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"Operation Fustian Primosole Bridge, July 14th, 1943" Topic

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Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP15 Apr 2024 4:48 p.m. PST

"We were back to WWII again this month, moving on from our brief foray into North Africa to the long-awaited Sicilian invasion of July 1943. Three days after the launching of the invasion, the British 1st Parachute Division, in Operation Fustian, was dropped to seize Primosole Bridge over the Simeto River, in order to pave the way for the 8th Army advance. Friendly fire and a wide dispersal at the drop zone meant only a fraction of the brigade arrived to join in the fight. Unknowingly the paratroops had been dropped into an area held by the 1st Machinegun Battalion of the 1st Fallscirmjager Division, many being dropped south of the bridge and forced to engage with the dug in troops there. A small group of British managed to seize the bridge from the Italian defenders and by the following day 12 officers and 283 other ranks had gathered around the bridgehead as the Germans pulled together a hasty counterattack…"




Full Battle at Tiny Wars Played Indoors Blog



Gunny B17 Apr 2024 12:54 p.m. PST

Awesome scenery Tango. Not that the models aren't good as well!

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP17 Apr 2024 3:49 p.m. PST

Happy you like them…

(Not mine… I only share it)


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