choose to say more because my line of work was not something most people want hear about and it involved intense situations I will not describe here. But I will say this, my experiences were about as human as you can get. My posts tell you nothing about this. Just leave it, Chief.

doc mcb06 Aug 2024 11:10 a.m. PST

Sigh. And we were doing so well . . .

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP06 Aug 2024 11:14 a.m. PST

Sorry doc…I am, after all, an apologist!

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP06 Aug 2024 5:47 p.m. PST

tag me as a Trump supporter
Why yes … yes, I am … 👍👍

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