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"Beddinton on sea - a quest for a test" Topic

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380 hits since 15 Apr 2024
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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UshCha Supporting Member of TMP15 Apr 2024 2:37 a.m. PST

So following the recon game I posted on the 1/144 board and a review of terrain types I have decided to set up the ultimate brain teaser as a test. That is to have all resonably consistent terrain types possible on a single 1/144 scale board.

Hence Beddington on sea. Using UK terrain that is not wildly diffrent from Europe we get as its by the sea:-

The sand dues will provide:-
Soft going – Low ground peressure vehicels have no issue her.
Poor going – High speed movement not possible as it's to sticky and uneven.

Close to the dunes Scrub – (mid height vegitation).

A very narrow/river – minor amd major obsticle bank sections and sections with impassible bottom, poor going botton and good going bottom.

Woods both natural and commercial woodlane.
This gives
-wide and narrow tree spacing restricting gun positioning.
-Tracks both normal, narrow and uneven – Impacts gun positioning and stabilisation.
-Impassible to vehivles.

Field boundaries hedges both Minor amd major difficult obsticles.

Crops – the new Cornfield models, even tanks cannot see through it without somebody on the top spotting.
Wheat – (we would say corn) low growing cover to grunts stationary in it.

Ploughed field – Poor going

A village for Urbam movement.

And of course to ne Boreing Good Going and roads. With 90degree turns that restrict speed of movement. Bridges oif various weigt limits.

Hills, ridges amd folds. resticts vision and the ability to depoly hull down etc.

Can it be done?

Yes I know this is not a game for casual players but we are most definiely not casual players and it could prove an interesting challenge.

It might have to be Brits vs Russians as my Germans are not strong on Low ground pressure vehicels, the Brits have the CVR(T) and the Russians the BMP 1.

Any Glareing ommisions?

Ps missed somepossibilities deliberately e.g Difficult going at the faerm gate between between large impassible/difficult going hedges. Hey even I have limits to what I can cope with.

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