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"Russians executing their own wounded" Topic

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soledad24 Jun 2024 7:23 a.m. PST


Completely despicable behavior. It shows how russians behave towards each other. The lives of their fellow country men means nothing. No checking om his status just blows his brains out. When they behave like this towards each other imagine how they treat their opponents.

Russians as a people lack basic compassion and many other human traits.

Grattan54 Supporting Member of TMP24 Jun 2024 10:05 a.m. PST

Russians do seem to still have a barbaric side.

Personal logo Herkybird Supporting Member of TMP24 Jun 2024 10:43 a.m. PST

Its historically a truism of war, that left without firm command, soldiers can commit the most terrible crimes.
Russian soldiers are indeed, sadly, famous for their cruelty and barbarism.

But like all generalisations, there are exceptions. Its always a danger to tar everyone with the same brush!

I feel that under the facade of 'civilisation' we all have a barbarian inside waiting to get out!!!

There, I have depressed everyone!!! – sorry!

Col Durnford Supporting Member of TMP24 Jun 2024 10:57 a.m. PST

There is a difference between isolated incidents and general practice. Take the current war in the Middle East as an example. They happened on both side, however, one side you could get charged with a war crime while the Iran/Hamas will give you a reward.

It's any easy choice when deciding who to support.

soledad24 Jun 2024 11:11 a.m. PST

@Col Dunford. You are right and on the Russian side this is general practice. There are literaly hundreds of videos showing this, and worse, behavior. This is standard russian behavior.

Are there good russian soldiers. Soldiers with a sense of right and wrong and a good moral behavior? Of course but they are not the norm. They are the exception.

Murder, torture, rape and wanton destruction are more or less the norm in the russian armed forces. And it is from the bottom to the very top.

Nine pound round24 Jun 2024 11:43 a.m. PST

While I have no doubt that Russians can, do and have behaved atrociously, you're tarring them with a pretty broad brush. You don't know whether this video is real or faked, and most people would be hesitant to jump to hasty conclusions on the basis of the evidence you're presenting- particularly when it characterizes the Russians as "orcs."

Based on your recent unseemly comments on the Women Warriors 270 thread, which I rebuked you on, I would think you would want to be careful about suggesting that others "lack basic compassion and many other human traits." You don't seem to be overly endowed with them yourself.

Steve Wilcox24 Jun 2024 11:56 a.m. PST

No checking om his status just blows his brains out.

Saw that on Reddit yesterday, to me it looked like a mercy kill.

If anyone didn't watch the video, the wounded soldier reaches between his legs before gesturing toward his head. I think he self-assessed a severe groin wound and wanted the headshot.

Just how it looks to me.

Gray Bear24 Jun 2024 12:14 p.m. PST

Similar generalized comments made about any another national group would result in censor. But it is fine to say about Russians because they are not fully human, they are orcs and worthy only of extermination. Shameful.

smithsco24 Jun 2024 12:38 p.m. PST

I think this video speaks to how violent war is and how many armies lack the medical personnel and training necessary to have a culture built around helping the wounded. From what I've read and viewed about Russian army medical care I might beg for a quick death too with serious wounds. I think the lack of any hesitancy from his comrade speaks to a culture where you know you probably are going to die if wounded. You don't see this in US or allied troops in the Middle East because they knew everyone would do everything possible to save them and there were good medics and doctors who were well supplied.

I know helicopter CASEVAC isn't possible in higher intensity conflicts like Ukraine but the Russians don't seem to have any meaningful CASEVAC

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP24 Jun 2024 2:17 p.m. PST

Quick, almost casual. Standard practice for them maybe. The shooter does not look back. If it's real, it's pretty bad.

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian24 Jun 2024 2:34 p.m. PST

There was also the recent report of a Russian commander who told his men not to take prisoners, but to behead them instead. With drone image of head left on vehicle.

microgeorge24 Jun 2024 4:42 p.m. PST

The soldier did tap the side of his head several times indicating that he wanted to be dispatched. Either way, one less Russian soldier for the Ukrainians to deal with. May he find peace in the next life.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP24 Jun 2024 5:47 p.m. PST

Do we know it was a Russian, or one of their mercenaries or foreign "draftees"?
Look at the boots. Don't look like combat boots. Also uniform and helmets look different. What kind of helmet is the 3rd soldier wearing? No uniformity to these soldiers. Yes points to crotch and then forehead.

Cuprum224 Jun 2024 5:54 p.m. PST

The video raises many questions.

How can you understand that these are Russians and not Ukrainians? Usually, on the front line, both Russians and Ukrainians wear colored armbands, since it is now extremely difficult to distinguish soldiers of the opposing sides by appearance.

Why is the deceased soldier without a weapon?

I do not see any obvious signs of injury on the deceased.

The explosion looks strange. Is this shelling? But the rest of the soldiers show no concern… Mines? But the behavior of the other soldiers also does not indicate caution when moving.

The behavior of the soldier who finished off the wounded man also looks very strange – he does not even try to assess the severity of the wound. It's simply unnatural.

This is what it looks like to carry out a wounded man on the front line now. Drones finish off both the wounded and the orderlies…


35thOVI, neither side on the front line has uniformity in clothing. Each soldier uses what is convenient for him, often purchasing equipment at his own expense. This is especially true for irregular units, of which there are many on both sides.

Evacuation of the crew from a damaged armored vehicle:

YouTube link

Here Russian soldiers pull a wounded Ukrainian soldier out from under fire:


Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP24 Jun 2024 7:46 p.m. PST

Hmmm … war always sometimes brings out the worse in some people. The problem comes when this sort of thing happens as SOP, is widespread, etc. E.g. 7 Oct …

SBminisguy24 Jun 2024 9:07 p.m. PST

Steve Wilcox+1 and GrayBear+1 – and we know nothing of the context, nothing about these people, who they are or what they are doing. Both sides engage in propaganda -- no need to fall for any of it.

nickinsomerset24 Jun 2024 11:50 p.m. PST

One less ruscum to worry about, no loss to the world, be he a musvovite or mercenary,

Tally Ho!

soledad25 Jun 2024 2:02 a.m. PST

Even russian vloggers admit the video is real and is indeed russian soldiers. At least one approves of the action. So that it is real and russian is beyond questioning. Wounded soldiers should be treated and sent back with medics not murdered.

As for 9 pound. You don't like me. That is ok. You seize every chance to snipe at me. We have different opinions about NATO maybe that upsets you. I wrote that enemy soldiers would make good fertilizer. Maybe that upset you even more?

Then you question my compassion Because of that comment and comparing it with murdering your own wounded. To me that is two very very different things. Not even comparable. But to each his own.

Nine pound round25 Jun 2024 4:17 a.m. PST

"Snipe" at you, eh? Pretty rich coming from a guy who once suggested I lack a "moral compass" (NATO's eastern flank thread).

I don't really care about you, one way or another- but the vicious, exultant tone in your postings on that thread and on this one seemed so unseemly as to merit commment (and judging by the responses I got the last time around, I wasn't alone in that opinion). For the record, I don't "question your compassion" – I think you lack it entirely, and your response on this thread and the other one have one key point of commonality- the gloating tone, which was obnoxious enough to draw what I believe is my first direct response to you since the women warriors thread (I will accept correction if I err). But let's be clear- you like to take (or at least claim) the moral high ground in debate- and that places a corresponding obligation on you to behave in a moral manner. Act differently, and you should expect to get noticed.

Believe me, I really don't "seize every chance to snipe at you." If I did, a lot of threads would look very different.

soledad25 Jun 2024 4:41 a.m. PST

Deleted by Moderator, chill down. I do not feel compassion for enemy soldiers. I in general want my enemies dead and gone within the rules applicable (civilian or military laws and rules).

But as you noticed I strongly objected to killing wounded soldiers. Even Russian soldiers. If you are wounded and no longer a combatant, you should be protected and cared for, regardless of nationality.

What is wrong with that thought? How do I err when I think murdering wounded people is wrong?

As for NATO, you have your opinion and I have mine.

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian25 Jun 2024 12:24 p.m. PST

Wounded soldiers should be treated and sent back with medics not murdered.

Is it 'murder' if the wounded asks to be shot?

Were there any medics? Was transport feasible?

The two soldiers were in the same unit. Were they friends? Did they possibly have a pre-arrangement?

Nine pound round25 Jun 2024 1:30 p.m. PST

Oh, grow a pair. You take shots at people ("you seize every chance to snipe at me"), don't act all surprised and hurt when they point out what nonsense it is.

What I object to is your obvious and unearned hatred of Russians, expressed with various degrees of anger and contempt, and your gloating at the prospect of their deaths. You're smearing an entire nation in one place as "lack(ing) basic compassion and other human traits," while exulting in another that a woman's death will fertilize the ground – but I am the one with a problem?!

Whatever, guy.

Steve Wilcox25 Jun 2024 1:35 p.m. PST

"We entered pell-mell into the city, and passed over the dead
bodies, and some not yet dead, hearing them cry under our horses'
feet; and they made my heart ache to hear them. And truly I
repented I had left Paris to see such a pitiful spectacle. Being
come into the city, I entered into a stable, thinking to lodge my
own and my man's horse, and found four dead soldiers, and three
propped against the wall, their features all changed, and they
neither saw, heard, nor spake, and their clothes were still
smouldering where the gunpowder had burned them. As I was looking
at them with pity, there came an old soldier who asked me if
there were any way to cure them; I said no. And then he went up
to them and cut their throats, gently, and without ill will
toward them. Seeing this great cruelty, I told him he was a
villain: he answered he prayed God, when he should be in such a
plight, he might find someone to do the same for him; that he
should not linger in misery."

Ambroise Parι, Turin, 1536.


Dragon Gunner25 Jun 2024 4:18 p.m. PST

If this is real it looks like a mercy kill and I think Cuprum sums up the realities for both sides. As far as where his weapon is he could have fallen on it so it is not visible.

Some of my peace time training we had to evacuate simulated friendly casualties . It is a hell of a lot harder than it looks to hoist a two hundred pound or more man over your shoulder in a fireman's carry and run with him to safety assuming he can be moved. Stopping to apply first aid on the wounded means you could have prolonged exposure and become a casualty yourself. The way I was trained you leave the wounded where they fall during an assault and return for them when it is safe to do so ( after the fire fight is over)

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP25 Jun 2024 6:03 p.m. PST

Were there any medics? Was transport feasible?
If the Russia's Medics and Medevac support is the quality of the rest of their military. A lot of their people are going to die who otherwise may have been saved. But I don't think anything like that is a priority for Putin et al. Just keep shoving whoever or whatever they can to fight a WWI type war of attrition.

But are there any other examples of this occurring ? If so how many ? Is it SOP ?

There was also the recent report of a Russian commander who told his men not to take prisoners, but to behead them instead. With drone image of head left on vehicle.
Well if true those are war crimes. And most likely those that committed these war crimes will never be brought to justice. Although a very good chance many of these war criminals will be in combat.

Some of my peace time training we had to evacuate simulated friendly casualties
In my decade+, '79-'90 in the Infantry. I as the ranking man onsite and ran a number of real-world Medevacs. But we trained for it. And everybody reacted well. All we evac'd lived … Just like many things in high stress situations you do what you have to do.

Nine pound round25 Jun 2024 7:08 p.m. PST

Can you imagine what morale would be like in an army that made a policy of killing its own wounded?

Every army in the world has spent the last century trying to improve medicine and casevac for a reason….it seems crazy to me to generalize a policy or a practice from a single grainy video, shot from a distance, of who knows what provenance.

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian25 Jun 2024 8:47 p.m. PST

Can you imagine what morale would be like in an army that made a policy of killing its own wounded?

Can you imagine what morale must be like in an army that makes senseless 'meat wave' attacks, with commanders who don't care about their soldiers' lives?

Cuprum225 Jun 2024 9:23 p.m. PST

Oh, I can easily imagine such an army. She recently launched a counter-offensive with the goal of returning Crimea))) Even the Ukrainian commander-in-chief himself obviously spoke out about this counter-offensive (for which he was removed from his post).
By the way, this army recently shot down a Russian plane with seventy of its own prisoners of war who were being transported for exchange, which the Ukrainian side knew very well (this was not the first exchange and a normal procedure).
And even earlier, this army launched a missile attack on a camp of prisoners of war who surrendered in Mariupol, killing more than 50 of their own soldiers…

And it was the Ukrainian army. The one in which soldiers are caught on the streets like animals. The same one in which potential recruits flee from service, despising possible death. More than a hundred Ukrainians (according to Ukrainian border guards) drowned in the border river Tisa alone while trying to escape to Europe. The Tisza River is the new Berlin Wall, already collecting hundreds of victims of people trying to get into the "free world".

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP25 Jun 2024 10:30 p.m. PST

At least they were soldiers…

What about Primary and Kinder Garden Schools or Civilian Hospitals?

Continue eating that bad propaganda my friend… and soon you would explote…

As it was in WW2… no matter what one side did… you are the bad guys from the biginning and unfortunately… anything bad that happens to your side will be justified because of the horrible humiliations you have been carrying out for a long time (not only in Ucraine)…

Any expectation that the Russian people were not the same people who lined up to rape the corpse of an old German woman unfortunately disappeared… you remain as much or more barbaric than ever…

Imho there is not the slightest difference with the Nazis, Khmer Rouges or Mongols…

And how is it possible that you deign to mention how Ukrainians escape military service?… here, in my country there are already more than 18,000 Russians who did that and it seems that no one noticed… of course in Russia they are all patriots and they offer to die for the "Special Military Operation"… nobody run… they only took a long vacations…

PS. I wonder how you can continue communicating with us given that since yesterday Putin decided to ban Internet access from any server in the West… do you use the KGB Server?


Cuprum225 Jun 2024 11:25 p.m. PST

Please note the date of the video:


Yes, Ukraine has repeatedly shelled schools, hospitals and kindergartens. Moreover, over the past ten years… Just a couple of days ago, an American ATACAMS missile killed five people, three of them children, and injured more than 120 people on the beach in Gelendzhik. By the way, Crimeans were killed, that is, those whom Ukraine should consider its citizens…


Yes, I know, you will justify this crime, just as you have justified all other attacks on civilians for ten years. After all, it was precisely for this purpose that the West staged a coup in Ukraine.

Any Russians who wish can freely leave for your country at any time. To do this, they do not need to swim across cold, stormy rivers or go through mountain passes. There is no travel ban in Russia. This is not totalitarian Ukraine)))

Your information about Russian bans is as accurate as all other information you have)))

Dragon Gunner25 Jun 2024 11:45 p.m. PST

I have watched the drone video feed multiple times. I wonder if it is a Bouncing Betty mine? A spring launched anti personnel mine designed to launch out of the ground, blow up at waist height to disembowel and castrate.

Cuprum225 Jun 2024 11:56 p.m. PST

This is most likely staged. It is unlikely that soldiers would move in this way through a mined area.

Steve Wilcox26 Jun 2024 1:29 a.m. PST

I have watched the drone video feed multiple times. I wonder if it is a Bouncing Betty mine? A spring launched anti personnel mine designed to launch out of the ground, blow up at waist height to disembowel and castrate.

The Reddit video is higher res and you can see a dark something rapidly approaching him about 2 seconds before the explosion, diagonally from the right and above at the 11 second mark:


Cuprum226 Jun 2024 1:56 a.m. PST

Not a drop of blood in the entire video… The pants were not damaged by the explosion. Blood stains do not spread. Not typical for a critical injury. When a wounded soldier grabs an alleged wound, there is no blood on his hand. When shot in the head – there is no blood or pieces of flesh…

Nine pound round26 Jun 2024 5:25 a.m. PST

Probably pretty bad. But "leave the wounded for the medics" is one thing, "finish off our own guys" would have been a bit much, even by, say, Stalinist standards. It's one thing to have guys behind the line to make sure people go forward, it's another to kill your own wounded on the battlefield. It just doesn't make sense.

If this is real, I can't imagine it's policy, but I am skeptical about it.

Cuprum226 Jun 2024 7:44 a.m. PST

Well, sometimes this happens. If the wound is undoubtedly fatal, then sometimes a quick death is just a relief from suffering. Especially if the mutilated person asks for it. Euthanasia is already a real practice in many European countries, isn't it?

Such footage sometimes comes across on the Internet – and now they are no longer in doubt:


Nine pound round26 Jun 2024 8:42 a.m. PST

Oh, I don't doubt that it happens- I just have trouble believing that it is any kind of standard procedure or policy. I can't think of a surer incitement to desertion than a "kill our own wounded" policy.

nickinsomerset29 Jun 2024 1:28 a.m. PST

"Yes, Ukraine has repeatedly shelled schools, hospitals and kindergartens. Moreover, over the past ten years… Just a couple of days ago, an American ATACAMS missile killed five people"

The missile was intercepted so a success as it prevented the missile hitting its military target. Unlike the russian scum any school etc that is targeted is done because the ruscum military are hiding behind the children, different to the ruscum attacking the same just to cause terror.

Anyway now the North Koreans are coming to help I am sure that they will be as effective as their ammunition!

Tally Ho!

Tally Ho!

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP29 Jun 2024 9:24 a.m. PST

Here we go again ! Again … bottom line … Russia invaded a sovereign nation with no provocation. It is just 20th Century naked imperialism. Anything else is rhetoric, propaganda, etc.

Anyway now the North Koreans are coming to help I am sure that they will be as effective as their ammunition!
Had 22 months in the ROK, '84-'85. With a forward deployed Mech Bn of the 2ID. With 2 tours on the DMZ. Un like his daddy does a lot of saber rattling, pounds his shoe on tables, etc., etc.

Then and now, they knew is they crossed the DMZ. With the US and ROK forces in country [we were not sure if the rest of the UN would show up this time?] plus including USN & USAF assets from out of country. Many locations in North Korea would be a cratered wasteland. This ain't the 1950s Kim …

Today, I think a lot of Un's ammo, etc. will be kept and will continue to be made. He thinks the "American running dog imperialists" may attack again. Along With their "ROK puppets". So, I think any support for Putin's adventurism will not get all the ammo, etc. he would like.

But North Korean ammo debris has been found in the Ukraine recently …


Nine pound round29 Jun 2024 11:58 a.m. PST

I remember being told once that the capstone annual training event for a typical North Korean infantry battalion was…….a twelve mile road march.

They may find the experience of war in Ukraine stretches them a bit.

Cuprum229 Jun 2024 8:08 p.m. PST

nickinsomerset, 11 thousand civilians died in Ukraine during two and a half years of war. It's certainly unfortunate, but…
The number of dead and wounded residents of the Gaza Strip from October 7 last year (to the end of May of this year – when this document was published) reached 5% of the enclave's population. This is stated in the UN Development Program report entitled "The Gaza War: Expected Socioeconomic Consequences for the State of Palestine."
"As of April 12, 2024 (over seven months of war), at least 33,207 people were killed, about 7 thousand are missing in Gaza. Most of the dead – about 70% – were women and children. Another 80,683 Palestinians were injured , many of the injuries they sustained are likely to result in long-term disability. According to these figures, since October 7, 2023, about 5% of the population of Gaza have been killed or injured, some seriously."
Appreciate the difference… Russia is waging war in an extremely sparing regime for civilians. Only those objects that are directly or indirectly used for military purposes are deliberately attacked. If you make a military warehouse or barracks in a premises for peaceful purposes, it turns into a military facility. If you place such an object in the middle of a populated area, then collateral damage to civilians is, alas, almost inevitable.
And yes, I understand that the tragedy on the beach in Gelendzhik was not planned. The downed missile scattered its deadly payload unintentionally and the casualties were accidental. Just like those casualties that occur from downed Russian missiles. But such is war. Does the West fight differently? How many Serbian civilians have you killed with your bombs? One thousand people a month? This is without any ground operation! Even compared to NATO, the Russians fight extremely carefully…

Legion 4. "Russia invaded a sovereign nation with no provocation." This is lies and propaganda.

I don't think that the North Koreans will enter into hostilities until NATO troops appear in Ukraine. But there is no doubt that Korean factories will be fully loaded with military orders from Russia.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP29 Jun 2024 8:45 p.m. PST

"Russia invaded a sovereign nation with no provocation." This is lies and propaganda.
Opinions vary but it certainly seems that the Ukraine did not attack Russia.

I don't think that the North Koreans will enter into hostilities until NATO troops appear in Ukraine. But there is no doubt that Korean factories will be fully loaded with military orders from Russia.
I don't think they will enter into battles vs. NATO. BTW, NATO is not involved in Korea. It is still a UN mission.

Their goal is to "unify" North with South Korea. Under the North's Communist leadership. Any troops they would send out of country to e.g. Ukraine, would weaken their forces in Korea. They believe that the US and the ROKs are preparing to invade. And end the Communist control for the North.

And yes I'm sure the North's ammo, etc. factories are pumping out a lot of ordinances. Un will and is supporting Putin's war. However, Un will not short his own forces. So, Putin may not get all he wants to continue his war …

Cuprum229 Jun 2024 9:19 p.m. PST

Ukraine did not attack Russia, but it did attack with its armed forces its own territories, where ethnic Russians have lived for many centuries, for their unwillingness to submit to the nationalists who overthrew the power of the legitimate president of Ukraine. The same president who represented the population of the eastern regions of Ukraine. And all attempts to find a compromise between the parties were rejected. Did the coup nationalists ever try to talk to their fellow citizens from the eastern regions? Never.
All attempts by Russia to resolve this conflict with a compromise were rejected with the direct assistance of the West, which initially supported this coup. The West's goal is clear – to turn Ukraine into a military outpost against Russia, and the eastern Russian-speaking regions interfere with this and should have been crushed.

Russia and North Korea now have a military treaty, where each side agrees to come to the aid of the other if it is attacked from outside. So North Korea does not risk much if it sends its troops to Russia. In return, she receives all Russian assistance in the event of an attack on her.

Oh yes, North Korea no longer wants to unite with South Korea. Your information is out of date.


Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP30 Jun 2024 9:48 a.m. PST

Ukraine did not attack Russia, but it did attack with its armed forces its own territories, where ethnic Russians have lived for many centuries, for their unwillingness to submit to the nationalists who overthrew the power of the legitimate president of Ukraine.

Hmmmm ? As I said opinions vary … not that it matters at this point. As the body count continues to grow for all involved.

Oh yes, North Korea no longer wants to unite with South Korea.

Hmmm ? After my time in the ROK a long, long time ago. I learned you can't trust anything the North Korean's leaders say. I'm going with that is the same with Russia, China, Iran, etc.

If any of those nations' leaders say water is wet … you better go check …

The only trust I have with any of those leaders is you can trust they will do what they want to, regardless.

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP30 Jun 2024 5:39 p.m. PST

So… if you have "ethnics" of any sort from other country or religion in your own homeland… following the Russian criterion… it is best to expel them immediately to where they feel more comfortable or identify… otherwise there is a risk of being invaded in a total and cruel war in "defense" of that ethnic groups… Nazism at its finest… without a doubt.

It would be interesting to know what the "democratic attempts" were to reach an agreement with the dissatisfied Russians living in another country that is not Russia… surely they were as reasonable as Hitler's with the Sudetenland or Austria…

"…to turn Ukraine into a military outpost against Russia…" For this… wasn't it easier to directly arm and/or train the Ukrainian armed forces instead of "seeking an interdict with certain dissatisfied ethnicities"?… Are NATO people that idiotic?… They must be because nuclear weapons and much war material of Russian origin were taken from the Ukrainians, putting them at risk of being invaded and not being able to defend themselves…

The move with Korea was another genius… getting ammunition that, according to the Russians who use it, is crap and "technical advisors" that we all imagine the quality they can have (I hope better than the poor Cubans, Africans or Asians). that because they are dying of hunger in their countries they go to die for Russia for a few cents)… and with this dear Putin managed to get South Korea… a world-class power to also align itself in favor of Ukraine (along with Japan)… what a genius!

How proud to be Russian these days….!


Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP30 Jun 2024 6:48 p.m. PST

Tango +1

Cuprum230 Jun 2024 7:46 p.m. PST

Tango01, I think to avoid problems with ethnic minorities and other dissenting groups, it will be enough to comply with the Constitution and democratic procedures. But if you decide to change power in your favor by force, then yes, you need to kill or expel your opponents. Are you calling for such a solution? And who is the Nazi here? One who defends his civil rights? Or the one who violates them and suppresses those who disagree with force of arms?

Russia did not want the division of Ukraine and did not strive for it. For a long time (almost ten years) Russia did not want to include the rebel territories into its composition (except Crimea), despite the referendums held there. The collapse of Ukraine is a natural result of the violent rise to power of nationalists. You are lying.

NATO people are not idiots. They clearly set a goal and consistently implement it.

The number of soldiers from other countries in the Russian army is microscopic. They are attracted more for political purposes than for military necessity.

Korean shells are really criticized for the quality of their artillery powder. But this is not a big problem – we will give them excellent gunpowder))) There are no other complaints about Korean shells.
Regarding the fighting qualities of North Korean soldiers, ask your Korean War veterans.
Since the beginning of the war, South Korea has already been supplying weapons to Ukraine, albeit through intermediaries. So in reality, little changes for us here.
And we don't really need Korean soldiers – we have no problem recruiting volunteers. We need production capacity and workers – Russian factories operate in three shifts, and there are not enough qualified workers. North Korea has all this. And improving the quality of their military products is not a problem for us.
Oh yes, and we also need a lot of workers to build engineering structures behind the troops to protect aviation and logistics from NATO weapons. The Koreans are very good at building such objects – you taught them with your barbaric bombings. We use their experience and labor.

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP01 Jul 2024 4:14 p.m. PST

Read the text: "Following the Russian Criterion…"
The Nazis always was those who, under the false pretense of helping their fellow citizens, invade a country.

Russia was "good" meanwhile and as soon as the governments of neighboring countries are satellites of their own interests… like Belarus… as soon as that changes and the people rebel against you they become bad and must be invaded. .. and the excuse is not that they have lost patience with the Russian system or that they want to progress freely… the excuse is that if they do that it is because NATO is behind that cry for freedom with the intention of invading the Holy Russia…

The veterans of the Korean War, if they are still alive, are great-grandparents… these are not the people who fought that war… they are from a completely different generation and I wouldn't bet a cent on their quality, seeing as an example what you do…

Watching the videos of the Russian prisoners you understand perfectly what the recruitment of "volunteers" is like…

Since the manifest result of the quality of Russian military material is visible… I wish you the best of luck reinforcing that quality with the North Koreans who must be geniuses due to their technical training

You have to be a profound cynic to mention the "barbaric bombings"… why don't we watch the videos of when you started the "Special Operation"?… or right now in kyiv or Kharkiv… now that the Ukrainians have something To return your kindness, they are barbarians (and we know that most of them shoot at military targets, not like you do in hospitals, schools or churches).

Finally… how do you know that North Koreans are good at something?… where did they prove it in the last 60 years?


Cuprum201 Jul 2024 4:46 p.m. PST

Tango01… US invades Grenada in 1983?

Your thesis is false. You probably don't even know that there were two Maidans in Ukraine – the first was in 2004 ("Orange Revolution"). But then no one tried to suppress their opponents with armed force and the conflict was resolved by normal political procedures. What prevented you from doing the same this time? Only Western intervention…

We started the special operation in the most gentle way. Compare this with the NATO operation in Yugoslavia. A thousand civilians killed a month is your method. And who is the cynic here?

Are Koreans incompetent? Ok, so you have nothing to worry about…

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP01 Jul 2024 5:44 p.m. PST

The North Koreans during the hot war, '50-'53 were very tough, motivated and very well indoctrinated. They did rely on numbers and simple basic tactics in many cases. However, with the US Inchon landings, Sep '50, the US/UN Forces pushed North and defeated the North Koreans.

The North attacked in June '50, by Sep '50 they were on the run. The war would have been over without the Chicoms getting involved. But it lasted until the Summer of '53. When a truce was put in place. To this day the ROKs, US and UN force are still in a state of war with North Korea.

Were they that tough, skilled and motivated when I served there ? When I was in the ROK with the 2ID, '84-'85. We did not underestimate them. We planned using overwhelming firepower and combined arms.

Today ? Not sure, but I think the ROKs do not want them attacking across their border obviously. The North may get the first shot. Then after that the US and ROKs again using massive amounts of firepower. From land, sea and air. Plus fighting modern maneuver combined arms warfare. Pushing on to the North's capital, Pyongyang and beyond. Uniting the two Koreas again.

It is still a UN mission. Will other UN forces be involved like during '50-'53 ? Some may … but AFAIK the US/ROKs plan on going it alone. Just in case …

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