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"Advice on 4 player One Hour Skirmish" Topic

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31 Jul 2024 4:08 a.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

  • Changed title from "Advise on 4 player One Hour Skirmish" to "Advice on 4 player One Hour Skirmish"

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PzGeneral30 Jul 2024 4:32 p.m. PST

Hello all,

We've just discovered the One Hour Skirmish rules. Great, fun set of rules. I've got two head to head and one 4 player game under my belt. After the multi-player game we began discussing the number of card decks to be used. In our 4 player game we played with everyone having their own deck of resolution cards. BUT, we did remove a Joker from each deck. That was there was still only 2 Jokers per side.

Afterwards we began discussing if we should play with only a single standard deck of cards per side that both of that sides players would share.

Does anyone have experience with multi-player OHS games and have an opinion / advise as to which way works best?



Fitzovich Supporting Member of TMP31 Jul 2024 1:03 a.m. PST

I agree that it is a superb set of rules. We will be running it as part of a local presentation on a nearby AWI battle at a museum in October. In the case of four player games everyone gets a deck with one joker as you mention and we draw initiative every round going high card to low card. That adds a lot of chaos to the game. I did a four player game last November that was four player and it was just a hoot. If you go to and search the great turkey hunt. You will see a couple of the sessions.

PzGeneral31 Jul 2024 4:56 a.m. PST

Many thanks for the input!!


PS, I clicked your recommended link….looks like that domain is for sale…?

Col Durnford Supporting Member of TMP31 Jul 2024 6:57 a.m. PST

For another twist, put together custom decks with fewer cards for low quality troops. The low quality troops should have greater figure count.

In my own variant for the Rhodesia bush war, I give the RLI sticks A-10 and ZANLA A-6.

Admittedly, I stole the troop quality from the Force on Force dice rules.

Fitzovich Supporting Member of TMP31 Jul 2024 7:19 a.m. PST

I made a typo when I posted the link to the games in my post above. it is link

That's what I get for trying to do it on the phone, early in the morning. Thanks to ColCampbell for catching my error.

PzGeneral31 Jul 2024 7:22 a.m. PST

Interesting idea Col Durnford.

So noted!


Londonplod01 Aug 2024 8:24 a.m. PST

I ran a multi player Vietnam game at Deal War games Club and just used one deck per side, one player per side was nominated as the commander and allocated the points as they saw fit.
It was a really fun game with lots of tension regarding the points allocation.

Col Durnford Supporting Member of TMP01 Aug 2024 12:52 p.m. PST

One other idea that I've been toying with is to allow units not in contact with the enemy to move the whole fireteam/squad at a cost of one action point.

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