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"Flying Lead vs Mutants and Death Ray Guns" Topic

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The Last Conformist21 Mar 2024 3:44 a.m. PST

I was thinking about actually, y'know, playing a game with the post-apocalyptic figures I acquired a few years ago, which of course requires deciding on a rules set to use.

One of my favorite skirmish games is Song of Blades and Heroes, so Mutants and Death Ray Guns suggests itself. However, what I'm envisaging is something rather more down-to-earth than what MDRG is aimed at; no mutants or rayguns, only regular humans (and perhaps a couple attack dogs, since I happen to have the models) with modern or very-near-future weapons. So maybe I'd be better off with Flying Lead, another SOBAH-derivative for gun-centric combat that's, I gather, rather more down-to-earth in approach?


(There are, of course, any number of options for post-apocalyptic skirmish rules outside the Song of … family, but I'd be grateful if we could keep this thread to options within the family.)

Grattan54 Supporting Member of TMP21 Mar 2024 8:45 a.m. PST

For what you want to do I would say Flying Lead would work fine. The rules are easy to modify if you want to add a bit of syfi to them.

The Last Conformist22 Mar 2024 12:01 a.m. PST

Thanks for the reply. I expect Flying Lead would work fine – but would it work better than MDRG? It's after all presumably also easy to simply leave out the sillier elements.

Maybe I'll simply buy both, it's not like the pdf's are hugely expensive. But if anyone has further opinions I'd be happy to hear them first :)

Toaster22 Mar 2024 4:49 p.m. PST

I have both, though it's been a few years since I played them. Flying Lead is definitely what you want for what your planning, it's much better suited to modern gun combat. MDRG is very focused on it's pulp 60's sci fi style and by the time you cut that out you don't have much left.
However MRDG does have a bare bones campaign system which could be worth porting over to Flying Lead if you want some narrative continuity.


The Last Conformist23 Mar 2024 12:12 a.m. PST

Thanks. Based also on feedback elsewhere, I think I'll get FL for a start and try that.

The Last Conformist15 Apr 2024 10:04 p.m. PST

Ended up buying FL and it hit the table yesterday. We were quite happy with how the rules worked, though we do wish the rulebook had had a few example scenarios – simply lining your guys up and shooting it out is, like in most skirmish games, limitedly interesting. Maybe I'll get one of the expansions, or convert something from another system for next time.

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