When you put it that way, Bill, it makes good sense. There have been a couple posts that came through with a title and then a link. Ummm . . . where will this take me? Sorry, guys, but I frequently don't open them. Tell us what we are getting or where the link will take us. And, no, "Best flippin' link I ever saw," just does not cut it, either.
Over the years, I've gotten used to Tango, who at least gives me a hint as to where he is linking, so I can skip the ones I'm just not interested in, or I don't have time to read just now. I trust him not to provide an unidentified link to the hottest lingerie shop in Buenos Aires.
Of course, Bill is on the ball, getting rid of the posts, "You won't be sorry you clicked here," where the link takes you to the (allegedly) best sex toys shop in upstate New York.
And, yes, I really appreciated Druzhina, who used to post links to pictures of various Medieval warriors with links and sources, so I could go look them up.