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Gallocelt Supporting Member of TMP20 Jul 2024 7:56 a.m. PST

I've noticed that Battle Honors 3D is apparently taking a Summer break. Before they went on break I was checking prices on their Etsy site. I discovered that they seem to be printing in more scales than before. Since my main interest is 15mm / 18mm scale I was especially interested in finding that they print houses in both 15mm and 1/100 scale. I believe that 1/100 is larger than 15mm in size but noticed that in some cases, 1/100 scale was listed at a lower price than 15mm showing the same model. I will have to clarify this when they get back from vacation.



AshHammer20 Jul 2024 6:51 p.m. PST

I thought 15mm was 1/100 scale. Or close enough.

Gallocelt Supporting Member of TMP20 Jul 2024 7:21 p.m. PST

Yep, that's why I was surprised to see both scales listed. I know many people use 15mm figures like Peter Pig WWII with 1/100 scale vehicles.



Battle Honours 3D Sponsoring Member of TMP25 Aug 2024 3:07 a.m. PST

Hey Chaps! Michael from Battle Honours 3D here!

Not sure why 1/100 is cheaper than 15mm but must be a rounding error when uploading the Excel files into Etsy.

As for scale sizing, we have been using TMPs scaling webpage! TMP link

So 1/100 scale is approx 16.1mm
15mm is approx 1/107 in scale

We've had lots of different people enquiring about different scales and so we decided it would be easier to add different variations to our website so that everyone is able to get the correct scale. As all our items are digital and printed in FDM or Resin, we are able to make adjustments this small and it will make a difference to the models provided!

I hope this helps,

Kind Regards


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