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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian11 Jul 2024 11:46 a.m. PST

The term 'meat waves' is in vogue to describe the Russian tactics in Ukraine, but I noticed Perun in his latest video points out some tactical differences.

"Human wave attacks" are mostly remembered from the Chinese intervention in the Korean War, and featured overwhelming attacks by large numbers of infantry.

The Russian 'meat waves' differ in that they consist of serial attacks by small infantry units. Vehicles are used as transport, and widely vary (from tanks and IFVs to Chinese 'golf carts' and motorcycles) or sometimes not present at all. There may be two or three tanks in the vanguard, sometimes including a 'turtle' tank as a breakthrough vehicle.

As Ukrainian drone footage indicates, the individual wave attacks are often decisively defeated. However, the Russians gain ground by persistently sending in more units, regardless of casualties.

One mystery remains: what motivates the Russian infantry to advance when the odds of death and injury are so high?

Dragon Gunner11 Jul 2024 11:51 a.m. PST

Getting shot by your own side if you attempt to retreat or surrender?

Dragon Gunner11 Jul 2024 11:52 a.m. PST

Perun makes an excellent distinction between human wave and meat attacks.

soledad11 Jul 2024 12:48 p.m. PST

in some instances Ukrainian troops have had to pull back because they run out of small arms ammo or the weapons becomes so hot after sustained firing that the weapons is in the risk of "melting".

Note not necessarily firing automatic fire, it is more semi auto fire but for an extended period of time and the weapon is given no chance to cool down.

It is almost like "whack a mole", so many targets move forward and pop up and down that you do not have a chance to stop them all.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP11 Jul 2024 1:36 p.m. PST

If true in the Ukraine, it does not defer from past Russian tactics in wars and would not surprise me.

Personal logo Herkybird Supporting Member of TMP11 Jul 2024 2:29 p.m. PST

Some Russian troops interviewed indeed said they were threatened with being shot if they retreated. I suspect Vodka may help in attacking in such a manner!

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP11 Jul 2024 3:38 p.m. PST

Shot for the retreating soldier and shame (or worst) for his family… remember what king of government have the Rusians…


Grattan54 Supporting Member of TMP11 Jul 2024 6:25 p.m. PST

I haven't heard for some time, what are the estimates on Russian losses at this time?

Cuprum211 Jul 2024 8:08 p.m. PST

Old, old fairy tale)))
It's so funny to read these fantasies…
Mostly volunteers fight in the Russian army (except for 300 thousand reservists called up for mobilization in 2022). On average, 1,000 people voluntarily enroll in contract service in the Russian army per day.


Turn on your brain and think if they would do this if at least half of these Ukrainian nonsense were true)))

And this is a video for entertainment, "Song Fighting Friends," filmed by Russian volunteers on the front line. Enjoy – English subtitles provided:


Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian11 Jul 2024 9:17 p.m. PST

Turn on your brain and think if they would do this if at least half of these Ukrainian nonsense were true)))

Yet Russian soldiers made a recent video, claiming half their battalion was wiped out in a single day of attacking.

Others claim being forced to fight despite already being seriously wounded.

Cuprum211 Jul 2024 10:07 p.m. PST

Did Ukrainian channels show this video? ;-)

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP11 Jul 2024 10:54 p.m. PST

The Free World show that video…


Apart from Iran and North Korea… which other countries officially support Rusian invation?… not China so…?


Cuprum211 Jul 2024 11:05 p.m. PST

Did you mean propaganda of the "free world"? This is for your internal consumption. We receive information from our family and friends who are fighting.

You were once a Free World. Now it is a world of fraud and corruption. You are definitely no better than Russia – only your vices are different…

Few people support Russia. But only US vassals object)))


International isolation looks like this)))

By the way, what about support for the war in Gaza? Who supports whom and with what? Where is your "free world"?

nickinsomerset11 Jul 2024 11:32 p.m. PST

Ah, the Indian telling the fascist to stop sending Indians to the front line!

Tally Ho!

Cuprum211 Jul 2024 11:49 p.m. PST

Do you find it funny? I rejoice with you)))


Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian12 Jul 2024 4:01 a.m. PST

Sickening to see Modi hug the man who just fired a missile into a children's hospital.

Cuprum212 Jul 2024 4:03 a.m. PST

Would you rather he hugged those who bombed the Yugoslav hospital many years ago?

jedburgh12 Jul 2024 6:09 a.m. PST

No wonder he's hugging him he is getting oil and gas at knockdown prices.

Cuprum212 Jul 2024 7:37 a.m. PST

Let him receive it. In any case, this is beneficial for us. But the war will not last forever)))
In addition, we are talking about large contracts for nuclear power plants, which cannot but please us.

Prince Alberts Revenge12 Jul 2024 8:14 a.m. PST

@Cuprum – while I have friends here in the United States that are Ukrainian..the friends I speak of are indeed on the front lines. They are civilians in Kyiv. While not wielding rifles, they still must be subjected to missiles and bombs on their neighborhood residential buildings. I imagine if they are willing to endure, in fact most have become desensitized and normalized to the terror, I imagine their relatives on the other front lines are of similar mind.

Cuprum212 Jul 2024 8:29 a.m. PST

Maybe – time will tell.

Garand12 Jul 2024 9:37 a.m. PST

No wonder he's hugging him he is getting oil and gas at knockdown prices.

Which he pays for in Rupees. That must be spent in India.


Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP12 Jul 2024 10:47 a.m. PST

Bill +1

The Russian 'meat waves' differ in that they consist of serial attacks by small infantry units. Vehicles are used as transport, and widely vary (from tanks and IFVs to Chinese 'golf carts' and motorcycles) or sometimes not present at all. There may be two or three tanks in the vanguard, sometimes including a 'turtle' tank as a breakthrough vehicle.
Yes, the Chinese are 20% of the world they can take many, many losses before it effects them. Plus I think the Russian AFV loses are very high as well. They can't replace those like the can Infantry. Albeit many are not trained that well, etc.

Dragon +1

Getting shot by your own side if you attempt to retreat or surrender?
They've done it before …

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP12 Jul 2024 4:22 p.m. PST

A huge… yes, why not?… money under the table… of course!


And enough of justifying any barbaric act with military facts from the recent past… none of them resemble in the slightest what you do in Ukraine… I would like you to see the videos of what those people did in Israel … the same people who they had been given jobs… hate is hate and will always exist…
I don't want to imagine the Russian reaction if it had suffered a criminal act towards its population like the Muslims did to Israel.


Cuprum212 Jul 2024 5:11 p.m. PST

Garand, yes. Therefore, supplies from India to Russia of beef, rice, tea and other food products are growing. Medicines Chemical industry products, rare earth metals. This is the main thing. Indian programmers are also actively involved in the work. Of course, there is an imbalance, but the war is not eternal, and problems can be solved…

Tango, you will have to come to terms with the idea that you have the right to reproach someone only when you yourself are impeccable. Otherwise it's just hypocrisy.
We will have to come to terms with the idea that there is no international isolation of Russia and it is impossible. There are only US vassals who are ready to destroy their own countries to please the demands of the hegemon (as Germany does). And there are countries that maintain external neutrality due to fear of US pressure and threats. The hegemon forces other countries to comply with the sanctions he has imposed. Compels! This is freedom? Is this democracy? No. This is violence and dictatorship.

How many civilians must be killed to satisfy a just feeling of revenge? Can you announce the figure in advance? 10 thousand children? 30 thousand? When is it time to stop? And it's strange that you don't understand that this will lead to nothing but a new round of hatred… I understand the emotions of the Israelis, but I don't understand what result they want. However, this is none of my business. They have to live in this later – not me.

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP12 Jul 2024 5:31 p.m. PST

Nobody nor any country was/is Impeccable… all here have the right to express our opinions…I don't want to imagine how that would turn out in a Russian forum…

I must admit that your comment makes me smile with tenderness… exactly the same argument heard in Cuba and Venezuela… exactly!…

Of course, none of those countries fail to see that those same arguments said by Hungary, East Germany, Romania, etc. etc. and of course they run away as soon as they could led them to vote for the free world… not that autocratic tyranny that smells old… for some reason. They left the "Socialist Paradise" behind as soon as they could…

Your concern about the death of children is moving… why don't you write a letter to your government requesting that they no longer bomb Kinder Gardens or Children's Hospitals in Ukraine…?



Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian12 Jul 2024 5:53 p.m. PST

…supplies from India to Russia of beef, rice, tea and other food products are growing. Medicines Chemical industry products, rare earth metals. This is the main thing. Indian programmers are also actively involved in the work. Of course, there is an imbalance, but the war is not eternal, and problems can be solved…..

And Russia can pay for this… how?

Cuprum212 Jul 2024 6:11 p.m. PST

Oh yes, I've heard a lot about how in the free West you are subjected to obstruction not only for having a different opinion, but also simply for being Russian. Now it's less, but quite recently – very widely)))

And you come to Russian forums and you will find out everything. This is not a problem at all… But you will also have to endure a lot of idiotic haters – Russia here will not be much different from you.

Glad I gave you the opportunity to have some fun.

You probably don't know, but Russia was one of the first to declare its sovereignty (that is, secession from the USSR) in 1991. It was not the other republics that ran away from it – it was Russia that ran away from them. Feel the difference. Just like the USSR itself and voluntarily left Eastern Europe. Although, of course, ungrateful countries did not appreciate this… It's a pity.

My country is doing everything it can to stop the senseless loss of life. We have proposed reaching an agreement many times, even long before the war – since 2014. And all initiatives are inevitably rejected. Well, if someone wants to fight, they will have to fight. And it will still all end with an agreement.

Editor in Chief Bill, as he pays now – with gas, oil, weapons, grain, construction of nuclear power plants and much more…

soledad12 Jul 2024 10:27 p.m. PST

Why, if Russia is doing everything it can, to stop this "senseless loss of life" does not Russia pull back? Leave Ukraine and the war will end.

We both know that will never happen. Russia will never pull back. This is a Russian war of aggression and expansion. Ukraine is fighting for its existance, its right to be a free country.

Cuprum212 Jul 2024 11:15 p.m. PST

Russia will not leave these territories voluntarily now. Russia paid for these territories with the lives of its people. If someone wanted to save these lands, they had to stop killing Russians (even if they were of Ukrainian citizenship). Just stop doing this and come to an agreement with them. And now if Ukraine wants to return these lands, let him fight.
The previous time for negotiations has already passed. The new has not yet arrived.

nickinsomerset12 Jul 2024 11:51 p.m. PST

Russia STOLE these territories with the lives of its people.

There changed it for the Ruscum.

My country is doing everything it can to stop the senseless loss of life.

Your country started this war by invading a sovereign nation that posed no threat to Russia at all, in the same way and using the same made up stories as the fascists of 1939.

The ruscum could end it by going home,

Tally Ho!

Cuprum213 Jul 2024 1:11 a.m. PST

Blah blah blah… We also talked a lot at one time – they didn't hear us. But they heard the thunder of the guns well. Everything has its price. We are ready to pay… And you?

Sho Boki Sponsoring Member of TMP13 Jul 2024 2:10 a.m. PST

We must pay, we don't have a choice, we are under attack.
Savage muscovites hordes of necromongers must be stopped and punished for raging wars.
Simple and clear.

"Russia will not leave these territories voluntarily now. Russia paid for these territories with the lives of its people."

This is exact way how muscovite necromongers always expand, they violently conquer foreign lands and justify the further annexations by their own casualties. The crime must pay for itself.

Viper guy Supporting Member of TMP13 Jul 2024 12:47 p.m. PST

Cuprum, does that mean if a country is willing to pay with lives, they can take any territory they want? What about the lives the Ukrainians have lost trying to keep that territory, what accounts for that bill? Where does this all end? What is it you really want from Ukraine? Is there a security guarantee that could be given to you that would make you stop? Would you consider a demilitarized area in the occupied territory currently? Do you not think that by going to war have created what you feared by an order of magnitude? You have been correct by saying the west has underestimated Russian resolve, tenacity, and ability to manage its industrial base. Your country has taken tremendous losses and arguably still in the fight. But so have and are the Ukrainians. My biggest fear, is that you underestimate the west. You think we are weak, and uncommitted. And in that misjudgment, you will continue to push until you feel the fury of the west and feel what the world's largest economies can do when they, like you, transition to wartime production. What is the end result of that? You claim to be a democracy so therefore ideology isn't the struggle. You claim to have a strong economy, so economic gain isn't the struggle. You argue threats to Russia security made you go after Ukraine, that hasn't seemed to work out. Even if you met your wildest dreams and Ukraine collapsed and was reabsorbed into a Russian state, how do you not see that is forcing the West to completely reinvent NATO now with two additional countries on your flank. This doesn't end well for anyone. Your country, the physical aggressor, should stop this war immediately. As a reminder, the last time your country went to war Over honor, 1914, your government eventually fell.
Sorry to all for my essay. I have been a voyeur in these discussions, but could not resist finally making commentary.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP13 Jul 2024 1:06 p.m. PST

Viper +1

All good points. Putin does not get it. He awoke NATO into reality when they crossed Ukraine's border. Along with this move he pushed two new nations to join NATO. As they don't trust the Russians either.

Russia does not have the WP to support them. Many now are part of NATO. It is said he feared NATO's expansion. But just added fuel to that fire. There was even talk of disbanding NATO. There was no threat as it was in the past. There is even talk of Ukraine joining NATO after Putin's war is over.

Russia is alone, he may get supplies, etc. from his BFFs, e.g. China, Iran, North Korea, etc. But until those nations start sending full strength armor, mech, etc. Divs. This is Putin's war alone. And sooner than later Russia will have to pay the butcher's bill.

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP13 Jul 2024 4:18 p.m. PST

Viper + 2

Want to chat with a Nazi travelling in time?… you can do it in TMP now… (smile) … same arguments… same actions… same barbaric behavior ….If anyone wondered what Germany (and the countries it occupied) would have been like in the future if Hitler won the war… visit Russia!…

I am fascinated by your innocence of the answer about currently giving an opinion in a Russian Forum as we do in TMP… surely someone will write against the "Special Operation" or Putin's murderer… how long until they go for him and his family?… how much time to suffer an accident falling from a window or be sent to those beautiful prisons in Siberia where you die quickly but only due to bad luck tripping over a stone…


Cuprum213 Jul 2024 8:26 p.m. PST

Viper guy, I will answer in the order of your questions..

The war did not start for the sake of territories. Look at the demands that Putin put forward on the eve of this war – there is nothing there about territorial claims. Even better – first look at Putin's speech in Munich in February 2007… For several decades, Russia consistently retreated, sacrificing its own interests in order to preserve peace… But the more Russia retreated, the more it was taken as a sign of weakness and they demanded from Russia more and more concessions. The rebellion in Ukraine, supported by the West (and largely organized by it), and the coming to power in Ukraine of a nationalist racist government became the "last straw that broke the camel's back." And even then there were still chances to reach an agreement, which Russia has repeatedly proposed. It is Russia, and not the West and its Ukrainian proxy…
Now the war is already underway, a high price has been paid, and Russia will not return to the previous path of concessions. What we took with a fight, we will not give up without a fight.
And this war is not so much against Ukraine as against the West. Ukraine is just a pawn in someone else's game.

Ukrainian losses are their choice. They were offered ways to resolve the issue without war. They refused.

There are many ending options. Nobody knows the future…

All demands on Ukraine are set out in Putin's latest statement. But it is not Ukraine that decides. They are so dependent on the West (obviously) that only the West can make a decision.

Under what conditions this war and the slide towards global nuclear catastrophe can be stopped is not up to you or me to decide.

When we started the war, we told the West: "Enough is enough." What we have created with this will be seen after the war is over. But it is already clearly obvious that a new world treaty on collective security, similar to the Yalta Conference in 1945, is long overdue… This is exactly what we want.

The problem is that the West underestimates Russia (and this has been happening regularly for several centuries). Fury of the West? Well… Russians have a tendency towards fatalism. "What has to happen cannot be avoided." If there is no Russia in this world, then why do we need such a world?

Russia is not a full-fledged democracy. And we have a long way to go on this path. But this does not mean that someone has the right to impose their forms and rules of internal structure on us. We will walk our path ourselves. We also no longer impose our ideology on anyone. It simply does not exist, unlike the modern West.

We are not going against Ukraine – we are going against the West, against the model of the world (neoliberal) that it imposes (often with military or "soft" power). Have you forgotten about the chain of various revolutions that you have been openly organizing for several decades? You are the descendants of Trotsky with his theory of "permanent revolution"… And Ukraine is just one of your victims.

It's what you don't understand… NATO expansion no longer has the same significance it had before the start of this war. Once again: the goal is not Ukraine, the goal is the reassembly of the world order. And that is why you are unable to organize a global blockade of Russia. Since most of the world (with the exception of a couple of dozen US vassals) understand perfectly well why and for what Russia is fighting. And what happens is in their interests too. Yes, they are used to being afraid of the West… Look at what is happening with Georgia. They are not pro-Russian, but they do not want your liberal values, preferring traditional ones. They want to conduct their own independent politics. And the West immediately announces sanctions to them… Sanctions are also a war. The war is not of Ares, but the war of Athena. Their goal is the same as any other war – to cause damage and force them to submit to the will of others. You are fighting against Georgia right now… You are the aggressors.
NATO? Don't care about NATO. We are not going to attack you. And if you attack us, then the presence or absence of NATO does not play a special role…

You simply don't understand what Russia is fighting for, and therefore you don't understand how and why it is holding on and how much longer it can fight… You live in a distorted reality, and therefore you make decisions divorced from life. Ask yourself questions:
– Why didn't Russia crumble?
– Why didn't Russia end up in isolation?
Because of Putin's madness? Because of the war "for honor"? The war is not for honor, and not for territory. The war is about sovereignty and the reorganization of the world. The overwhelming majority of the world is tired of what you have created.

Cuprum213 Jul 2024 8:42 p.m. PST

Tango01, try writing on a Ukrainian forum that the coup on the Maidan was a crime, and the current Ukrainian government is murderers, who have been shelling their own cities with cannons for ten years. How long will you have to wait until the fascist thugs take you to the forest and bury you without any trial or investigation? Well, or they'll just kill you on the street during an alleged robbery…

Are you hinting at Navalny? If this former fascist was so dear to you, why did you send him to terrible Russia? You could keep it for yourself. You knew that a criminal case had been opened against him and he would definitely be convicted and sent to prison.

Just another Nazi with a makeover…
Here is a cut without BBC censorship. Another Maidan that never managed to be organized in Russia:


Keep your Nazis to yourself…

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP13 Jul 2024 9:18 p.m. PST

– Why didn't Russia crumble?

A country of such size and wealth does not collapse overnight… internally it is perfectly controlled by the Political/Military Apparatus… we could already see what happens to those who tried to protest the war… They took them away in seconds… even newborn babies… why didn't Nazi Germany break?… they fought to the end for the same system that prevailed in Russia today…

– Why didn't Russia end up in isolation?

It depends on what you consider international isolation… doing business does not depend on a war… we all know that even in the middle of WW2, antagonistic countries were doing business… my own country was at war with England and business between both countries never stopped. … isolation is considerate of the free world… those who have the will to decide for themselves… not by an autocrat who dictates to them what they have to do… and I have already told you clearly with whom Russia counts as support… a little above you can read it and your response was a photo with the leader of India… I also responded to that… I am going to accept that Russia is not an international pariah when a majority of countries manifest it… until now… only the hangover does it.


Cuprum213 Jul 2024 9:48 p.m. PST

Russia has become the world's fifth largest economy, overtaking Germany in 2023.

And according to the latest data from the World Bank, it has already taken fourth place, overtaking Japan. Russia is the first economy in Europe. Only China, USA and India are ahead…

And this while being under the heaviest sanctions in modern history.

In Russia, only those who are either financially interested or simply stupid, not understanding what threatens a Western victory in the current confrontation, are protesting against the war. These are marginalized people that are of no interest to anyone…

By the way, representative of the free world, how many presidents must be killed to become a democratic country? This is a joke… No response required.


Chinese special forces in Belarus…

And you know, it's time to understand that the world will no longer be the same. Even if Russia is defeated… The time for Western hegemony is gone.

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP13 Jul 2024 10:48 p.m. PST

Wishes don't mean reality…

How scary!… Chinese parading in Belarious… I don't know if it's more pathetic than ridiculous… who do you think they worry about?… I hope to see them soon also in Santiago de Cuba or Caracas… the Chinese never go to ask for a drop of blood for Russia or any ally (they don't have any) that "parade" will be for the internal consumption of the fools who believe it…

The West does not understand that the best thing is to return to the height of the Cold War… draw a true commercial and social veil with Russia and China… let's see how they do on their own… we already know the previous results… This time maybe they are more lucky and realize reality sooner…


Cuprum213 Jul 2024 11:35 p.m. PST

This parade (more precisely, military exercises) is a signal to the West. If you don't understand this, I sincerely feel sorry for you… In big politics, no one does anything for nothing. But you can continue to live in your world of "pink ponies" – I don't care… China is not an ally of Russia, but they have many of the same interests – and that's more than enough.

Yes, go back to the Cold War. This will be exactly the result that is beneficial to Russia. God, thank you!
You have already given Russia back its economy. Now you are ready to split the world created by the West… Continue and don't stop)))

Viper guy Supporting Member of TMP14 Jul 2024 8:02 a.m. PST

The sarcastic reply of course is so you decided to reset the world order with a special military operation? In the west we would have at least labeled it a crusade…thank you for finally admitting what we have known all along, Russia went to war invading a sovereign neighbor in an effort to regain its lost power by mistakingly believing it was possible through the acquisition of territory. Why take this path? Why not rebuild your culture and economy and reset western hegemony that way? The Chinese haven't resorted to force why did you?
If you don't worry about NATO then why go to war to stop NATO? It's difficult to understand how you think a Cold War again benefits anyone. And a reminder, it didn't go so well for the last time. Is it Russia's goal to assimilate Ukraine? Do you really feel we took it from you in the first place? Were they a threat to Mother Russia? Did you not feel you were secure after you annexed Crimea in 2014? Are all the Russian and Ukrainian lives lost worth whatever goal your war aims have shifted too?
No matter how you want to package it, the bottom line is this, you thought they were ripe for the picking and the special military operation that might last a couple of weeks. You made the assumption it would be quick and over before the West could respond and you would deal with the fallout (probably a poor word choice) after. All of Thucydides reasons "fear, honor, interest" were at play. You guessed wrong and now you are doing everything possible to reframe and salvage the mistake. If your situation has improved so much then stop fighting, dig in, declare victory and enjoy your new found status. Stop the nuclear rhetoric and belligerent talk. Stop threatening to retake other parts of the FORMER Soviet Union. If you think we over did it by NATO expansion then you should understand the problems of over reach.
On another note, if sanctions are warfare, why didn't you do that?
You are right the Chinese are not your ally. They trade with the west and will drop you like a hot potato when it suits them. Good luck with that.
Thinking the European countries are vassals of the United States is laughable from a western perspective. I suppose that framework only makes sense in a Russian cultural aspect.
As to your joke, that is a funny statement from a place where it's deadly to live above the second floor or ricin poisoning is a danger.
Lastly, the tragedy of this all, beyond the terrible destruction and loss of life, is that any chance for the glory of historic Russia to return after your dark ages of Communism is now gone for this generation. You may be feared because you still have the power to destroy life on this planet as we know it, but you will never be respected.

Cuprum214 Jul 2024 5:03 p.m. PST

Russia did not start the war – the West started the war with a coup in Ukraine in 2014. Don't put the cart before the horse.

We didn't start a war, we started a special military operation. War has not been officially declared by either Russia or Ukraine. So far. Formally there is no war.

I described the goal above.

Are we worried about NATO? Would Americans be concerned about Chinese or Russian military bases in Mexico? The answer is obvious.

The threat to Russia is ten years of murders of Russian-speaking citizens in the East of Ukraine and the refusal of any negotiations with them.

We will surely stop fighting. But after it is proposed to create a new conference on world security. Or after the capitulation of Ukraine.

What makes you think that Russia is going to recapture parts of the former USSR? I've never heard anything like it.

Sanctions are effective from the side of the majority towards the minority – otherwise it is a stupid demarche. They will be effective against a small country, but ineffective against a large one.

The Chinese can cause a lot of problems for you at any time. Now they are just a piece on the board (like us for them).

European countries are precisely vassals. Germany is clearly destroying its own economy in the interests of its overlord, the United States. A striking example. Or has she simply decided to commit economic suicide?

In the place where I live, it is safe to walk around the city at night. And at the same time, you won't meet a single policeman during such a walk.

I don't consider the short communist period to be the "dark ages". Difficult times, a lot of injustices – yes, but at the same time outstanding economic and cultural prosperity. And everything is in order with the historical glory of Russia… As for the respect of the West… Is this really important?

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP14 Jul 2024 9:56 p.m. PST

Oh!… is SO EASY to destroy your silly arguments… but at this stage… It's not even worth it anymore… hope you live happily in your Orknardia country and I hope you are not summoned to be sent to the meat grinder…


BenFromBrooklyn15 Jul 2024 8:15 a.m. PST

There was no coup in Ukraine. One president left his office because Ukrainians found out he was working for a foreign nation.
He demonstrated his true loyalties and his criminal nature by his choice of safe haven.
The elected legislature of Ukraine did not leave.
The Supreme court of Ukraine did not leave.
The government remained in control of the nation.
Therefore, not a coup.

nickinsomerset15 Jul 2024 10:12 a.m. PST

"The threat to Germany is ten years of murders of German-speaking citizens in the West of Poland/ North of Czechoslovakia/ East of France and the refusal of any negotiations with them" Sounded familiar to the last fascist invaders.

Are we worried about NATO – Yes, otherwise you would have invaded the B3, their membership of NATO has stopped the ruscum.

The ruscum invaded a sovereign country and unlike Georgia, Chechnya, the Ukrainians fight back with support.

Your economy will collapse when you can no longer manufacture weapons and ammunition, already having to source much og the latter with highly reliable supplies from the other bastion of democracy North Korea.

Also as Ben so accurately states, there was no coup after an election in which so called far right parties collected less than 2% of the vote,

Tally Ho!

Garand15 Jul 2024 4:35 p.m. PST

There was no coup in Ukraine. One president left his office because Ukrainians found out he was working for a foreign nation.
He demonstrated his true loyalties and his criminal nature by his choice of safe haven.
The elected legislature of Ukraine did not leave.
The Supreme court of Ukraine did not leave.
The government remained in control of the nation.
Therefore, not a coup.

Indeed, Yanukovych was impeached & legally removed from office. Also not a coup.


Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP15 Jul 2024 5:13 p.m. PST

Why Did Viktor Yanukovych Flee After Signing the Agreement With the Opposition?


When Putin – Russia helped Yanukovych to flee Ukraine



Cuprum215 Jul 2024 8:52 p.m. PST

BenFromBrooklyn, worked for a foreign government? Very interesting… Where can I find out the facts about such activities? As far as I know, no one has seen such facts yet. What nonsense… However, you probably confused the story with Trump's unfounded accusations of cooperation with the Russians.

nickinsomerset, Ukraine has already lost its war. But you will understand this by the end of the year)))

Garand, can impeachment be declared bypassing the current Constitution? No need to answer…

Tango01, yes, Yanukovych ran away like the last coward. But what did his voters (which at that time represented at least half of the population of Ukraine) need to do? Recognize the usurpers of power? After the Maidan, the Ukrainian Nazis simply beat up candidates for elections from the eastern regions and forced them with threats to withdraw their candidacies. With the full connivance of the "new government".
I found this news in Western sources only in the Russian version of Deutsche Welle:

Video of the beating of a presidential candidate in Ukraine (after which he withdrew his candidacy because they threatened to kill him and his family:

Is this democracy?
And what should the residents of the Eastern regions of Ukraine, who were deprived of choice, do? Only fight or surrender.

Let me add… And here in the Ukrainian news it is reported that the house of the presidential candidate of Ukraine Tsarev was burned down by unknown persons…

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