Nashville  | 28 Jul 2024 1:06 p.m. PST |
Gamesmasters using LOUDSPEAKERS AT WARGAMES to explain the rules to multiple players??? I have enjoyed all the videos and photos from Historicon. I have a question for the gamemasters. When explaining the game rules to the players I think most folks use the human voice and perhaps speak a bit louder to the assembled players. That has been my experience in many of conventions. I also notice a significant number of older players who – like me – are hearing impaired ( and yes I use hearing aids) . Given all this do any game masters use mikes and speakers to enhance their voice so the troops can hear when starting the game? I recognize this may impact adjacent games but who has done this and what tools are used? And I am not suggesting this go on during the whole game.
14Bore | 28 Jul 2024 1:18 p.m. PST |
Historicon was quite loud, not sure adding to the din would be better |
79thPA  | 28 Jul 2024 3:39 p.m. PST |
I have seen it done, and I think it is disrespectful to every one else in attendance because you cannot set the volume to keep the transmission at your table. |
bobspruster  | 28 Jul 2024 5:00 p.m. PST |
I took a tour in Europe and the tour guide used a transmitter so he could speak to the entire group while we wore ear phones wired to a small receiver. No shouting in crowds, churches or palaces. I'm hearing impaired, too, and have hearing aids but the din of a convention floor just makes playing or putting on a game next to impossible. I might try it in future so long as the game is in a much smaller room. |
Parzival  | 28 Jul 2024 6:33 p.m. PST |
I print out pages with all the rules or important notes on a single sheet (front and back, if necessary). That way, everyone has a reference to interpret what I say. (And I stick with rules that are easy to follow.) I've got hearing aids, too, so I appreciate the same thing when I join someone else's game. |
martin goddard  | 29 Jul 2024 4:08 a.m. PST |
They do all look a bit bored in the photo? Noise from other games can be a real problem if there are no dampening surfaces. The first Fredericksburg historicon was jolly noisy. Some games are designed for making lots of noise by the participants. This is part of that games fun count. That is fine, but such games need their own space? I find it "off" when the show has a PA system that is used too much in order to convey irrelevant information (It is now 10am, the bring and buy is in the bring and buy room, the winner of the car fire game is). I attended a busy games shop of about 60 players some months ago . Some (about a quarter) of the players were involved in a star wars competition. Luckily the star wars organiser gave everyone updates on the games constantly. No breaks, at all ….. Whilst having a jolly good moan I also do not like constant swearing and bad language on tables near to my own. I am a 1950s baby so maybe less tolerant? martin
I feel better now. |
OSCS74 | 29 Jul 2024 7:39 a.m. PST |
David Manley  | 29 Jul 2024 9:09 a.m. PST |
"They do all look a bit bored in the photo?" The joy of military wargaming :) In contrast we are refighting the Falklands again as part of a course at the Defence Academy and our military players look a LOT happier – alas photos not allowed |
Grattan54  | 29 Jul 2024 9:23 a.m. PST |
There was a massive Japanese game at Historicon. The gamemaster may have used it, not sure. |
47Ronin | 29 Jul 2024 1:17 p.m. PST |
Agreed that the "Screaming Eagle" in the above photo might have lost his audience, loudspeaker or no loudspeaker. As mentioned above, there was at least one loudspeaker at Historicon 2024. As the game was set in the lobby of the convention hall, it was away from most other games. Not sure if the loudspeaker was used throughout the event. Old timers at HMGS might recall that "The Duke" used a loudspeaker (or megaphone) every now and then for his games. Once again, his games were usually in the lobby away from most other events. Either way, a loudspeaker will get your attention. Proceed with caution. |
WarWizard | 30 Jul 2024 2:16 a.m. PST |
I think only the gamemaster using a loud speaker is fine. I have seen many games where the players were talking and yelling much louder than anyone using a loudspeaker device. |
YogiBearMinis | 30 Jul 2024 3:08 a.m. PST |
I played in some roleplaying games at GenCon one year where some game masters were using small, portable loudspeakers, and while it did help the people at their tables, it ruined the games of those around them because you could now hear that guy over the people at your own table. |
Martyn K | 30 Jul 2024 5:01 a.m. PST |
Sounds like a recipe for an arms race where things get louder and louder. It is fine for GMS in a separate area to use them, but I wouldn't want GMs in a general gaming area using them. |
miniMo  | 30 Jul 2024 6:19 a.m. PST |
Been there when someone tried that years ago. All the other GMs descended with intent to commit harm if he didn't cease and desist. No one could hear anything else at the other tables. |