Editor in Chief Bill  | 22 May 2024 8:00 p.m. PST |
The Pentagon said Tuesday that it believes none of the hundreds of tons of aid delivered over several days via a military-built pier in Gaza has made it to Palestinians… Military: link |
SBminisguy | 22 May 2024 8:38 p.m. PST |
I'm shocked, shocked to find there's gambling in this establishment! |
Editor in Chief Bill  | 22 May 2024 9:23 p.m. PST |
So, if I understand this correctly, the U.S. expects unarmed U.N. food workers to transport the food safety to warehouses and then distribute it? And who keeps looters away? Who keeps Hamas away? And, reading between the lines, it seems the U.S. doesn't want Israeli military involved in this operation. I believe the Israelis volunteered to do it, but their absence suggests they were asked not to do it… |
14Bore | 23 May 2024 1:10 a.m. PST |
If one thought about it they knew it would never work. Nothing moves in Gaza without Hamas blessing, and they get first dibs on anything |
raylev3 | 23 May 2024 3:36 a.m. PST |
As we've learned in other places in the world, in a war zone aid does not move without some serious security. Great intent, but poorly executed. |
pzivh43  | 23 May 2024 3:53 a.m. PST |
Another example of good intentions waylaid by human nature. You would think the Harvard and Yale educated denizens of the State Department and the West Point and Annapolis graduates at the Pentagon would understand the evil that men do. And make decisions and plans that are more than kindergarten crayon drawings. Maybe a bit hyperbolic, but not much… |
Tortorella  | 23 May 2024 4:23 a.m. PST |
Well somebody ended up with the food, controlled distribution. Somebody got to eat it. As with all things Hamas, no one knows who, but who else could it be ? A very naive effort by the US. |
korsun0  | 23 May 2024 4:38 a.m. PST |
Virtualscratchbuilder  | 23 May 2024 4:46 a.m. PST |
Perhaps the arrestees from the various college campuses should have been "recruited" to transport it and distribute it once it hit the pier. Maybe they could even keep their bike helmets and Rubbermaid shields. |
79thPA  | 23 May 2024 5:10 a.m. PST |
The only people surprised might be some naive Americans. Other than that, it is progressing as everyone else knew it would. |
Raynman  | 23 May 2024 5:48 a.m. PST |
Who saw that coming? Apparently everyone but the USA! |
Major Mike | 23 May 2024 5:56 a.m. PST |
Wow, who'd a thunk it? Only have to look back at Somalia. But, there are many in the military and government that are clapping themselves of the back for doing "the right thing" or meeting some deadline. Their intention was well meant and that is all that matters. |
HMS Exeter | 23 May 2024 6:01 a.m. PST |
The road to Gaza is paved with good intentions. |
Legion 4  | 23 May 2024 6:20 a.m. PST |
Saw this story in the news … As noted, no real surprise. Based on Hamas's, etc. predilections. Again, you just can't trust terrorists … and that includes Iran BTW. So, if I understand this correctly, the U.S. expects unarmed U.N. food workers to transport the food safety to warehouses and then distribute it? The UN … maybe the UN can task a nation or two. To send troops to land at the port. Under UN authority to secure the area of the port. And the unarmed aid workers … Of course, can we trust all UN aid workers ? As we saw earlier some of the UN aid workers were working with Hamas. IMO the FFL would be good for this job … They are a very effective combat unit. Plus, they have a long history killing insurgents, etc. in the region. Of course that is the bottom line … can the UN troops, e.g. the FFL tasked for this mission actually have an ROE to allows them to do the "job" ? And there should be Naval assets to support e.g. the FFL including CAS. Will some "civilians be CD ? Most likely since as in any insurgency the guerillas don't wear uniforms, etc. Hamas wants this agenda that the Jews, etc. are killing non-combatants. That is their narrative anyway, whether the numbers are true or not. Again, you just can't trust terrorists. The US leadership needs to remember that. |
SBminisguy | 23 May 2024 7:22 a.m. PST |
And, reading between the lines, it seems the U.S. doesn't want Israeli military involved in this operation. I believe the Israelis volunteered to do it, but their absence suggests they were asked not to do it… Yes -- this was really a form of US Direct aid to Hamas that bypassed Israeli oversight. Imagine if the US airdropped aid directly to the Nazis in Berlin just as the Soviets were closing in on the Reichstag… |
Shark Six Three Zero | 23 May 2024 7:27 a.m. PST |
Didn't we try this in Somalia? |
ZULUPAUL  | 23 May 2024 11:52 a.m. PST |
Shark six I think we tried this in Sudan, the armed thugs came and took the food etc. off the trucks & drove away IIRC |
35thOVI  | 23 May 2024 2:54 p.m. PST |
"Pentagon Tacitly Admits Biden's Gaza Pier Stunt Is A Total Failure" "It didn't take long for the Pentagon to all but confirm that the temporary Gaza port constructed at the behest of President Biden is turning out to be a total disaster. The admission came during a Tuesday press conference, in which Gen. Patrick S. Ryder, the Pentagon's spokesman, told reporters that none of the 569 metric tons of food and supplies delivered into Hamas-controlled Gaza via the port have been distributed to Gaza residents by nongovernmental organizations. Constructed by the U.S. military, the $320 USD million floating port was announced earlier this year during Biden's State of the Union address, a move designed to cater to the pro-Hamas wing of the Democrat Party base.……." link Just in. Non combat, but unnecessary Subject: 3 US service members injured working on Gaza aid, 1 in critical condition | Fox News link |
79thPA  | 23 May 2024 3:14 p.m. PST |
What are the odds that we will leave the port intact for Hamas once we are done providing "aid?" |
35thOVI  | 23 May 2024 3:43 p.m. PST |
"What are the odds that we will leave the port intact for Hamas once we are done providing "aid?"" Things stay the same IMO, Extremely high |
Dragon Gunner | 23 May 2024 5:21 p.m. PST |
Wonderful we are logistical support for Hamas. This is what happens when you have an idiot civilian in charge tinkering in military operations they cannot comprehend. |
Legion 4  | 23 May 2024 8:24 p.m. PST |
really a form of US Direct aid to Hamas It is an election year … "Pentagon Tacitly Admits Biden's Gaza Pier Stunt Is A Total Failure" Does not matter … it is an election year … optics is all that counts. 3 US service members injured working on Gaza aid, 1 in critical condition Sadly this was an event which was bound to happen … again. Wonderful we are logistical support for Hamas. This is what happens when you have an idiot civilian in charge tinkering in military operations they cannot comprehend. This is what happened in A'stan with elected & appointed officials not listening to the military and intel agencies. With the debacle in A'stan, that just showed to Putin, Iran etc. that the current US leadership does not have the right stuff. And upon seeing that, Putin started massing troops, AFVs, etc. on Ukraine's border. |
Stryderg  | 24 May 2024 7:57 p.m. PST |
I have a hard time deciding if US leadership is naive, stupid, incompetent or evil (by backing Hamas intentionally). |
soledad | 25 May 2024 12:59 a.m. PST |
Stryderg. I would say all of them and none. It is politics. Trying to minumize the damage and keeping voters but not alienating other voters. Walking a tight rope with the presidency as prize. Russia will do everything it can to sabotage Bidens chance so that Trump wins. Best thing that can happen for Russia is Trump as president. If/when he wins, Russia will ramp up its campaign to flood the US with illegals. Russia will also support Palestine supporters in the US to cause maximum internal turmoil in the US. All with the goal that US will "turn inwards" and abandon europe. Then Russia will attack other countries in europe and WWIII will commence. Chin will laugh. |
35thOVI  | 25 May 2024 4:12 a.m. PST |
" Russia will do everything it can to sabotage Bidens chance so that Trump wins. Best thing that can happen for Russia is Trump as president. If/when he wins, Russia will ramp up its campaign to flood the US with illegals. Russia will also support Palestine supporters in the US to cause maximum internal turmoil in the US. All with the goal that US will "turn inwards" and abandon europe. Then Russia will attack other countries in europe and WWIII will commence. Chin will laugh." Is there no end to the nefarious plans of Dr Evil Orange Man!?? 😈 🍊 👨 "Yes Vladimir! You must hold off invading the Ukraine while I am President. I will also work with Hamas to NOT attack Israel. Next, I will have Xi release a deadly bio engineered virus upon all mankind so as to create a whole new group of voting laws, so I can lose the 2020 election. I will then influence a "well meaning, but befuddled old man" into undoing all my border executive orders, thus opening the US border to a virtual flood of un-vetted illegals from all over the world. I will then have him retreat from Afghanistan and leave billions of our military equipment behind. What's that Vlad? Yes a few US troops will die needlessly, but that is the cost of WORLD DOMINATION!!! Next you invade the Ukraine and drain the military equipment of NATO and force them to commit Billions to the defense of the Ukraine. Also this will affect world oil prices. I will get the new POTUS to do everything to affect oil prices here adversely as well. Next I will release the dogs of Hamas on Israel, thus starting a mid East war. Also effecting oil prices. I might even throw in some other Muslim radicals as well. One can never have too many! 😉😂 Then Xi can start threatening Taiwan and release masses of fentanyl into the US via the new open border. 🤣😂 Maybe have Little Rocket Man start shooting missiles again. Increase domestic crime, release criminals, increase the debt so as to increase it by a TRILLION DOLLARS every 100 days. Throw in some anti semitism on collage campuses and mass protests. Increase inflation and food prices to new highs. Yes this is our plan. We will do all this by having me lose in 2020, so I can come back in 2024 and than WORLD DOMINATION and WW3!!!! We shall call it…. Operation TDS!! (Evil Laughter) 😈🤣😂" 😂🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂 |
soledad | 25 May 2024 6:44 a.m. PST |
I´m not claiming Trump (if that who you describe as orange man) is evil. What I´m saying is that Russia will try (and already does) to "shape" the world to fit their end goal. Just like the US does. But Russia plays very dirty. Very very dirty. And I believe that Trump, who's views are more in line with Russias, is a "better" president for Russia than Biden. I´m not saying Trump will bow down to Putin but that they think more alike than Biden/Putin. So what is good for Trump is better for Putin than Biden. In Europe Russia has killed defectors with Polonium and other poisons. They have blown up ammo dumps a few years back with deaths. They have hired useful idiots to attack synagogues. They have (tried) to flood the border states with African refugees. ( which did not work as Finland just closed the border and other countries stationed troops there). They have infiltrated many "peace and climate" movements to do their bidding. They are trying to change the agreed upon border with the baltic states by moving border buoys from a their position. They have penetrated Baltic states with special forces and kidnapped citizens and imprisoned them. |
35thOVI  | 25 May 2024 7:31 a.m. PST |
Soledad you didn't appreciate my little homage to Dr Evil? 🙂 On a serious note. I don't believe Trump is better for Russia than whoever is running US foreign policy today. If he was. Vlad would have invaded during his administration. I mean he took the Crimea during Obama's, but skipped Trump's and waited for the current administration to invade the Ukraine again. Yes Trump is harder on NATO and I'm not sure of how much free equipment he will give away to the Ukraine. Possibly he will demand it as loans or repayment via oil. Yes the Russians are opportunistic. Yes they are paranoid. One must remain vigilant and keep one's military strong. Don't depend on others, because you can never count on anyone. If I were Central Europe and Scandinavia, I'd form my own alliance. You can probably count more on those directly threatened by Russia, than those not. But that is only my opinion. |
soledad | 25 May 2024 8:04 a.m. PST |
Problem is Scandinavia and Central Europe does not have nukes. To seen as a serious deterrent you need nukes. I do not think the US would appreciate if more countries tried to develop nukes though. But apart from that Europe really does need to level up. They should have done that years ago but did not. Europe have not kept their military forces and have leeched of the US which is disgraceful, but unfortunately what has happened. Now Europe is slowly waking up but from very low levels and also increasing their forces at a too slow phase. |
Legion 4  | 25 May 2024 9:26 a.m. PST |
I have a hard time deciding if US leadership is naive, stupid, incompetent or evil (by backing Hamas intentionally). Definitely the first 3 … the last one would take actually being cunning, underhanded, etc. And remember it is an election year … some believe the small American moslem vote will be important. 35th +1
Problem is Scandinavia and Central Europe does not have nukes. To seen as a serious deterrent you need nukes. No need, the US has many … Putin, Xi, Un, Iran, etc. know the US is the only country in the world that has used them in anger. |
Tortorella  | 25 May 2024 9:31 a.m. PST |
Without the US as an ally I wonder how likely an invasion of Scandinavia would be and how well they would do. Who would they want an alliance with? Who would they trust? They saw Trump and Putin close up in Helsinki. Concern about trade relations, tariff impacts, US reliability regarding Article 5, might be some concerns. |
Legion 4  | 26 May 2024 9:41 a.m. PST |
Based on the Russian's poor performance in Ukraine, they may not do much better … anywhere … |
35thOVI  | 28 May 2024 12:12 p.m. PST |
Wonder how much more this increases the cost? Subject: US-Built Pier In Gaza To Be Removed, Repaired After Damage From Rough Seas link |