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"Ships from 5150 Known Space Converted to Starwar 2250" Topic

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Hey You Supporting Member of TMP29 Jul 2024 2:01 p.m. PST

Here is my take on ships from 5150: Known Space (Two Hour Wargames) converted for a Starguard 2250 campaign that I am thinking about.

Engine Repairable x 25 (1-40)
Power Bank x 28 (41-46)
Command Bridge x 1 (47-48)
Light Laser x 2 (49-51)
Retrieval Boat x 1 (52-60)
Null Compartments x 25 (61-100)
Structural Damage Available 86
Crew x 5
Vector 6 subsectors per day / 3 light years per hour

*Slaver or Pirate*
Engine Repairable x 25 (1-56)
Power Bank x 28 (57-64)
Command Bridge x 1 (65-67)
Light Laser x 2 (68-71)
Hex Missile Launcher (w/10 missiles) x 1 (72-76)
Retrieval Boat x 1 (77-89)
Null Compartments x 5 (90-100)
Structural Damage Available 88
Crew x 6
Vector 6 subsectors per day / 3 light years per hour

*Light Freighter*
Engine Repairable x 25 (1-13)
Power Bank x 27 (14-15)
Command Bridge x 1 (16-16)
Light Laser x 1 (17-17)
Retrieval Boat x 1 (18-19)
Null Compartments x 150 (20-100)
Structural Damage Available 138
Crew x 6
Vector 4 subsectors per day / 2 light years per hour

*Heavy Freighter*
Engine Repairable x 20 (1-7)
Power Bank x 23 (8-8)
Command Bridge x 1 (9-9)
Light Laser x 2 (10-10)
Retrieval Boat x 1 (11-12)
Null Compartments x 260 (13-100)
Structural Damage Available 180
Crew x 7
Vector 2 subsectors per day / 1 light year per hour

Engine Repairable x 30 (1-45)
Power Bank x 35 (46-52)
Command Bridge x 1 (53-53)
Light Laser x 3 (54-58)
Hex Missile Launcher (w/10 missiles) x 1 (59-61)
Retrieval Boat x 1 (62-70)
Null Compartments x 20 (71-100)
Structural Damage Available 111
Crew x 8
Vector 6 subsectors per day / 3 light years per hour

Starwar 2250 Rules:

Starship Rules:

Starguard Rules:

5150: Known Space Rules:

SBminisguy29 Jul 2024 4:39 p.m. PST

Cool, thanks for sharing!

Hey You Supporting Member of TMP30 Jul 2024 4:58 a.m. PST

I forgot to mention that the Starguard 1st Edition Reprint can also be bought at:

I use different versions of Starguard based on how I feel on any given day. I like 1st and 2nd edition for quickness of play. But I like Warbots and 7th edition when I want more crunchy.

I am thinking of using the Starwar 2250 map for my campaign. When Hishin Slavers are called for I am going to use Ralnai. And when pirates are called for, I plan on using Eli. As a side note, the Eli did not show up until Starguard 2nd Edition in 1976, if I remember correctly. Of course, bugs are Dreenoi.

I am also going to try using 5150 Known Space for rolling up star systems. It's quicker than Starwar 2250. I haven't come up with a chart to determine life forms present yet though.

SBminisguy31 Jul 2024 7:44 a.m. PST

I haven't come up with a chart to determine life forms present yet though.

Known Space has three categories of planets, Class 1 (Earthlike), Class 2 (Marginally habitable – like Tatooine) and Class 3 (Hostile atmo, airless rock, etc), but really only focuses on life forms as adventure hooks. SO if you're exploring a Class 2 planet there's chance of running into Xeno-critters of some type, which may or may not be hostile, and each planet also falls within some star-faring species sphere of influence, which would determined what intelligent life you meet. But more detailed planet rules in this area would be cool!

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