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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Prince of Essling10 Jul 2024 2:40 p.m. PST

As before use of a VPN will be required for some items.

Journal historique de la division de cavalerie légère du 5e corps de cavalerie, pendant la campagne en 1814
Auguste Pétiet
Paris 1821

La campagne de 1814 d'après les documents des archives impériales et royales de la guerre à Vienne: la cavalerie des armées alliées pendant la campagne de 1814
Maurice-Henri Weil
L. Baudoin, Paris 1891-1895
Volume 1 link
Volume 2 link
Volume 3 link
Volume 4 link

Les Invasions de 1814 et de 1815 dans le département de l'Ain
Alexandre Bérard
Bourg 1887

Les combats de Mâcon en 1814 et 1815
Joseph Rougé
Impr. de Protat frères, Mâcon 1918

Le premier siège de Belfort et le commandant Legrand : un défenseur alsacien en 1814
Louis Blaison
Marc Imhaus & René Chapelot, Paris 1912

Dijon et l'occupation autrichienne en 1814
Paul Gaffarel
Dijon 1893

Les premiers combats de 1814 : prologue de la Campagne de France dans les Vosges
Félix Bouvier
L. Cerf, Paris 1895

Histoire des campagnes de 1814 et de 1815 – comprenant l'histoire politique et militaire des deux invasions de la France… rédigée sur des matériaux authentiques ou inédits
Alphonse de Beauchamp
Le Normant, Paris 1816-1817
Volume 1
Volume 2

La Garde nationale mobilisée de Seine-et-Oise, 1814
Léon Hennet
Impr. de Cerf et fils, Versailles 1890

Les combats de Mormant, de Villeneuve-le-Comte et de Montereau (17 et 18 février 1814)
L. Baudoin, Paris 1889

La bataille de Laon (1814)
Alfred Assollant
E. Plon, Paris 1881

La bataille de Laon, mars 1814
Ferdinand Foch
Impr.-libr.-éditeurs Berger-Levrault, Nancy 1921

Histoire de la campagne de 1814, et de la restauration de la monarchie française
Alphonse de Beauchamp
?? 1815
Volume 1
PDF link
Volume 2 PDF link

An authentic narrative of the invasion of France, in 1814
Alphonse de Beauchamp
Henry Colburn, London 1815
Volume 1 link
Volume 2

Campagne de Paris
Pierre-François-Félix-Joseph Giraud
?? 1814
PDF link

Histoire des campagnes de 1814 et 1815, en France;
Frédéric François Guillaume Vaudoncourt
?? 1826
Volume 1
PDF link
PDF link
Volume 2 PDF link
PDF link
PDF link
Volume 3
PDF link
Volume 4 PDF link
PDF link
PDF link

La bataille de Montereau : 18 février 1814
Laurent Louis Mathieu Henri Tondu Nangis
Impr. de G. Zanote, Montereau 1900

Die Kurhessen im Feldzuge von 1814: Ein Beitrag zur hessischen Kriegsgeschichte
C. Renouard
H. Scheube 1857
PDF link

Napoleon at bay 1814
Francis Loraine Petre
PDF link (maps are folded out)

Bataille de Fère-Champenoise
Aimé Derode
E.-D. Duverger, Paris 1838

Campagnes de Lyon, en 1814 et 1815; ou, Mémoires sur les principaux événemens militaires et politiques qui se sont passés dans cette ville … pour servir à l'histoire générale du temps présent
Jean Guerre-Dumolard
J.-B. Kindelem, Lyon 1816
PDF link

Précis historique des opérations de l'armée de Lyon en 1814
Albert Du Casse
J. Corréard 1849
PDF link

Précis historique des opérations militaires de l'armée d'Italie, en 1813 et 1814 , par le chef de l'État-major général de cette armée
Martin de Vignolle
Barrois l'aîné, Paris 1817
link (map is folded out)
link (map not folded out)

Souvenirs de la campagne de France. Manuscrit de 1814
Agathon-Jean-François Fain
Perrin, Paris 1914

Reims en 1814 pendant l'invasion
Plon-Nourrit et Cie, Paris 1902

Bataille du Mincio du 8 fevrier 1814 – entre l'armee du Prince Eugene et celle du Marechal Comte de Bellegarde
Camillo Vacani
Francois Pagnoni, Milan 1857
PDF link (map is viewable)

Le prince Eugène et Murat, 1813-1814; opérations militaires, négociations diplomatiques
Maurice-Henri Weil
A. Fontemoing, Paris 1902
Volume 1
PDF link
Volume 2
link (maps folded out)
PDF link
Volume 3
link (maps are folded out)
PDF link
Volume 4
link (maps are folded out)
PDF link
Volume 5

1814 (6e édition)
Henry Houssaye
Perrin et Cie, Paris 1888
Version in English: PDF link (maps are folded out)

Darstellung des Feldzuges der Verbündeten gegen Napoleon im Jahr 1814
Adolph Henke
Volume 1
Volume 2

Darstellung des Feldzuges in Frankreich im Jahre 1814
Aleksandr Michajlovskij-Danilevskij
Götschel, 1837
Volume 1
Volume 2

Описание похода во Францию в 1814 году (Description of the campaign in France in 1814)
Alexander Ivanovich Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky
Department of Foreign Trade, St. Petersburg 1836
(Note these are DjVU files as no pdfs found)
Part 1 link
Part 2 link

History of the campaign in France, in the year 1814
Alexander Ivanovich Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky
Smith, Elder and co., London 1840
link (map of the theatre of war is not folded out but other maps are present)

Les premiers combats de 1814. Prologue de la campagne de France dans les Vosges
Félix Bouvier
L. Cerf, Paris 1895
link (map folded out)
link (map missing)

Die Freiheitskriege der Deutschen in den Jahren 1813, 1814, 1815
Johann Sporschil
Westermann, Braunschweig 1840–1842
Volume 1 (1813) PDF link
Volume 2 (1813) PDF link
Volume 3 (1813) PDF link
Volume 4 (1813) PDF link
Volume 5 (1814) PDF link
Volume 6 (1814) PDF link
Volume 7 (1814) PDF link
Volume 8 (1815) PDF link
Volume 9 (1815) PDF link

Blücher and the uprising of Prussia against Napoleon, 1806-1815,
Ernest Flagg Henderson
G.P. Putnam's Sons, New York 1911
PDF link

The invasion of France, 1814
Captain Frederick William Orby Maycock
G. Allen and Unwin ltd, London 1914
link (maps are not included) best copy
link (maps are not included)
link (maps are not included)

Souvenirs de la campagne de France (manuscrit de 1814)
Agathon-Jean-François Fain
Perrin et cie, Paris 1914

Private diary of travels, personal services, and public events, during mission and employment with the European armies in the campaigns of 1812, 1813, 1814. From the invasion of Russia to the capture of Paris
Sir Robert Thomas Wilson
J. Murray, London 1861
PDF link

Histoire de la chute de l'empire de Napoleon, ornee de huit plans ou cartes, pour servir au recit des principales batailles livrees en 1813 et 1814
Eugene Labaume,
Anselin et Pochard, Paris 1820
Volume 1 (maps are not folded out)
PDF link
Volume 2 (maps are not folded out)
PDF link

Der Congress von Châtillon. Die Politik im Kriege von 1814. Eine historische Studie
August Fournier
F. Tempsky, Wien & Prag 1900
PDF link

Passages from my life; together with memoirs of the campaign of 1813 and 1814
Freiherr Friedrich Karl Ferdinand von Müffling,
R. Bentley, London 1853
PDF link

Campagne de 1814 (contains orders of battle & maps)
??? 1814
link (maps are all folded out)

Histoire de l'invasion de 1814 dans les departements du Nord-Est de la France
Edouard Fleury
Ch. Tanera, 1858

Journal historique sur la campagne du Prince Eugène, en Italie, pendant les années 1813 et 1814
Plancher, Paris 1817
link (map not folded out)
PDF link (map not folded out)

Dernière campagne de l'armée franco-italienne, sous les ordres d'Eugène-Beauharnais, en 1813 et 1814, suivie des Mémoires secrets sur la révolution de Milan, du 20 avril 1814, et les deux conjurations du 25 avril 1815 ; la campagne des Autrichiens contre Murat ; sa mort tragique, et la situation politique actuelle des divers États d'Italie
Jean-Antoine-François Ozanam
J. G. Dentu, Paris 1817

Précis de l'invasion des états romains par l'armée napolitaine, en 1813 et 1814, et de la défense de la citadelle d'Ancone
J. P. Bellaire
G.-Laguionie, Paris 1838
PDF link
PDF link

Записки 1814 года (Notes of 1814)
Alexander Ivanovich Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky
Department of Foreign Trade, St. Petersburg 1831
PDF link

Huvuddragen av Sveriges krig och yttre politik augusti 1813-januari 1814 (Main features of Sweden's war and external policy August 1813-January 1814 – 2 volumes in one)
Lars Herman Tingsten
P. A. Norstedt, Stockholm [1924-25
link maps are not folded out but plenty of one page maps in the text)

Der Krieg in Norwegen 1814
Gustaf Björlin
Schickhardt & Ebner, 1895
link (maps are not folded out)

Gneisenau, Radetzky und der Marsch der Hauptarmee durch die Schweiz nach Langres.
Wilhelm Oncken
J.C.B. Mohr (P. Siebeck), Freiburg 1893

Die operazionen der verbündeten heere gegen Paris im märz 1814. Nach östreichischen originalquellen dargestellt
Johann Baptist Schels
A. Strauss, Wien 1841
Volume 1 link (no maps)
Volume 2
link (maps are not folded out)
Volume 1 & 2 combined
link (maps are not folded out)

Memoir of the operations of the allied armies, under Prince Schwarzenberg, and Marshal Blucher, during the latter end of 1813, and the year 1814,
Major-General the Right Honorable Lord Burghersh
J. Murray, London 1822
link (maps are not folded out)
link (maps are not folded out)

Geschichte des Feldzuges 1814 gegen Frankreich unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Anteilnahme der Königlich württembergischen Truppen
Fritz von Hiller
W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 1893
link (maps are not folded out)

Der Feldzug der verbündeten Heere Europa's 1814 in Frankreich unter dem Oberbefehle des k.k. Feldmarschalls Fürsten Carl zu Schwarzenberg
Maximilian Friedrich von Thielen
Staatsdruckerei, Wien 1856
link (map is not folded out)

Geschichte des krieges 1814 in Frankreich und des sturzes Napoleon's I. nach den zuverlässigsten quellen
Modest Ivanovich Bogdanovich
Leipzig 1866
Volume 1 link (maps are not folded out)
Volume 2
link (maps are not folded out)

Mémoires pour servir a l'histoire de la campagne de 1814
Frédéric Koch
Chez Magimel, Anselin et Pochard, Paris 1819
Volume 1 (no maps)
PDF link
Volume 2 (no maps) link
PDF link
PDF link
Volume 2 Part 1 link
Volume 2 Part 2 link

Das Commando des Kronprinzen von Württemberg in den Feldzügen von 1814 und 1815 gegen Frankreich
J.N. Metzler, Stuttgart 1841
PDF link

La bataille de Montmirail (pages 326 to 358 in Revue des Études Napoléoniennes 1914 Tome 1)
Lieutenant-Colonel J. Colin
PDF link

Les Combats de Reims 1814 (pages 221 to 232 in Napoleon, Revue des Études Napoléoniennes 1933 Tome 1)
E. Barbier & L. Prevost

Apart from maps in some of the above volumes, useful maps can be found in & at:
Atlas der Schlachten, Treffen und Belagerungen aus der Geschichte der Kriege von 1792 bis 1815
Joseph Edmund Woerl
Herder, 1857
link (includes text)
Atlas to Alison's history of Europe
Sir Archibald Alison bart.
PDF link
Die Kriege von 1792 bis 1815 in Europa und Aegypten. [Band 2]
Franz Georg Friedrich von Kausler
Herder'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Karlsruhe & Freiburg1843
link (maps only – all folded out)
link (text & maps but not all are folded out)

Carte pour servir à la campagne de 1814 – Monnin, Paris 1814

Carte pour "1814" / dressée par Henry Houssaye

Campagne de 1814. [Départements des Ardennes, de la Marne, de l'Aube, de l'Aisne et de la Seine-et-Marne]

Uebersichts Karte eines Theils / von Kriegs Schauplatzes in Frankreich zur Erklärung der Schlachten und Gefechte bey Brienne, Arcis, Bar-sur-Aube, Troyes, wahrend des Jahres, 1814.

Batailles de Brienne et de la Rothière 29 janvier et 1er février 1814 (3 maps are downloadable)

La Rothiere 1 February 1814





Montmirail 11 February 1814


Montereau 18 February 1814



Craonne 7 March 1814


Laon 9 March 1814


Arcis sur Aube 20 March 1814


Arcis sur Aube 24 March 1814


Fere-Champenoise 25 March 1814


skedaddle Supporting Member of TMP11 Jul 2024 5:56 a.m. PST

Another treasure trove of info. Thanks!

laretenue11 Jul 2024 9:08 a.m. PST

Thank you, once again.

This time you are squarely in my territory, but this is no less appreciated for that.

To my mind, the 1814 campaign in E. France is the perfect wargame setting, for several reasons. Apart from La Rothiere and Laon, most of the engagements are on the small side (up to 30,00 per army). You have Napoleon on top form, actually committing the Guard time and again. The results on the battlefield instantly affect the strategic and diplomatic context. Plus, I've explored the ground, which is within easy ranging distance of Paris. And you can fight over much of it again in 1914 and 1917 should you so wish.

The Montmirail-Vauchamps sub-campaign is satisfyingly self-contained (a bit like Ligny – Q. Bras – Waterloo – Wavre) and is feted by Colin as the campaign's most glorious moment. Honestly, anyone who wants to make sense of it should start with Colin's paper. After that I recommend Mme Mathieu's Dernieres Victoires. They clear up much of the hopeless confusion concerning locations, orbats etc., much of which has persisted into works published in recent years through people still relying on Koch, Vaudoncourt and other sorces which the charm of contemporary material but whose details are all over the place . Among recent publications, Uffindell's 1814 is also very good.

Prince of Essling11 Jul 2024 3:03 p.m. PST

@ laretenue,

Many thanks for your comments & observations which are much appreciated.

Certainly agree Uffindell's 1814 is good and quite an easy read; Nafziger's "The End of Empire" is also good but unfortunately it is not an easy read due to his writing style – you have to read it several times to really get into it.

I have noted your recommendation of Robert Mathieu's "Dernieres Victoires"; sounds like a must for the library….

Allan F Mountford12 Jul 2024 12:46 a.m. PST

As before, this is a seriously useful list.

Note that Maurice-Henri Weil's four volume work (second on your list) was translated into English by Greg Gorsuch and placed on the Napoleon Series between 2011 and 2017.

I claim a tiny amount of credit for this, as I pointed Greg at Weil as a project when he was canvassing for translation suggestions. I had downloaded the four volumes from Gallica on pre-broadband dial-up some years earlier. It had taken hours and hours.

Link: link

Kind regards

laretenue12 Jul 2024 3:41 a.m. PST

Mon cher prince … Thank you.

I'm afraid that Nafziger's End of Empire repeats Koch's errors – Ricrard's troops deployed as far as Pomesson, Ney's two Divisions present on the field – concerning Montmirail. These significantly distort the real lineup of forces.

The Mathieu who wrote Dernieres Victoires (Picard, Paris, 1964) was the wife of a mayor of Montmirail. I'm not aware of her writing anything else, but while researching the ground of the battle some 20 years ago under local guidance I was urged to get a copy. The advice was good; I sense that Mme Mathieu felt free to challenge some received assumptions. The book is not easy to find, but I know the British Library has a copy, which I photocopied liberally until a copy cama up for sale in France.

Much later I discovered Colin's paper, which powerfully demolishes some misunderstandings and brings order to the confused accounts which had existed hitherto.

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