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"Know any Hyperspace Hack Rules?" Topic

9 Posts

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Mictator24 Mar 2024 4:49 a.m. PST

Here is a Link:


Found No Review?

Andrew Walters24 Mar 2024 9:41 a.m. PST

I really believe that if you want to publish your rules you have to do more than upload a PDF to wargamevault and cross your fingers. Any publishing requires promotion. Give away some copies to people who will play it and write it up for TMP, BGA, and comment on WGV. Get your play testers to, with disclaimer, post about it.

I have bought PDFs sight unseen, and may do so again, but sometimes they are worthless, and sometimes they are just okay, and since I don't need a "just okay" rule set that's pretty much worthless, too. But there's some great stuff out there and we're going to miss it if people don't promote their work properly.

Sorry, tangential rant finished.

I, too, would like to know more about these rules. If it's like most cases I'll never learn any more than I know right now. But now I'm ranting again. I will quietly, futilely, watch this thread for someone who has played or at least read this game to comment.

Oberlindes Sol LIC Supporting Member of TMP24 Mar 2024 4:44 p.m. PST

I agree with Andrew.

Mictator25 Mar 2024 7:14 a.m. PST

I thought, nobody is crazy enough to buy it.

TheBeast Supporting Member of TMP25 Mar 2024 10:33 a.m. PST

While I do understand the rant, I would point out a couple of things.

The 'Hacks' have quite a following, and I wouldn't dismiss out of hand.

However, $23 USD is well north of my 'just check it out' comfort zone, and my One Tree library is in the hundreds.


Russ Lockwood01 Apr 2024 2:20 p.m. PST

Hyperspace Hack is back in print, this time with On military Matters offering a paper print version with wire binding (so the pages lay flat). Retail price is $29.00 USD.

Here's the blurb I created:

• Be an Admiral, not a Captain
• For 2 players…or 20 (command 50 ships or more per player)
• Simple yet subtle rules for fleet actions
• Ultrafast games: Play 1-on-1 with 25 ships per player in under 2 hours
• Crew quality from Raw to Elite
• Task Force and Armada Morale
• Quick Reference Charts on one page
• Rules for ramming, boarding, tech levels, and repairs
• Point system for tournaments, campaigns, and balanced scenarios
• Optional rules for 3-sided battles, crew promotions, planet-killing lasers
• Retail price: $29 USD (US) [from]

The key to Hyperspace Hack's speedy play revolves around integrating offensive weaponry and defensive shields into a single "To Hit" chart. An attack by one ship or many on a target ship resolves with a single die roll -- with results of no effect, damaged ship, or killed (destroyed) ship.

The basic game allows youngsters to learn movement and firing within a couple turns, while optional rules like torpedo attacks, firing zones, combat repairs, ammo, fuel, and so on will add the complexity some gamers crave. It will also take longer to play, but you can pick and choose your level of complexity versus speed of play.

The wargames vault PDF version is from the original publisher LMW. The PDF is virtually identical to the OMM printed version.

The basic combat system chart: each ship has a Attack Factor value. Pick a target ship: Cross index the AF with the ship class and roll 1d10 for the result (no effect, damaged ship, or destroyed). Multiple ships firing at a single target: add up the AFs, cross index with target ship type, and roll 1d10. There's plenty more you may add, but that's the basic combat resolution.

This is NOT Star Fleet Battles, StarFire, or any other tactical game -- think big. Think fleets.

If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask.

TheBeast Supporting Member of TMP07 Apr 2024 5:39 a.m. PST

Thanks Russ.

I will assume the April 1st date was mere coincidence.

As no one else will pop up, I'd start with asking if you are familiar with G.O.B.S.; if so, a comparison of granularity would be a start.

Mention of movement begs many questions, but start with playing field. I'm assuming open table, no grid, no 'areas.'

Are ships individuals, parts of larger groups…? I go you go?

I am the admiral, but are captains represented in any rule effects?


Russ Lockwood12 Apr 2024 5:49 p.m. PST

Yes, the 4/1/2024 date was just the day. No April Fools, just info.

No. I am not familiar with GOBS, although I've played a number of space combat systems going back to Star Fleet Battles and StarFire.

movement begs many questions, but start with playing field. I'm assuming open table, no grid, no 'areas.'

Correct. However, as an optional rule, ships have a maximum turning radius in a turn.

Initiative determines which side moves first and fires first (Igo-Ugo simplicity -- not simultaneous) in a turn, and then the move and fire flips. So, in a turn, Side with initiative moves and fires and then side without initiative fires, and then the side without initiative moves and fires and the side with initiative fires.

Ships are individual ships. Fighters are squadrons" not individual fighters.

are captains represented in any rule effects?

No. However, the ships have a Crew Quality rating that is a die modifier to firing. An optional rule (and longer game) allows for ship saving rolls based on crew quality.

Firing is as noted above. Yes, you can 'gang up' a bunch of smaller ships onto a larger ship for a better chance of inflicting damage or eliminating a target.

It's meant to have big, big battles in a short amount of time suitable for kids and grandkids. The optional rules offer granularity, but with chrome comes added play length.

If you're running a campaign and want lots of ships in battles, this will take care of it nicely.

Hope this clarifies…

TheBeast Supporting Member of TMP14 Apr 2024 4:53 a.m. PST

In the best way, opening more questions, but I will leave it here for now.



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