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"20mm Crew for British M10/M10 Achilles" Topic

6 Posts

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474 hits since 14 Apr 2024
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Dangerbod14 Apr 2024 8:09 a.m. PST

I have finally got around to building a pair of Armourfast M10 Achilles tank destroyers, which I must have had in the stash since they were originally released. The main delay having been the requirement to scratch build the missing gun breaches. Having done that at last, and tricked them out with aftermarket racks and stowage. I need some crew for them. I have some, but they are a little crude and all wearing tin hats, so I'm not very keen on them tbh. Does any manufacturer produce crew for these AFVs, preferably with AFV crew helmets or berets/GS caps? I have searched, but not found any.

korsun0 Supporting Member of TMP14 Apr 2024 8:20 a.m. PST

S and S models?



Dangerbod14 Apr 2024 8:51 a.m. PST

Thank you, yes! Would you believe I have spent the last 2 hours looking, using my desk-top PC? Just did the search on my phone and found S and S straight away and came here to fess up.

Personal logo deadhead Supporting Member of TMP14 Apr 2024 11:31 a.m. PST

and very nice figures too, Let me add AB miniatures and congratulate you for appreciating that the crews were not tankers, but artillerymen. That beret needs to be that awful baggy thing worn by the British Army, close of WWII, not what we associate with Airborne, RTR or RM commandos (which even then was not as well fitted as today)


TacticalPainter0114 Apr 2024 4:44 p.m. PST

I went with AB Figures for the crew:



0ldYeller15 Apr 2024 9:15 a.m. PST

I believe in the HAT British Tank Riders set there are some tank crew as well in berets.

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