For the Third Anglo-Burma war, there's a 6 volume sort of official history (kind of like R.G. Burton's various histories of Anglo-Indian colonial wars prepared for the Intelligence Department I suspect, albeit in much greater length) of the war prepared for the Indian Intelligence Department shortly after the war ended-title: "History of the Third Burmese War 1885-1886-1887." Online copies of several of the vols are available through the Hathi Trust and google books, but I've had problems accessing the complete books rather than just short segments-full access to Hathi Trust now requires membership affiliation, generally through a Uni I think, and the google books copies seem to be the same. Copies of the History also appear to be available for sale, but it's likely to be dense and dull and so not worth the cost. You might, instead, find an available library copy through WorldCat.
There's also a book on all three Anglo-Burma Wars by George Bruce (IIRC, he also wrote the book on the Anglo-Sikh wars relied on by George McDonald Fraser in writing Flashman and the Mountain of Light), available for borrowing only at Internet Archive.
There are also brief bits and bobs in various books on Victorian Colonial wars. You might check a list of Ospreys-I have a vague memory of an illustration of a Brit soldier from one of the Anglo-Burma wars in an Osprey albeit it might just have been a general book on Brit colonial wars or some such.
Finally, you could look in Phil Haythornthwaite's "Colonial Wars Source Book" to see if it lists any further sources on the 3rd Anglo-Burma War. I'd check it myself, but I've temporarily misplaced my copy of Haythornthwaite.
If you don't have Haythornthwaite, copies are available fairly cheap-although, as the title says, it's mostly a list of sources rather than an in-depth history of the wars so you might not want it for your library and, as I don't have my copy to hand, I can't be certain the war is even mentioned there. Anyway, some of the other TMP members likely have a copy of Haythornthwaite, so maybe someone who can find his copy might chime in with additional sources from there.