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Gazzola01 Jul 2024 9:26 a.m. PST

Hi everyone. Not only am in the process of changing from 6mm Napoleonic wargaming (metal miniatures) to a larger scale, possibly 28mm, I'm also considering changing the paints I use.

I wondered if anyone knew the best place (in the UK) to obtain Vellejo paints, which has been suggested to me as great to use and having a big range to chose from.

Are they that good and are they easily accessible?
Any advice will be much appreciated.

DevoutDavout01 Jul 2024 10:00 a.m. PST

Im not in the UK, but browsing their site I know Pendraken sells it.

This day and age pretty much all paint brands are fine. Some colors by X company are better than Y. A wide range is only necessary if you prefer convenience over money and space. Most of these huge ranges could be cut down to 10% and still be able to make all the same colors.

Trockledockle01 Jul 2024 12:06 p.m. PST

They are a good quality paint, easy to use with good coverage even with traditionally difficult colours like yellow and red. The only one I've had a problem with is their matt varnish, both bottles have dried gloss.

I'd say they were better than Humbrol (but not massively so- I do use Humbrol as well) and about the same as Revell. The other paint I've used was Foundry once and I found it difficult to get good coverage although others swear by them.

These comments apply to the Model Colour range. The ModelAir is much thinner and I think designed for airbrushing. I stay away from them. The other ranges (Panzer Aces) seem fine to me although I don't imagine you will be using them. There is also a Game range and contrast type paints which I don't know anything about.

I've not had a problem finding them. My local model shop stocks the full range (Colour and Air) and they don't seem to run out. Other model shops in the region also stock them. They also do mail order (Wonderland Models). I've even seen them in a hardware chain in Yorkshire. Most shows also have at least one trader selling them.

I would recommend them.

DevoutDavout01 Jul 2024 12:42 p.m. PST

To add to Trockle – The Air is definitely for airbrushes, but the air chrome is one of the best metal paints. Even straight with a brush. It is bright, but you cut it as needed. I keep many bottles at all times. Gold is similar, but test a bottle first.

And I would also agree that the game paint is far weaker than the model. Not even sure why they bother with the two ranges. Just make them all the quality of model.

Id also add he is coming from what I think is more traditional historical gaming paints. My perspective is GW, Reaper, AK, Vallejo and especially P3 which is hard to get but makes the very best pure red, brown and black, and the white is very good. P3 is the brand if I had to use only one, that would be it, in range. I have to admit I have never even touched a Humbrol or Foundry so I appreciate his opinion as well. I should really pick some up just to try.

TimePortal01 Jul 2024 1:02 p.m. PST

I stop carrying a heavy stock of the Vallejo once they became available at Hobby Lobby. I could not match the variety of colors that they carry.

In the UK check for a chain similar to hobby lobby.

Bill N01 Jul 2024 1:53 p.m. PST

In U.S.

Curious TimePortal. The Hobby Lobby in my area only carries a very limited selection of Vallejo. They are not very good about restocking when they run out. So I have to order it if I cannot find it at shows. Its curious because I originally decided to go with Vallejo because it was readily available. Then the hobby shops that carried Vallejo closed up and the gamer shops that opened up carried different lines.

DevoutDavout01 Jul 2024 1:57 p.m. PST

It is anecdotal but same experience here. Hobby Lobby Vallejo rack is a dusty token. But not a huge town either. Could be part of it.

Prince of Essling01 Jul 2024 2:49 p.m. PST

For the UK try eModels – Model Shop, Unit 4 Mossfield Rd, Longton, Stoke-on-Trent ST3 5BW Telephone (UK) 01782 409310. Website at link as they claim to carry the complete range.

Extrabio1947 Supporting Member of TMP01 Jul 2024 3:16 p.m. PST

BillN…I agree with your comments regarding Vallejo at Hobby Lobby. A very limited and spotty selection and locally, much more expensive than other retailers, at $4.50 USD per bottle.

ScottWashburn Sponsoring Member of TMP01 Jul 2024 4:54 p.m. PST

They are really good paints. I use them almost exclusively now.

Personal logo JammerMan Supporting Member of TMP01 Jul 2024 5:34 p.m. PST

My experience with Vallejo is the same as Bill N, DevoutDavout and Extrabio 1947 with Hobby Lobby, usually about 20ish colors. Pre-pandemic I would order from a hobby shop in NY I believe went out of business, I live in Louisiana. I have since started to order from Fortress Miniatures.

TimePortal01 Jul 2024 6:14 p.m. PST

Bill N poor restock is a problem with Hobby Lobby. However, it is a big problem with my distributor too.
I am in a small town which may be why the display looks full. Lol.

1809andallthat02 Jul 2024 12:38 a.m. PST

Try Firestorm Games for mail order in UK. I have found they have a very good range in stock and are a good price.

Trockledockle02 Jul 2024 12:45 a.m. PST

Link for Wonderland Vallejo range


Gazzola02 Jul 2024 4:12 a.m. PST

Thanks everyone for replies. Much appreciated. I just discovered that a hobby/model shop less than ten miles away from where I live have some in stock, so I'll be checking them out later this week.

citizen sade02 Jul 2024 9:32 a.m. PST

I just take the easy option and order from one of the U.K. discounters. Usually Element Games as they carry a good range of supplies from all sorts of suppliers and deliver pretty quickly.

DevoutDavout02 Jul 2024 9:52 a.m. PST

I do try and order everything locally. I am lucky to have a store owner who is honest and blunt. If I want something I ask him first and hell just tell me if its worthwhile for him to or not. If not no hard feelings I go get it online.

Some things as well just hurting yourself too much by doing so. If your only source is a little Hobby Lobby rack, go online and get any brand you want.

Steamingdave202 Jul 2024 10:33 a.m. PST

I have been using Vallejo paints for about 10 years, having also used Revell and, long before that, Plaka and Humbtol enamels. I really like Vallejo and find them very good, both Game Colour and Model Colour.
I have bought from Amazon, but now Pendraken carry them, I buy there. If I had a local model/ hobby shop that would be my preference, but the nearest is 20 miles away and only carries Citadel, which I don't like, largely because of the silly lids on the bottles.

Trajanus03 Jul 2024 5:52 a.m. PST

Another vote for Pendraken. Good range and good service. Also reasonable postal rates.

Used to pick up the odd bottle from Amazon but that's gradually turned into needles and haystacks. Not to mention the postage some of their suppliers want, which makes the purchase price for single items totally laughable.

Gazzola03 Jul 2024 1:54 p.m. PST

I will check out the model shop first and see what they have to offer. If I can't find anything I would like there, then I will certainly consider checking out Pendraken.

Going up a few scales and searching out suitable miniatures, buildings, scenery and paints etc, almost feels like starting all over again. I know it is going to be time consuming but hopefully it will worthwhile in the end. I know my eyes will be pleased with the larger scale. LOL

Thanks again everyone.

robert piepenbrink Supporting Member of TMP06 Jul 2024 7:10 a.m. PST

My usual advice. I have and love 28's, but if you're having troubles with 6mm Napoleonics, remount them on 2" or 3" wide stands for big battles rather than abandoning them altogether. 28's can be an awkward scale for Waterloo or Borodino. Either way, good luck.

Vallejo. I use them myself, but my (American) game shop tells me they're revamping some lines and right now supply can be iffy. Have patience.

Gazzola06 Jul 2024 3:35 p.m. PST

Robert-good suggestion but I no longer own any 6mm armies, buildings, scenery etc. I hope they bring pleasure to those who obtain them and play future wargames in that scale. I miss them but I'm now on a 28mm scale mission, searching out 28mm Napoleonic miniatures, buildings. scenery etc. I'm even trying out new paints. The search has turned to be far more enjoyable than I thought it would and I'm pleased to say that I now have my future Napoleonic miniatures choice down to two manufacturers. I'm hoping to paint and base some samples up first before I finally decide on which firm to go with. And I can see what I'm painting! LOL

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