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captaincold6914 May 2024 12:58 p.m. PST

Can anyone recommend any good sources for battalion level scenarios?

Can be from other games (I'm focusing on O' Group and have already purchased what I can) or other books.

North Africa (1940-1943)
Italy (1943-1945)
Western Europe (D-Day to Berlin)
Eastern Europe (Barbarossa to Berlin)

Thank you

Major Mike14 May 2024 1:38 p.m. PST

You can check out these at this Fire and Fury/Battleground website. link

TimePortal14 May 2024 4:02 p.m. PST

We designed a number of scenarios for skirmish level WW2. We had created a topic focus such as BCI, Africa and Middle East among others. We worked on 20-30 scenarios each.
For board set up, we used the clock sector, top north row 1,2,3; second middle row 4,0, 5: third south row 6,7,8

Personal logo Yellow Admiral Supporting Member of TMP14 May 2024 4:10 p.m. PST

Command Decision scenario books?

Martin Rapier14 May 2024 11:58 p.m. PST

What Yellow Admiral said. The various CD campaign books are outstanding, as are the dozen or so scenarios in the CDIV rulebook. If you just want to push a battalion around, there are plenty of smaller scenarios in there.

The Rapid Fire 1942 Desert Battles one is OK too, and a big shout out to TAC Publications "Eastern Front 1944" which has a range of brigade level engagements, and includes a mini Siege of Tarnopol campaign.

It is easy to convert all of these to other rule sets.

Martin Rapier15 May 2024 10:47 a.m. PST

Sorry, I missed you were playing O Group.

I'm not convinced O Group is much good for historical scenarios, without a lot fiddling around with the setup process. Obviously, give it a go and see how you get on.

captaincold6915 May 2024 2:05 p.m. PST

Why do you say O' Group isn't good for historical scenarios?

Dexter Ward16 May 2024 12:03 a.m. PST

There are loads of good battalion level scenarios for Battlefront:WW2 over at
The rules are at the same level as O group so are ideal.

Kelly Armstrong16 May 2024 8:24 a.m. PST

Google the Warning Order periodical put out by the Wasatch wargamers. Starting with about Issue #37 they have a series of generic scenarios titled as "Engagement #1, #2, etc. the author recommends a period for the engagement but they can be used for any period.

Personal logo Extra Crispy Sponsoring Member of TMP17 May 2024 9:43 a.m. PST

Panzer Korps has several scenario books worth looking at.

FlyXwire20 May 2024 5:12 p.m. PST

CptC, it's my impression of O Group, that's it's a terrific system for fighting infantry battalion actions, with limited supporting armor.

The rules are quite novel, that they indeed tackle the less-trod PBI's war.

Your recent threads exploring 1/144th scale vs. 6mm would lead to believe you might be wanting more mobile, AFV action (?), but 12mm figs will definitely look good for infantry-centric gaming too.

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