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ViscountEric31 May 2024 7:13 p.m. PST

After A long hiatus, I cleaned off the painting table, And worked on some miscellaneous packaging I had thrown on there for future projects.

There's still a bit more I'd like to do, but For now, I have a discount bunker for the Planet 28/Fistful of Lead "Deathworld Iota" campaign.


Personal logo Grelber Supporting Member of TMP01 Jun 2024 8:35 a.m. PST

I've noticed more things packed with this sort of material. I look at it, and think, "Hmmmmm." Well, "Hmmmm enough that I don't throw it away, but I haven't actually done anything with it, either. Maybe it is time to fish some of these out and get creative.


Oberlindes Sol LIC Supporting Member of TMP01 Jun 2024 10:40 a.m. PST

Packing material is the science fiction gamer's friend.

ViscountEric07 Jun 2024 3:53 a.m. PST

Sometimes you just need filler on the board, and this majority of the "junk" on my bench was just that. On to actually painting minis! link


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