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"How I got my wife into wargames..." Topic

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Wyatt the Odd Fezian reports from OrcCon 2008.

517 hits since 29 Jul 2024
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP30 Jul 2024 4:15 p.m. PST

"… it certainly wasn't easy and it certainly wasn't quick. I'd like to think my experience was typical insofar as my wife was not an "anti-gamer" -- someone who out and out despises games so I had not a place to start -- nor was she a gamer to start with, ready to play anything put on the table…"




SBminisguy30 Jul 2024 7:50 p.m. PST

Similar progression, but she's still not interested in wargaming -- BUT, she does occasionally enjoy family game night with:

1. Carcasonne
2. Ticket to Ride
3. Catan
4. Fast Food Franchise ('cause it has hats)
5. Agricola

HMS Exeter30 Jul 2024 8:48 p.m. PST

Carcassonne is pretty reliable.

For 3d gaming, the venerable Limeys and Slimeys is hard to beat.

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP31 Jul 2024 2:47 p.m. PST



TimePortal01 Aug 2024 7:38 p.m. PST

Well in 1977, we got married and on our honeymoon, I played in a 10,000 casting Napoleonics game. It actually made the Dallas newspaper and TV.
I did not smoke or drink and after spending Saturday at the game store, we always played and evening game at home.
Her favorite game was Spellmaker.
We stayed together until 2022 when she passed on.

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