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"28mm vs 32mm Miniatures - Thoughts?" Topic

6 Posts

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379 hits since 12 May 2024
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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ccmatty Supporting Member of TMP12 May 2024 10:57 a.m. PST

I recently ordered some 3D printed old west miniatures at 28mm scale. When I hold them up to Knuckleduster minis, they seem just a bit small.

Anyone recommend 32mm size? I can order the same minis 3D printed in 32mm.

Are old west miniatures more commonly sized at 28mm or 32mm?

Let me know?

Grattan54 Supporting Member of TMP12 May 2024 11:16 a.m. PST

Black Scorpion are 30mm but I think they are more like 32mm.
Most Old West are 28mmmm but 30mm-40mm are used as well.

hollyhocks12 May 2024 12:57 p.m. PST

Most of my 'Old West' stuff is a mixture of classic Wargames Foundry & Old Glory Gunfighters (…probably purchased in the last millenium to be fair!!)
However, they are substantially smaller than Black Scorpion miniatures, and indeed most of the more modern ranges…

There are some nice printed Old West miniatures available on Ebay which would probably be a good match for Black Scorpion at 'heroic' scale (or 32mm) – but they would need to rescale them to 25mm to match the Foundry range.

Wargames manufacturers differing scales is a constant source of annoyance!!

TimePortal12 May 2024 2:12 p.m. PST

I refuse to stock 32mm since they have poor sales.

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