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"Arnold’s Flagship: The USS Congress" Topic

5 Posts

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Comments or corrections?

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian21 May 2024 5:24 p.m. PST

It is widely accepted today that the only truly influential battle fought by the fledgling U.S. Navy during the Revolutionary War was fought on Lake Champlain—the engagement known today as the Battle of Valcour Island. America at this time did not have a navy as we understand it: A fleet of ships-of-the-line commanded by experienced admirals. Rather, it was a force born out of necessity and commanded by that most controversial of men, Benedict Arnold—a man who, at the time, was on the cusp of becoming a great hero of the revolutionary cause. His defense at Lake Champlain held back the British invasion of Canada and bought the Continental Army time to form up and win at the Battle of Saratoga in 1777—before, of course, he turned traitor…

Naval History Magazine: link

Personal logo Parzival Supporting Member of TMP22 May 2024 6:26 a.m. PST

The article seems incomplete, and is in need of a copy edit— there are several grammatical errors that make for awkward reading.
But the Battle of Valcour Island is an interest of mine, as is the life of Arnold, and the article is a decent intro to a somewhat undeservedly obscure moment in American history.

Grelber22 May 2024 9:37 a.m. PST

Isn't one of the galleys in the Smithsonian?


DeRuyter23 May 2024 10:20 a.m. PST

Yes the galley "Philadelphia" is in the Musuem of American History.

Grattan54 Supporting Member of TMP23 May 2024 8:13 p.m. PST

With the cannonball the sunk her still there on the ship.

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