Monday April 8 we played a Napoleonic game using Blucher rules, the scenario (from the Tales from a Wargame Shed Blog) covered day one of the Battle of Kulm.
In the game victory can be achieved by occupying two towns, Straden and Priesten after 20 Plyer Turns or breaking the enemy Army.
The French planned to weaken the Russians with artillery and skirmish fire before closing in to defeat them with cold steel, the Russians plan was a forward defence using the stream as a defence line and hold at all costs!
The French successfully closed to skirmish range and then proceeded to roll very badly (that wasn't in their plan)! Meanwhile the Russian artillery was successfully pummelling the advancing French while they advanced to the stream as planned.
With turns running out the French finally started to weaken some of the Russian Units with fire and advanced! One of the two objectives, Straden was captured several Russian units were hit hard and destroyed. The Russians were able to recapture Straden at bayonet point and pull their right flank back away from the attacking French! It was looking dodgy for the Russians as the French pushed hard but they had held on as required! Time was against the French a Russian victory ensued!
The town of Straden was a crucial French objective, after weakening the town's defenders with a bombardment the French attack!
The battle continues to rage around the town of Straden…
The French attempt to turn the Russian right flank…
See the full AAR and more pictures on the TSOG Blog…