"Chitubox" Topic
5 Posts
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dmclellan | 19 Jul 2024 2:33 p.m. PST |
Anyone using this slicer? I'm starting out with it and have detected islands in a file, but need some advice on how to repair them by adding supports. |
Royal Air Force | 19 Jul 2024 4:25 p.m. PST |
I prefer Lycee for island detection and correction. But you'll need to scroll through the layer preview and place manual supports on any islands you find. |
dmclellan | 19 Jul 2024 6:50 p.m. PST |
And there is the problem. Chitubox is supposed to identify the islands, but it isn't. I'm using a makerspace printer and it's an Elegoo model that is locked and will only accept Chitubox slicer files for printing. Maybe I could take the file through lycee, fix the islands and save as an STL, then go back to Chitubox for the final slice. |
Royal Air Force | 20 Jul 2024 2:36 a.m. PST |
Did you try this process? link |
dmclellan | 20 Jul 2024 9:57 a.m. PST |
I did. Note two things.. 1. the lost pixels light up in red in the first screen shown. My version doesn't show any red pixels. 2. The example is from version 1.8.0 beta. This version is from 2021. I'm using the current version, 2.1.0. The UI has undergone a massive rewrite since then. Lychee and another software product I've found, UVTools, may be the way I need to go. Chitubox does not seem to support their product very well and their Facebook page is filled with reports of errors in the 2.0 and 2.1 versions released this year. When a company releases 2.0 and 2.1 within for to six weeks of each other, sounds like there are a lot of bugs in the software. Thanks for you comments and assistance Royal Air Force. |