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psiloi29 Mar 2024 5:02 p.m. PST

Ive been away from the hobby for a bit, but with a new home remodel have the chance to do some solo gaming in my new game space.

Ive done some searches, nothing is jumping out at me.
Looking for fairly simple rules, 6mm mostly. Needs to have an opponent mechanic or ai. Nothing with tons of charts to flip through.Doesnt need to be super specific for frontages and etc, I'm more casual than strict simulation oriented. Need to be able to preview a bit… dont want to spend a ton on something that doesnt fit my needs. Free downloads are fine(even though I love being able to physically hold books and rules!)

Appreciate the help in advance

robert piepenbrink Supporting Member of TMP29 Mar 2024 5:15 p.m. PST

I always struggle with solo gaming myself. But you might want to try the Mersey series--Lion Rampant and its cousins. The activation system lends itself to solo play, and the colonial version (The Men Who Would Be Kings) specifically has a solo mechanism as part of the rules.

Please post if you find something which works well.

Grattan54 Supporting Member of TMP29 Mar 2024 6:31 p.m. PST

DBA is one that works very well solo.
Not exactly what you asked for I will admit.

Whirlwind29 Mar 2024 11:32 p.m. PST

I can't think of any rules for that period which have a specific opponent mechanic in them, unless the Portable Pike & Shot wargame has one – if not, it is probably quite solo friendly (the Portable Wargame system was designed by a solo player). Closest otherwise might be Two Hour Wargames' Musket and Shako and Morale Napoleon; I have played the latter and the game logic could be adapted to an earlier period, with a bit of work. Otherwise Programmed Wargames Scenarios might be your best bet, since that is period agnostic.

I think action point mechanics are the easiest to convert to solo play, in which case Polemos: ECW and DBR are straightforward enough (the first is the one I play). For King and Parliament (with card draws) and Pike and Shotte (command rolls) are probably easy enough too.

Dexter Ward30 Mar 2024 2:25 a.m. PST

The Piquet: Field of Battle rules are very good for solo play as the card draws constrain what each side can do. Chain of Command works well solo for WW2 for similar reasons; dice roll constrains your actions.

blacksmith30 Mar 2024 2:52 a.m. PST

Rally Round the King from Two Hour Wargames now being sold by Rebel minis is tailored to campaign solo big battles, either fantasy or historical.

You can also try FUBAR, a free downloadable 2 pages ruleset easily adaptable to play any genre and solo as well.

psiloi30 Mar 2024 5:25 a.m. PST

Thanks for the suggestions. I have polemos, it seems a little more complicated for solo play

MajorB30 Mar 2024 6:32 a.m. PST

Over more than four decades, I have found most wargame rules work fine solo.

Whirlwind30 Mar 2024 9:42 a.m. PST


everyone has different tastes and boundaries for sure. I have played lots of ECW battles with them solo – randomizing the Tempo bid makes it pretty eay,

TimePortal30 Mar 2024 8:09 p.m. PST

Starting in 1971, I have layer board games solo all the time. So no problem with most games.
In regards to miniatures, I have not played solo except when play testing a new set of rules. Still possible to enjoy them.

Travellera30 Mar 2024 10:04 p.m. PST

Check out:


Gonsalvo31 Mar 2024 6:48 p.m. PST

Many rules play well solo, without need of an automated opponent.

For Hose and Musket gaming, my go to set is Field of Battle, 3rd edition:


The earlier but related Piquet rules are perhaps even better suited to solo play.

For Ancient to the Great Italian Wars, I love To the Strongest!


English Civil War, the related rules, For King and Parliament:


For Wars of the Roses, here's a complete walkthrough of a game I just played solo with Test of Resolve:


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