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766 hits since 27 Mar 2024
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Zephyr40k28 Mar 2024 1:59 p.m. PST

Osprey has done it again. They've just released "When Nightmares Come," a great little game of supernatural investigation. Now I'm going down the rabbit hole again looking for miniatures to buy, and I'm hoping my friends at TMP can assist.

Here's the criteria:

– Modern. Or even ultramodern. NOT 1920's. This is not a Cthulu game. 99% of my google searches for "supernatural investigators" turn up models from the 1920s-30s. Which is cool, but not what I'm looking for this time.

– Scale can ben any of the standard tabletop scales: 25mm, 28mm, 32mm.

– In the game, there are three character classes: Wardens (focus: combat), Weavers (focus: magic), and Wrights (focus: devices). I'm finding some good Warden characters but precious few that could be Weavers or Wrights. Ideally people in modern attire but are clearly magic-users. Think Shadowrun, but less cyberpunk. They should have some kind of a magical "focus" they're wielding. Also for Wrights, they need to obviously be holding some kind of techno-magical device.

I've found some interesting models at Hasslefree Miniatures, Reaper Chronoscope, and Fenris Games, as well as in the aforementioned Shadowrun line. But I'm looking for more. What suggestions might you have for me?


Eumelus Supporting Member of TMP28 Mar 2024 2:16 p.m. PST

Foundry Miniatures "Street Violence" line:

Personal logo Mister Tibbles Supporting Member of TMP28 Mar 2024 4:12 p.m. PST

Killer B Games have some interesting figures.

Crooked Dice have gobs of good miniatures, most IP rip offs FWIW.

nnascati Supporting Member of TMP28 Mar 2024 4:34 p.m. PST

Hasslefree seems to be having major issues from what I've read. I'd avoid them if you can.

Personal logo etotheipi Sponsoring Member of TMP28 Mar 2024 5:17 p.m. PST



None of those are the actual Mystery Inc. figures, just a sample of how you can retool them.

Bob Murch's Pulp Figures are set in the era you don't want, but many of them carry forward.

And it depends on what you mean by paranormal investigators …


Personal logo Dentatus Sponsoring Member of TMP Fezian28 Mar 2024 5:23 p.m. PST

I'd second the caution to avoid Hasslefree Miniatures.

I've had good luck with Reaper Chronoscope and some of the Clix figs. (HorrorClix and Heroclix)

There's the old USX Heroes from RAFM too.

have a look at the photos here: link

Zephyr40k28 Mar 2024 6:59 p.m. PST

Well shoot. I already put in an order on the Hasslefree website a couple of days ago. I guess that money is a donation to their healthcare fund. Ah well. They're good people. Shame about Hasslefree, though. I've been buying minis from them for years.

Callsign 2128 Mar 2024 10:09 p.m. PST

Let us know how you go with Hasslefree, Zephyr. Both my last two orders with them took over a year to deliver, and needed a lot of very unimpressed communication on my part.

YogiBearMinis29 Mar 2024 6:22 a.m. PST

I am glad I made a big order with Hasselfree a couple years ago, to stock up for a modern project. Whew.

Deucey Supporting Member of TMP29 Mar 2024 7:38 a.m. PST

What is a good source for old heroclix?

Deucey Supporting Member of TMP29 Mar 2024 7:39 a.m. PST

Dr Who sidekicks (companions) might work.

Personal logo Dentatus Sponsoring Member of TMP Fezian29 Mar 2024 9:40 a.m. PST

Old Clix figs = EBAY.

I buy cheap rookie ones, repaint and re-base them. Between them and Reaper Bones, it's an inexpensive way to fill a table with durable minis.

Personal logo etotheipi Sponsoring Member of TMP30 Mar 2024 6:18 p.m. PST

FLGS fir 'Clix … if they sell them, they probably have a bucket if cheap ones to pour through.

TimePortal30 Mar 2024 7:17 p.m. PST

Crusader survivors range.
Wargames Atlantic Cannon Fodder Males and Females box s sets. Around 30 fighters per box.
Several companies have ranges as well. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is one.

Deucey Supporting Member of TMP05 Apr 2024 8:08 p.m. PST

Found heroclix here:

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